Here are the simplest habits that can unexpectedly harm you, according to the news site Bright Side.
"Back-up" peeing
Before leaving home, many people think they should go to the toilet first, even though they don't really feel the need. This is necessary if you have to drive for a long time.
However, if you do this all the time unnecessarily, you will start to feel the urge to urinate more often, even when your bladder is not full.
There are mistakes when going to the toilet that can affect your health.
Straining when urinating
Sometimes you want to pee faster or want to empty your bladder, so you have to push. However, this is not a good action, because over time, it will weaken the pelvic floor muscles.
Squatting on the toilet
Physical therapist Stephanie Bobinger of the Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University (USA), says: Don't squat on the toilet, even in public restrooms, according to health news site The List .
Although it may seem hygienic, squatting is actually very bad for your body. This sitting position puts strain on your pelvic floor muscles. This makes it impossible to empty your bladder normally.
Over time, pelvic floor muscle tension can lead to dysfunction of the muscles, according to the Cleveland Clinic. When that happens, you may experience constipation, frequent trips to the bathroom, urinary incontinence, and pain.
Drinking less water will make bladder problems worse.
Drink less water to pee less
Drinking less water will make bladder problems worse. The real reason you are urinating so much could be due to drinking coffee, anxiety, and other health problems.
Peeing in the shower
Peeing in the shower may be a habit for many people. However, it can cause the brain to associate the sound of running water with the feeling of needing to pee. And every time you hear the sound of running water, this connection will make you want to pee, according to Bright Side .
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