Speaking with Giao Thong Newspaper, Mr. Pham Van Loan, Captain of the Phap Van - Cau Gie Expressway Maintenance Team, said that at present, 4-7 seat cars and low-chassis cars can circulate again on the route.
All types of cars can travel on the Phap Van - Cau Gie expressway from this morning (Photo: Ta Hai).
"By this morning (September 14), the flood water level at Km 191+400 had receded, the deepest flooded area was only about 0.5m compared to 0.7m yesterday. Based on the actual situation, the operation management unit coordinated with the authorities to regulate traffic flow and allow low-chassis vehicles to move in lane 1 at a slow speed to ensure safety," said Mr. Loan.
According to Mr. Loan, currently, the regional pumping station is operating at full capacity. Instead of only 2 pumps operating in the previous days, all 6 pumps are now operating to increase the drainage capacity of the highway.
"If there are no unusual developments, it is expected that by the end of this afternoon, the flooded area on the Phap Van - Cau Gie highway will be basically handled, and all types of cars can circulate as usual," Mr. Pham Van Loan informed.
Previously, from early morning on September 10, the water level in the downstream area rose, causing flooding at Km 191+400 on the Phap Van - Cau Gie Expressway. At peak time, the water level measured at the deepest point was about 0.8m, and the lowest point was about 0.15m.
Video of a line of low-chassis cars moving one after another on the Phap Van - Cau Gie highway this morning (September 14):
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/tu-sang-nay-14-9-o-to-4-cho-co-the-luu-thong-tren-cao-toc-phap-van-cau-gie-192240914093147974.htm
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