Comrades: Phan Dinh Trac, Politburo member, Head of the Central Internal Affairs Commission; Ho Duc Phoc, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Prime Minister; Thai Thanh Quy, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of the Central Economic Commission, sent fresh flower baskets to congratulate the ceremony.
Delegates perform the flag salute ceremony. |
Attending the ceremony were comrades: General Nguyen Tan Cuong, member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Central Military Commission, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, Deputy Minister of National Defense; Nguyen Dac Vinh, member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee for Culture and Education; Lieutenant General Ha Tho Binh, Commander of Military Region 4.
Delegates attending the ceremony. |
On the side of Nghe An province, there were comrades: Nguyen Duc Trung - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Nam Dinh - Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Le Hong Vinh - Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.
Delegates attending the ceremony. |
Also attending were Comrade No Bi - Ha Tong Pao, Standing Deputy Secretary of Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR; Leaders of Ho Chi Minh City Command; Comrades Heads of Military Region 4 Command, former Heads of Military Region 4 Command; Heroic Vietnamese Mothers; Representatives of leaders and commanders of the Military Commands of the provinces: Thanh Hoa, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue; Command of Naval Region 1, Command of Coast Guard Region 1; Divisions and Brigades.
Delegates attending the ceremony. |
The program is broadcast live on NTV channel and digital infrastructure of Nghe An Radio and Television Station: Youtube Nghe An TV, Fanpage Nghe An Television.
Colonel Dinh Bat Van - Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of the Provincial Military Command gave an introductory speech at the ceremony. |
Worthy of the title of Uncle Ho's soldiers in the heroic Soviet homeland
After 80 years of building, fighting and growing, our Army is truly the heroic Army of a heroic nation; a political force, a vanguard fighting force on all fronts, absolutely loyal and trustworthy to the Party, State and People; Our Army has fulfilled its functions as a fighting army, a working army, a production labor army and carried out its noble international duties. Generations of officers and soldiers of the Army, regardless of any historical period, have always been united, unanimous, overcome countless difficulties and challenges, achieved glorious achievements and feats, contributing to the successful implementation of the cause of building and defending the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam, worthy of President Ho Chi Minh's praise for the Vietnam People's Army: "Our Army is loyal to the Party, filial to the people, ready to fight and sacrifice for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland, for socialism. Every mission is completed, every difficulty is overcome, every enemy is defeated.
Welcome performance at the ceremony. |
The history of the nation has solemnly recorded a Nghe An that “stood up first” to create the heroic Nghe Tinh Soviet, becoming the first general rehearsal, leading the August Revolution of 1945 to success, opening a new, brilliant page in the nation’s history. An Nghe An that was a great rear base, providing human and material resources with the spirit of “not a pound of rice missing, not a soldier missing” for the Dien Bien Phu victory that resounded throughout the five continents, a “battlefield that did not spare young lives”, “a car that did not pass by a house did not spare” for the great victory of the Spring of national reunification in 1975, a steadfast loyalty when fighting side by side with neighboring friends selflessly for the noble international duty. An Nghe An that was the indomitable frontline of the “coordinates of fire” against the American imperialists who destroyed the North. An Nghe An that together with the people of the whole country created great victories for the nation in the Ho Chi Minh era, becoming a beautiful symbol of Vietnamese revolutionary heroism.
The whole province has more than 590,000 people participating in the army, over 45,000 youth volunteers; over 167,000 people participating in the frontline labor force, militia and guerrillas; more than 45,000 people recognized as martyrs; over 56,000 wounded and sick soldiers; 20,000 people participating in the resistance war; 930 revolutionary cadres were imprisoned by the enemy; 2,800 mothers were awarded and posthumously awarded the State honorary title "Heroic Vietnamese Mother"; more than 500,000 families and individuals were awarded resistance medals and orders; 75 comrades were honored to be awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces.
Welcome performance at the ceremony. |
Promoting the glorious and precious traditions of the heroic Soviet homeland, in recent years, all levels, sectors, armed forces and people of all ethnic groups in the province have united, joined hands, strived and achieved important achievements in all fields, creating many outstanding marks and highlights. In 2024, the growth rate of gross regional domestic product (GRDP) is estimated at 9.01%, ranking 13th in the country; State budget revenue is estimated at nearly 24,000 billion VND, the third year exceeding the 20,000 billion VND mark. Investment attraction has achieved very positive results, especially attracting foreign investment capital, for 3 consecutive years in the top 10 provinces and cities with the highest total newly registered and adjusted capital reaching nearly 1.7 billion USD. The fields of Health, Education - Training, Finance - Banking... have gradually shaped themselves as the center of the North Central region. People's lives in all regions, especially in mountainous areas, have gradually improved significantly. Social security has been taken care of, people's health care and poverty reduction have been focused on; traditional cultural and historical values have been preserved and promoted. National defense and security have been strengthened, and the work of building the Party and the political system has achieved many important results.
