Migrants wait to be rescued in the Central Mediterranean. (Source: Reuters) |
The Central Mediterranean migrant route is a route from the African countries of Algeria, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia to Italy and Malta in Europe. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), nearly 2,500 people have died or gone missing while attempting to cross this route in 2023.
Here are 10 basics about the world's most dangerous migration route:
Evidence of migrants' desperation
That people are willing to risk crossing the Mediterranean is a testament to the desperation of migrants.
Migrants embark on this journey knowing that they may not survive and risk being sent back. Yet, with the situation in their homelands irreversible, with conflict and famine on the rise, migrants continue to embark on this perilous journey.
There is no way to seek safe protection
Many migrants have died on Europe's doorstep because there is virtually no safe way for them to seek protection on the Central Mediterranean route.
Although asylum is a human right, in line with the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (EU), under the heavy pressure of the migration wave, many European countries at the forefront of the migration crisis have yet to fully guarantee the rights of refugees.
On April 10, the European Parliament (EP) passed 10 laws to reform the EU's migration and asylum policy. These new laws are expected to contribute to protecting the basic rights of migrants.
Fleeing war, conflict, climate change and poverty
In addition to war and conflict, natural disasters and climate change are increasingly becoming drivers of human migration as some areas become uninhabitable and traditional livelihoods become unsustainable. This is also one of the reasons why many people in North Africa seek to migrate.
Top 10 countries of origin for migrants
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 157,651 people arrived in Italy by sea in 2023. The top 10 most common nationalities of migrants, in descending order, were: Guinea (12%), Tunisia (11%), Côte d'Ivoire (10%), Bangladesh (8%), Egypt (7%), Syria (6%), Burkina Faso (5%), Pakistan (5%), Mali (4%), Sudan (4%), and other nationalities (27%).
The economic situation is deteriorating in North Africa.
The number of people using the Central Mediterranean route is increasing partly due to the rapidly deteriorating economic situation in North Africa, especially Tunisia and Egypt.
Not only do these countries host significant numbers of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, but the deteriorating economic situation means that more and more young people see no prospect of building a stable future for themselves at home.
Tunisia Hotspot
Recent figures show that Tunisia has overtaken Libya as the main departure point for migrants heading to Europe.
Of the more than 150,000 people who crossed the Central Mediterranean in precarious boats in 2023, more than 62% set off from Tunisia's coast, according to Frontex, the EU's border protection agency.
Last summer alone, when migration records were broken, 87% of those crossing the Central Mediterranean departed from Tunisia; the rest came from Libya, which had previously been a major route.
The sea between Tunisia and the Italian island of Lampedusa is now known as the “Tunisian Corridor”.
Discrimination and lack of protection
The legal frameworks in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia are riddled with gaps, which contribute to challenges for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in accessing essential services. Their rights are not protected and many struggle to build new futures.
In addition, these people face increased discrimination and community tensions. In particular, refugees, asylum seekers and migrants are often seen as competing with vulnerable groups in their communities for services and employment in their destination countries.
Forcing migrants onto longer and more dangerous routes
Restricting regular and safe migration routes and strengthening border controls cannot stop migration, as many people are willing to die in search of a new future rather than be stuck where they are.
As a result, migrants easily fall into the hands of traffickers and human traffickers, who exploit migrants' desperation in their quest for international protection and to build new lives for themselves and their children.
These make the migration journey even more dangerous as migrants choose longer routes to take.
"Fortress" Europe
The EU and its member states have tended to focus on supporting the efforts of the Tunisian and Libyan coast guards to stem the flow of migrants and refugees trying to reach European shores, rather than supporting migrant protection initiatives, including search and rescue missions to avoid the dangers of sea crossings.
Tunisia intercepted more than 75,000 migrants in 2023 as they tried to reach Europe via the central Mediterranean route to Italy, more than double the number in 2022, according to the Tunisian National Guard.
The EU Migration and Asylum Pact, proposed in September 2020 and adopted by the EP in December 2023, aims to “manage and normalise migration over the long term, providing certainty, clarity and good conditions for those arriving in the EU”.
Migration Monitoring Center
More protection measures need to be put in place to avoid further loss of life and create safe opportunities for those forced to migrate.
One of the agencies that migrants can turn to for assistance is the Migration Monitoring Centre of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).
The Migration Monitoring Centre works with a wide network of local partners across North Africa to help migrants access basic services and rights. Its mission is to build a network of communities and partners to protect the rights and dignity of people on the move and those hosting them.
The centre has built a network of around 40 partners, including many migrant and refugee-led initiatives. Projects are co-designed and co-implemented to enhance legal protection, create opportunities for self-reliance and capacity-sharing. In addition, the centre and its partners provide emergency assistance to vulnerable people during migration.
Source: https://baoquocte.vn/10-dieu-can-biet-ve-con-duong-di-cu-nguy-hiem-nhat-the-gioi-274811.html
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