Tet is a special occasion because it is a time for family reunion after a year of hard work and study. In addition, during Tet, families often prepare a lot of sweets, cakes, jams, fast food, banh tet, banh chung or fried foods... These are all attractive dishes with high calories and are favorites of obese children.
Let's review with a pediatrician a diet and tips to help obese children not gain too much weight during Tet holiday while the whole family and children can still be happy and not too stressed about their children's eating.
Choose suitable dishes for children during Tet to avoid obesity, prioritize steamed and boiled dishes...
Principles of menu development for obese children
Don't be too strict about choosing foods for obese children. Instead, tighten the total amount of calories your child takes in through foods and build a menu according to the following principles:
Firstly, provide the body with all the nutrients including protein, sugar and fat. However, fat usually provides a lot of energy so parents should limit it as much as possible and choose vegetable oils instead of animal fats for their children.
Vegetables, meat and fish are the preferred choices.
Second, choose foods that are low in calories but can make you feel full for a long time such as nuts, fruits, green vegetables, jams, you should choose jams with less sugar or parents can buy jams made from diet sugar for obese children.
Third, eat only the amount of calories your body needs and use calorie calculators to balance your child's meals.
Just apply the three principles above, then even if your child eats a piece of banh chung or nem ran during the day, it won't make parents too stressed that they will gain weight uncontrollably after Tet.
Snacks suitable for obese children during Tet
Based on the three principles of menu building for obese children above, parents can easily choose suitable snacks for obese children during Tet:
- Nuts and grains: melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, chestnuts…
- Fresh fruit, fresh fruit juice or vegetable juice
- Steamed and boiled dishes or low-fat soups such as meatball soup, chicken soup...
- Spring rolls are dishes that have lots of vegetables and are filling, and parents can easily make them for their children. Instead of choosing rolls with fatty meat, parents can replace them with lean meat, eggs, fish, seafood, etc.
- In addition, homemade ham can also become an interesting snack for obese children during Tet because it has less energy and less spices than those sold outside.
5 tips to help obese children happily get through Tet without gaining weight
Take advantage of healthy and readily available snacks such as watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. so that children do not get bored, but also do not gain weight because of other sugary foods. Choose roasted nuts, without sugar or coconut water.
Prepare a bottle of unsweetened fruit juice in the house such as orange, lemon, grapefruit, apple or vegetable juice if your child cooperates. If you choose the right fruit such as grapefruit or cucumber, it will also help obese children feel full and also help them lose weight.
Let the child choose what to eat and the parent decides how much food the child will eat. Still follow the principle of only eating enough calories that the body needs as mentioned above.
Limit fast food intake for children
You should eat at home and limit going out during mealtimes because during Tet, restaurants usually only sell fast and greasy foods such as fried chicken, fried spring rolls, hamburgers, etc. Eating at home or at relatives' houses still gives children more healthy and low-calorie dishes to choose from.
Bring food for children when going out at mealtimes and bring healthy snacks for obese children when going out, to avoid having no choice but to feed children without control. Careful preparation also helps both parents and children to be happier and more comfortable because of their initiative in all situations.
Important notes for obese children during Tet
In addition to diet and creating a suitable menu for obese children during Tet, parents need to ensure that their children eat on time, do not eat too much at one meal, but also do not let children play and skip meals. The compensation meal after that will make children eat more, lose control and the body will also store more in the compensation meal after a hunger attack.
Maintaining physical activity for obese children during Tet is an important factor that many parents ignore. During Tet, trips, spring trips or visits make children and parents ignore exercise, movement and sports. This makes children's bodies sluggish, metabolism poor; especially it is very difficult to rebuild exercise and physical activity habits after a Tet holiday that lasts for ten days, half a month.
Tet is a time for family reunion and gathering, don't let the fear of gaining weight make both obese children and parents stressed. Relax, apply the above menu building principles and go through the traditional Tet holiday happily with your children while still ensuring weight and health.
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