GĐXH - These 15 phrases will help distinguish people with high EQ from the majority...
EQ is defined as the ability to manage your own emotions and those of those around you. EQ isn’t as easy to quantify as other skills because of the traits that make it up, including empathy and self-awareness. You can assess and improve your EQ by paying more attention to conversations at work, says Juliette Han, a Harvard-trained neuroscientist.
“Anything you say that shows empathy, curiosity, patience, or self-awareness is a sign of high EQ,” the expert emphasizes.
In the book Optimal, Professor Daniel Goleman (Harvard) shares that having high emotional intelligence (EQ) means you are more likely to be a high performer at work, easily focus on what you do, feel satisfied with your work and have a good mood when working. EQ is expressed through 4 aspects: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.
Below are phrases that people with high EQ often use at work.
1. I need some more time
One characteristic of EQ is the ability to self-regulate or consider how to respond to strong emotions instead of acting impulsively.
This phrase demonstrates self-awareness and an effort to regulate emotions in a healthy way before the conversation becomes unproductive or tense.
More importantly, this phrase allows you to review the conversation after thinking, so you can come back with a calmer, more thoughtful response.
“Having a high EQ doesn’t mean suppressing or faking it,” Han says. “It’s about understanding and communicating your thoughts and feelings effectively. It’s a skill that can make your job easier.”
2. I can handle it
This sentence shows the ability to control oneself.
No matter how stressful or sad your life may be, excellence in self-management and especially emotional self-control helps you prevent emotions like anger or anxiety from getting in the way of doing the work you need to do.
And if you get upset, you'll recover quickly.
3. Can you tell me more about that?
People who lack self-awareness are only concerned with their own thoughts and opinions.
But emotionally intelligent people value other people's feelings and what they say.
This is communicating in a way that encourages people to talk about their feelings and experiences, and uses their feedback as a learning opportunity.
4. I am excited about this change.
EQ in this case is about adaptability. You can adjust and adapt to changes instead of being rigid.
You are eager to learn new ways to act, survive, and thrive.
5. I understand what you are saying, but…
This phrase highlights another important aspect of emotional intelligence: the ability to respond when dealing with difficult situations.
If you disagree with someone, express it tactfully, it is not wise to confront them directly.
The ultimate goal of communication is to find a solution to the problem at hand.
6. How do you feel about that?
To make people feel acknowledged and respected, pay attention and take the time to understand and empathize with them.
As you listen, try to put yourself in their shoes in a positive and meaningful way.
7. I have these thoughts because...
This sentence demonstrates self-awareness, meaning you understand what affects your mood and how it makes you think, feel, and want to act.
For example, you can recognize when you feel angry, anxious, or sad.
Self-awareness is a prerequisite for emotional control and better self-management.
8. I'm not sure what's going on, can you explain it to me?
With this phrase, you know that someone is having a problem and instead of reacting negatively, you ask them to share their thoughts.
Similar alternatives: "Can you clarify that for me?" or "What I'm hearing from you is.... Is that correct?".
9. What if you tried this?
This sentence shows your ability to manage relationships and influence others. You know how to convince someone to see things your way.
You don't give orders but suggest to them how to do it better.
10. We both have our good points and bad points, let's see how we can work together effectively.
This phrase can help you resolve diplomatic trouble spots by acknowledging the different, distinct perspectives of each individual.
Once you've encouraged people to share their concerns, you can more easily address the underlying issue.
Studies show that the ability to resolve conflicts is a characteristic of high emotional intelligence.
11. We support each other
This statement represents teamwork EQ. Feeling part of a group and psychologically safe within the group means we can put forth our best effort and take risks to innovate without fear of being ostracized or put down.
No matter what your role in the team is, you know how to participate and collaborate, sharing both responsibility and credit.
12. This makes me worried/confused/upset
When a problem arises, emotionally intelligent people don't focus on the person who created the problem, but rather on the overall situation.
This way, you're not blaming someone or putting them on the defensive. Instead, you're explaining how you feel about what happened, which helps avoid tension within the group.
13. I appreciate your efforts.
People with high EQ have a strong social awareness and always make an effort to understand the emotions of those around them.
Recognizing your coworkers' hard work and dedication, especially when you don't directly participate in or benefit from their efforts, shows that you truly value their contributions and want to foster a positive work environment.
14. That means a lot because...
This sentence shows EQ managing relationships. Great leaders get the best out of others by speaking sincerely about common goals and creating empathy.
15. I'm sorry
Humility is extremely common among people with high emotional intelligence. Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry." When you make a mistake, admit it and sincerely apologize to those who deserve it.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/dai-hoc-harvard-so-di-nguoi-eq-cao-thanh-cong-la-vi-ho-thuong-xuyen-su-dung-15-cau-nay-trong-giao-tiep-172241218105711272.htm
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