ANTD.VN - The Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) believes that adjusting the average electricity price every 3 months is more reasonable than every 2 months.
Considering the time frame for adjusting the average electricity price |
In the draft Decision of the Prime Minister regulating the structure of retail electricity prices, the Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed the option "The minimum time to adjust the average electricity price is 02 months from the most recent electricity price adjustment."
However, VCCI believes that Article 6.1, which regulates the mechanism for adjusting the average electricity price in the year, is based on quarterly data, meaning that data is compiled every 3 months. This quarterly data compilation is also consistent with accounting practices.
Therefore, VCCI recommends that the drafting agency reconsider the time to adjust the average electricity price to at least 03 months to match the time of data synthesis.
Regarding the public announcement of annual electricity production and business costs, according to Article 7.1 of the draft, EVN annually prepares a Report on electricity production and business costs (with audit), then publicly posts it on EVN's website and sends it to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
This provision is different from Decision 05/2024/QD-TTg in which EVN sends it to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for public posting. However, Article 7.1 of the draft does not clearly define the time for public announcement.
Therefore, VCCI requests the drafting agency to supplement the time for this public posting.
In addition, the contents that must be publicly disclosed are listed in Article 7.2, similar to the contents already in Article 7.1.c of Decision 05/2024/QD-TTg. However, over time, it has been shown that this information is relatively difficult to monitor because it is not presented in a unified accounting format.
Therefore, VCCI also proposed that the drafting agency adjust Article 7.2 in the direction that the publicly posted content is the Electricity Production and Business Cost Report and the Independent Audit Report.
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