GĐXH - Smart children with high IQs often possess some obvious characteristics. Parents should pay attention to detect them in time and further nurture them for their children.
Genetic IQ cannot determine a child's future achievements. It only accounts for 40% of the total IQ, the remaining 60% is the result of daily cultivation.
Therefore, if parents want to improve their children's IQ, they need to put in effort in raising them.
A long-term study by American experts on preschool age has discovered that 0-5 years old is the golden age for children's brain development.
During this period, using the right method to improve children's intelligence will bring double the results. Therefore, it can be said that the first 5 years of life are the "golden" period in a child's development.
At this age, intelligent children with high IQs will often possess some obvious characteristics.
Children's IQ is often closely related to genetic factors and the upbringing and education of parents and teachers. Illustration photo
According to a study of more than 1,000 children in one year by experts at Harvard University, children with high IQs often have the following 4 living habits in common.
1. Like to ask questions
Some children have a million whys in their heads all the time. They wonder about everything every day and constantly ask their parents.
Scientific studies show that the average child learns 81 words a day before the age of 2.
From the age of 2 onwards, children's language and observation skills develop strongly. Asking a lot of questions is a good sign for brain development, helping to form positive thinking and creative habits.
Not only are they "obsessed" with why questions, when they receive answers, many children will not feel satisfied and will find their own way to get the answers.
This shows that their brains are always active, often observing and paying attention to many things around them.
The period from 3 to 6 years old is also the peak period of brain development for children. Children with high IQ will show unusual curiosity and exploration.
2. Love reading books
According to experts, smart children often have the habit of reading books from a very early age. When reading books, the child's brain will create a cycle of unlimited knowledge absorption.
Books help children improve their knowledge, vocabulary, thinking and expression skills as well as rich imagination.
A study by the Reading and Reading Comprehension Discovery Center of Cincinnati Children's Hospital (Ohio, USA) also showed clear differences in brain images of children who like to watch TV and use phones compared to children who like to read books.
Specifically, brain images of children reading books show an increase in organized white matter responsible for language and reading comprehension.
Meanwhile, images of young brains watching phone and TV screens show widespread underdevelopment and disorganization of white matter in the same area that supports learning.
White matter is important for transmitting information between different parts of the brain, promoting function and learning.
Without a well-developed information transmission system, the brain's processing speed will be slow and learning will be difficult.
This confirms that reading books in the early years of a child's life is very important.
Children with high concentration abilities may encounter "no response" situations. Illustration photo
3. Children do not respond when concentrating on something
Some parents will notice that when their child is doing something, they call out to them several times but they ignore them.
For example, when the child is playing with blocks, the mother calls the child's name many times in a row, after the voice gets louder, the child responds perfunctorily, which looks like a sign of "amnesia", but in fact, this is a manifestation of the child's concentration on what they are doing.
Children are born with a certain ability to concentrate, but each child's level of concentration is different. Some children have weak concentration, some have strong concentration, and children with high concentration can encounter situations where they "don't react".
4. Have good sleeping habits
Many studies have shown that children who sleep well and have good sleeping habits will have more energy and their minds will be more developed than other children.
The reason is because sleep time is not only for rest but also promotes physical and brain development of young children.
Children who sleep well can promote the body's development in all aspects. Growth hormone secreted by children during deep sleep accounts for about 70%.
The American Academy of Pediatrics once conducted a related survey and the results showed that when children are in deep sleep, not only is the brain's growth rate twice as high as when they are awake, but the growth hormone in their body is also three times higher than the normal rate.
If children do not sleep well or even stay up late, the amount of growth hormone secreted in the body will not be enough, affecting the child's brain and height.
A British study also confirmed that children sleeping late for long periods of time will affect their intellectual development, reducing their ability to react, read and do arithmetic.
It can be said that sleep has a direct impact on children's spirit and brain development.
Therefore, parents should build healthy sleeping habits throughout childhood so that children can develop healthier and smarter.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/dai-hoc-harvard-4-thoi-quen-sinh-hoat-thuong-co-o-nhung-dua-tre-iq-cao-172241126143539492.htm
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