In particular, the provincial armed forces have proactively overcome difficulties, made efforts to fight, raised the spirit of revolutionary vigilance, prevented, and effectively fought against all plots and activities of "Peaceful evolution" and "Violent overthrow" by hostile forces, and sabotage activities by bad elements; proactively and actively advised Party committees and authorities at all levels to build a national defense foundation associated with the people's security posture and build increasingly solid defense zones, contributing to maintaining local stability and creating a favorable environment for local socio-economic development.
Overview of the ceremony. |
Over the past 80 years, the provincial armed forces have been honored to receive many noble awards from the Party and the State; in particular, on October 10, 2024 (for the second time), the Nghe An provincial armed forces were honored to be awarded the title "Heroic Unit of the People's Armed Forces" by the Party and the State for their outstanding achievements in combat and combat service, contributing to the cause of building socialism and defending the Fatherland.
Comrade Nguyen Duc Trung - Provincial Party Secretary, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee spoke at the ceremony. |
Speaking at the ceremony, Comrade Nguyen Duc Trung - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee emphasized: In the coming time, the political and economic situation in the world, the region and the country is forecast to continue to change rapidly, with complex and unpredictable developments, along with that, hostile forces, reactionaries, and bad elements continue to increase their sabotage activities. The country is entering a new historical period, a new era - the era of national development, deep international integration, bringing many opportunities for development, while also posing many risks and challenges to the work of ensuring national defense and security.
To ensure economic development associated with firmly ensuring national defense, security and sovereignty over borders, islands, maintaining political security, social order and safety in the spirit of Resolution No. 39 dated July 18, 2023 of the Politburo on building and developing Nghe An province to 2030, with a vision to 2045, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Duc Trung requested the provincial armed forces to continue to thoroughly grasp and flexibly and creatively apply the Resolution of the 8th Central Committee (13th tenure) on the Strategy for protecting the Fatherland in the new situation into practice to build the armed forces of Nghe An province increasingly strong and comprehensive, with a high spirit of revolutionary vigilance, steadfast political will, ready to fight, not to be passive or surprised in any situation; always be the core force in building the all-people national defense; maintain political security, social order and safety in the area;
Delegates attending the ceremony. |
Continue to effectively implement the Provincial Party Committee's Action Program to implement Resolution No. 28 of the Politburo on continuing to build provinces and centrally-run cities into strong defense zones in the new situation, linking economic, cultural and social development with strengthening national defense and security, building a national defense posture associated with a people's security posture, a posture of people's hearts, promoting the responsibility of all levels, sectors, cadres, party members and people of all walks of life in performing the task of building and defending the Fatherland;
Continuously improve the quality and comprehensive combat strength of the armed forces; build a "Elite, compact, strong" standing force, a militia and self-defense force, and a reserve mobilization force in the direction of "Strong, widespread, and solid"; Innovate and improve the quality of training and exercises close to the actual situation; Strengthen political and ideological education, building and training for officers and soldiers, ready to receive and excellently complete assigned tasks.
Delegates attending the ceremony. |
Continue to improve the leadership capacity, fighting strength of the Party organization and the quality of the contingent of cadres and Party members in the provincial armed forces; meet the requirements of the tasks, do a good job of training and developing Party members in the entire force; innovate and improve the quality of activities of Party committees and organizations; The provincial armed forces must be an exemplary force, taking the lead in implementing the Resolution of the 4th Central Committee (12th tenure) on strengthening Party building and rectification; prevent and repel the degradation of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, manifestations of "Self-evolution" and "Self-transformation" within the Party in conjunction with implementing Directive No. 05-CT/TW, dated May 15, 2016 of the 12th Politburo "On promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle";
Regularly pay attention to, consolidate and build forces to ensure policies for officers and soldiers; take care of the material and spiritual life of war invalids, martyrs' families, and families with revolutionary contributions; Ensure logistics, technical and financial work to meet the requirements of military and defense tasks in the new situation.
General Nguyen Tan Cuong, member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Central Military Commission, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, Deputy Minister of National Defense, presented the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces to the Military Command of Nghe An province. |
On behalf of the President, General Nguyen Tan Cuong, member of the Party Central Committee, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, Deputy Minister of National Defense, awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces to the Nghe An Provincial Military Command.
