This morning (June 22), at the 16th session (special session), delegates of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council unanimously approved the dossier for approval of the Ho Chi Minh City Planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050.
According to the planning content, the city maintains the viewpoint of arranging and organizing space in the direction of a global, multi-center urban area.
Forming 5 satellite cities
Reporting at the meeting, a representative of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee said that, based on national and regional corridors, the City People's Committee proposed two spatial development scenarios.
Specifically, with scenario 1, the city will form 1 central urban area (including 16 districts), 1 Thu Duc city as a parallel urban area and 5 satellite cities (including Cu Chi, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh, Nha Be and Can Gio).
With scenario 2 , the city forms 1 central urban area (including 15 districts), 1 Thu Duc city and 2 parallel urban areas including Cu Chi - Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh and Nha Be - District 7 - Can Gio.
In particular, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee proposed to choose scenario 1 because of its high feasibility, suitability with the conditions of the planning period and the plan to arrange administrative units at the district and commune levels of the city.
Previously, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee also developed and established a Project to adjust the General Planning to 2040, with a vision to 2060. According to this Project, the city is oriented to be divided into 5 urban areas, 3 anti-flooding areas, and 3 underground space areas.
The 5 metropolitan areas include:
Central urban area: the northern and western boundaries are Ring Road 2, the southern borders are Doi Canal - Te Canal, the eastern borders are Saigon River. The central area includes districts 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, Binh Thanh, Phu Nhuan, Tan Binh, Go Vap, Binh Tan District, part of District 12. The total area is about 17 thousand hectares, the current population (2019) is about 4.5 million people.
Eastern urban area: Thu Duc city has been established, with a total area of about 21 thousand hectares, and an existing population (2019) of about 1.1 million people.
Northern - Northwest urban area : the northern boundary borders Tay Ninh, the western boundary borders Long An province, the southern boundary is the administrative boundary between Hoc Mon district, Binh Chanh and Ring Road 2. This urban area includes Cu Chi district, Hoc Mon district and part of District 12, with a total area of about 58.5 thousand hectares, and an existing population (2019) of about 1.4 million people.
Western urban area : the northern boundary borders the administrative border between Hoc Mon and Binh Chanh districts, the southern border borders Long An province, the eastern border borders Ring Road 2 and Can Giuoc River. This area includes most of Binh Chanh district. The total area of the area is about 23.3 thousand hectares, the current population (2019) is about 840 thousand people.
Southern urban area : the northern boundary borders the Doi and Te canals, the southern boundary borders Long An province and Can Gio sea, the east borders the Dong Nai river, the west is the Can Giuoc river. The area includes District 7, Nha Be district, part of Binh Chanh district, and the entire Can Gio district with a total area of 93.3 thousand hectares, including the Can Gio Biosphere Reserve. The current population size (2019) is about 1.2 million people.
According to the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, with the above zoning strategy, combining the multi-center urban model with diverse ecological spaces will combine natural strength, economic resources, and flexibility with scope and principles.
In 2030, GRDP per capita will reach 15,400 USD
Regarding economic development orientation, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee has developed 3 development scenarios. In which, scenario 1 is the current growth model, applying a number of innovative strategies. This scenario sets the target of GRDP growth in the 2021-2025 period reaching 5.3%, the 2026-2030 period reaching 7.9% and 2021-2030, reaching 6.6%.
According to the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, this scenario is highly feasible, but does not achieve the growth and GRDP per capita targets according to Resolution No. 31-NQ/TW, does not create growth drivers as a premise for the 2050 vision, and the industry's economic structure is unbalanced.
Scenario 2 is to innovate the growth model, shift the economic structure and attract resources to implement projects, playing a driving role in creating a breakthrough, in line with the development trend of the Southeast region. The specific growth targets are: 7.5-8.0% in the 2021-2025 period; 9.5-10.0% in the 2026-2030 period and 8.5-9.0% in the 2021-2030 period. This scenario has the advantage of achieving the target according to Resolution 31-NQ/TW on growth targets, but the disadvantage is that the demand for investment capital is quite high, requiring synchronous solutions in mobilizing and effectively using resources.
The third scenario is to build institutions, policies, favorable conditions, effectively apply new economic models to create breakthroughs, exploit the potential advantages and strategic position of the city. The specific growth targets are: 8.1% in the 2021-2025 period; 12.8% in the 2026-2030 period and 10.5% in the 2021-2030 period. According to the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, this scenario meets the aspirations of the Party Committee and people of Ho Chi Minh City, however, the feasibility is not high if new growth drivers and some breakthrough mega-projects are not formed.
In the above 3 scenarios, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee proposed to develop the city according to the second scenario. With this scenario, the city strives for an average GRDP growth rate of about 9.0%/year in the period 2021-2030. By 2030, the average GRDP per capita at current prices will reach about 14,700-15,400 USD.
At the meeting, Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City Phan Van Mai said that after the People's Council approved, the city will learn from the comments and complete the dossier to submit to the Prime Minister for approval.
“The approved urban planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, is the basis for developing the master plan, lower-level plans; and the plan for implementing the plan. The planning is also the basis for developing a plan to arrange district- and commune-level administrative units in the area; developing mechanisms, policies, and solutions to attract investment and implement city projects in order of priority,” Mr. Phan Van Mai clarified.
According to the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, based on the orientation and planning for the 2021-2030 period, the city has determined its development vision to 2050 to become "an attractive and sustainable global city; an economic, financial and service center of Asia; a distinctively developed economy and culture; people with a high quality of life; the urban core of the Ho Chi Minh City region and the Southeast region and the growth pole of the whole country". |
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