An old farmer in Hangzhou, China accidentally discovered an ancient tomb in the mountains. While wandering in the mountains looking for materials to repair the toilet, he saw a very large hole. He curiously looked down and realized that the hole was quite deep but there was no water. The old farmer thought to himself: " It doesn't seem like an ordinary well."
Suddenly, he saw a sparkling light at the bottom of the hole, so he tried to climb down. After digging for a while, he only found a few blue bricks. At first glance, the bricks looked very high-quality. They were especially hard and beautiful. This type of brick was usually only used to build tombs for the deceased.
The old farmer remembered the village's oral stories that mentioned this place as the burial site of Emperor Gaozong of Song. He guessed that the possibility of "hitting" the emperor's ancient tomb was very high. However, he didn't think much of it, just saw that these bricks were still good, so he brought them home to build a toilet. After that, for several days, the old farmer used a car to transport all the bricks to build the ancient tomb. Not only did he get the bricks, while digging, he also found many antiques such as ceramic vases and ceramic bowls.
An old farmer accidentally found an ancient tomb from the Song Dynasty in the mountains. (Photo: Kknews)
The incident had been forgotten for several years, but then the unexpected happened. A group of experts from the city's Cultural Relics Bureau found this ancient tomb. After careful inspection, they determined that the tomb was built during the Song Dynasty. Through the inscriptions left behind, it was the tomb of an official during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of Song. This emperor once chose this place as his capital.
Inside the ancient tomb, archaeologists found many other artifacts. Realizing that the tomb had been dug up, experts went around the village to ask for information.
The old farmer went to them and told them his story. Unexpectedly, he was later arrested by the police. The reason for the investigation was that he stole items from an ancient tomb without reporting to the authorities. This is an illegal act in China.
Similar cases to the old farmer’s have happened many times before. After finding artifacts in ancient tombs, they sold them for money, not knowing that what they sold were valuable cultural relics with great research value for the archeological industry. Therefore, after being discovered, they were fined, sometimes even imprisoned.
One of the valuable antiques that the old farmer took from the ancient tomb. (Photo: Kknews)
In ancient Chinese culture, holding funerals for the deceased was very important. They believed that after death, people would go to the other world and continue living. Therefore, when burying the deceased, the family often placed many burial objects in the tomb.
Usually, they are the daily necessities of the deceased. Sometimes, wealthy families often place expensive burial objects inside such as jade, ceramics, silk, etc. After hundreds or thousands of years, these items become antiques of great value.
Later, many people, out of greed, stole things from ancient tombs to make money. Many antiques were sold for hundreds of thousands of billions of dong. Therefore, many people ignored the regulations on appropriating cultural relics and stole things from ancient tombs. However, after being caught, they were all punished by the law.
Quoc Thai (Source: Kknews)
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