Building a strong defense zone, linking national defense and security with local socio-economic development
General Nguyen Tan Cuong, member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Central Military Commission, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, Deputy Minister of National Defense delivered a speech at the ceremony. |
General Nguyen Tan Cuong - Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, Deputy Minister of National Defense affirmed: Nghe An is a land of long-standing history and culture, a land of outstanding people with a tradition of patriotism, heroic revolution, steadfastness, indomitability and studiousness, a place that has produced many heroes, famous generals, and historical figures for the country; especially Nghe An is the homeland of President Ho Chi Minh - the great leader of the Vietnamese people, the national liberation hero, the world cultural celebrity, the beloved father of the people's armed forces, the armed forces of Nghe An province are honored and proud to be descendants of the red self-defense soldiers, in the Nghe Tinh Soviet movement.
Retired and retired senior military officers in Nghe An province attended the ceremony. |
The Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army and Deputy Minister of National Defense also requested that the armed forces of Nghe An province continue to thoroughly grasp and seriously implement the resolutions, strategic conclusions, and projects of the Party and the State of the army, Resolution of the 13th Central Committee, Session 8, on the strategy to protect the Fatherland in the new situation, Resolution No. 28 of the Politburo on continuing to build provinces and centrally-run cities into strong defense zones in the new situation; Resolution No. 39 of the Politburo on building and developing Nghe An province to 2030, with a vision to 2045; Promote the core role in promptly advising the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and Provincial People's Committee, leading and directing the building of a strong all-people national defense, building a strong defense zone, combining the consolidation of national defense and security with the development of local culture, economy and society;
Retired and retired senior military officers in Nghe An province attended the ceremony. |
Proactively advise and propose the implementation of policies on militia and self-defense work; build a strong and widespread militia and self-defense force; build a large and high-quality reserve force, improve the quality of training, qualifications, combat readiness and combat strength of agencies and units. Proactively coordinate closely with forces to grasp the situation and advise on effective handling of situations. Prepare well plans, forces, means, equipment and materials to actively participate in preventing the consequences of natural disasters, environmental pollution, epidemics, and search and rescue. Actively coordinate to advise people to eliminate temporary housing, build new rural areas, civilized urban areas, and build a solid people's position.
Delegates attending the ceremony. |
Along with that, continue to synchronously implement the standards for building a comprehensive, exemplary, strong unit according to Directive No. 79 of the Minister of National Defense. Ensure that each type of agency and unit focuses on making breakthroughs in building a politically strong provincial armed force as a basis for improving the quality of regular construction, complying with state laws, military discipline, strengthening internal solidarity, military-civilian solidarity, and international solidarity. Pay attention to and take good care of the military rear policy to improve the material and spiritual life of officers and soldiers and activities to show gratitude to people with meritorious services and families with preferential policies;
Retired and retired senior military officers in Nghe An province attended the ceremony. |
Focus on building Party organizations at all levels that are strong in political ideology, organizational ethics and cadres,... attach importance to building Party committees and Party cells with high fighting strength, leadership capacity and practical organization of activities, building and rectifying the Party associated with promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics and style associated with the campaign to promote tradition, contribute talent and be worthy of being Uncle Ho's soldiers. In the immediate future, comrades need to prepare very carefully, especially in terms of documents and personnel to successfully organize Party congresses at all levels towards the 12th Military Party Congress of the 14th National Party Congress;
Retired and retired senior military officers in Nghe An province attended the ceremony. |
Continue to effectively implement the movements and campaigns launched by the Party and the State of the Central Military Commission, promote the emulation movement to win and the emulation movements of the Army joining hands to build new rural areas, the Army joining hands for the poor, leaving no one behind; The Army participates in developing modern, synchronous infrastructure; Contributes to building a strong political base to improve people's lives.
Comrade Le Hong Vinh - Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee delivered a speech in response. |
In his response speech, on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front and Provincial Armed Forces, Comrade Le Hong Vinh - Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, asked to seriously and fully absorb in order to thoroughly and promptly disseminate the profound and specific instructions of the Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, Deputy Minister of National Defense.
Leaders of the Ministry of National Defense, the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education, Military Region 4, Nghe An province, Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, People's Armed Forces Heroes, and the Provincial Military Command took souvenir photos at the ceremony. |
In the coming time, the Party Committee and the government of Nghe An province will focus on leading and directing the provincial armed forces to continue to inherit and promote the glorious tradition of being twice a Hero of the People's Armed Forces and the noble qualities of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers", affirming the determination, arousing honor and pride, seizing opportunities, overcoming difficulties and challenges, excellently completing military and defense tasks, contributing to the successful implementation of the two strategic tasks of building and defending the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland; At the same time, we hope to continue to receive the attention, leadership and assistance of the Central Military Commission - Ministry of National Defense and personally the Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army for Nghe An province in general and the provincial armed forces in particular in socio-economic development and ensuring national defense and security.
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