According to physician Bui Dac Sang, Hanoi Oriental Medicine Association, drinking perilla leaf water instead of filtered water every day is an effective weight loss method, because this type of leaf contains vegetable protein, fiber and many essential vitamins and minerals that can stimulate the stomach, increase metabolism.
In particular, the amount of fiber in this leaf also builds muscle to help the body become firm and slim, similar to exercising and playing sports.
You can boil it by soaking perilla leaves in diluted salt water and then washing them. Boil 2.5 liters of filtered water and add perilla leaves. Cover tightly, let the mixture boil for about 2 minutes, then turn off the stove and let it cool. Then, put 3 slices of fresh lemon in the jar, cover, and store in the refrigerator to drink throughout the day.
You should drink it about 10-30 minutes before three main meals to prevent fat absorption and reduce food intake.
Drinking perilla leaf water instead of filtered water every day is an extremely effective weight loss method. (Illustration photo)
Perilla is a perennial herb with white roots and a spicy taste. It grows wild or is cultivated in many places throughout the country and Asia. It likes light and moisture and is suitable for loam and alluvial soil.
Perilla flowers and bears many fruits. After the fruits ripen, the plant withers and the seeds spread around, germinating only in the following year's rainy season. The plant is grown from seeds.
This is a very popular herb, not only used as a side dish with many delicious dishes but also has medicinal properties. In traditional medicine, perilla is a medicinal herb classified as a diaphoretic, and decoctions and alcohol extracts of perilla leaves have the effect of dilating blood vessels in the skin, reducing fever, and treating colds. The seeds are made into tea and gas-reducing medicine, and the branches are used as a medicine to stabilize pregnancy.
Perilla also helps reduce bronchial smooth muscle spasms, essential oils increase blood sugar. Perilla aldehyde inhibits central nervous system inhibition. Perilla leaf water inhibits bacteria such as staphylococcus, dysentery bacilli, and colitis bacilli.
In terms of chemical composition, perilla seeds contain a large amount of essential oils and are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, mainly alpha-linoleic acid. Perilla leaves contain about 0.2% pure essential oils and hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, and furans. Perilla leaf extract has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-depressant properties.
When the wound is bleeding, you can take young perilla leaves, crush them, cover the bleeding area, sprinkle them tightly and tie it up. The wound will stop bleeding, not cause pus and will not leave a scar when healed.
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