In the 2025 ranking, QS ranked 984 universities in Asia (including 142 universities ranked for the first time). The ranking results are based on an analysis of responses from more than 1.9 million votes from scholars and 660,000 votes from employers worldwide. In addition, QS analyzed more than 175.9 million citations (in the period 2018-2023) from 17.4 million scientific publications (in the period 2018-2022).
17 Vietnamese higher education institutions are listed in the QS AUR 2025 ranking, with 2 newly ranked higher education institutions: Ho Chi Minh City Open University and Vinh University.
The remaining 15 higher education institutions are: Hanoi National University, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi National University of Education, University of Transport, Ho Chi Minh City National University, Duy Tan University, Ton Duc Thang University, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics, Hue University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technical Education, Da Nang University, Can Tho University, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry.
Regarding ranking criteria and weights, QS AUR 2025 maintains the same ranking method when evaluating higher education institutions according to 11 indicators:
According to the QS AUR 2025 results, Hanoi National University has made steady progress in its ranking position by maintaining its position in the three highest-rated criteria of the previous ranking, in which the International Research Network criterion continues to be ranked 89th in Asia with 87.2 points; the Employer Reputation criterion is ranked 137th in Asia with 57.3 points and the Academic Reputation criterion increased by 11 places - ranked 136th in Asia with 49.9 points.
Among the 11 ranking criteria, VNU has 1 criterion in the top 100, 3 criteria in the top 200 and 4 criteria in the top 400 in Asia. The results of Academic Reputation and Recruitment Reputation of VNU have always been maintained stably over the years, reflecting the quality of the school's activities, building a brand for domestic and international scholars and employers.
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