To realize the strategic goals set by the 13th Congress, towards the 100th anniversary of the Party's founding and the 100th anniversary of the country's founding, in a live discussion on the topic "New development era, the era of the Vietnamese nation's rise" at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, on November 25, General Secretary To Lam affirmed the task: Focus on streamlining the organization of the Party's agencies, truly being the intellectual core, the "General Staff", the vanguard leading state agencies.
Streamlining the Party's apparatus is an urgent requirement to meet the important tasks of the current period - bringing the country into a new era - the era of the Vietnamese people's rise. This requires the drastic participation of the entire political system, especially the Party's agencies, which need to be especially persistent, make extraordinary efforts, urgently and resolutely carry out successfully and effectively the revolution of streamlining the apparatus.
New strategy and spirit on streamlining the organization of Party agencies
Compared to the great changes of the country after 40 years of renovation, the development of the socialist rule of law state and achievements in science and technology, innovation; the organization of the political system in our country in general and the organization of the Party's agencies in particular, although having been renovated, are still basically following the model designed decades ago, many issues are no longer suitable for new conditions and development laws. Below are the main common problems:
Firstly, the current organizational structure of the Party agencies is organized according to a hierarchical model from the Central to the local level, ensuring comprehensive and comprehensive leadership and direction in all areas of political and social life. However, the cumbersome, overlapping, multi-level, multi-level and overlapping functions and tasks between Party agencies have not been completely resolved, leading to ineffective and inefficient operations, increased costs and waste of resources.
Not only that, at the local level, although functions, tasks, and organizational models have been improved, they still lack consistency and thoroughness. The arrangement of Party organizations at district and commune administrative levels in many localities is still unscientific, lacks determination, does not closely follow practical requirements, is not completely consistent with the direction from the Central Government, and many localities still do not fully comply with related regulations.
Streamlining the Party's apparatus is an urgent requirement to meet the important tasks of the current period - bringing the country into a new era - the era of the Vietnamese people's rise. This requires the drastic participation of the entire political system, especially the Party's agencies, which need to be especially persistent, make extraordinary efforts, urgently and resolutely carry out successfully and effectively the revolution of streamlining the apparatus. |
In addition, the work of reviewing and streamlining the payroll has not been closely linked to improving the quality and restructuring the staff, civil servants and public employees. Some localities have not proactively proposed to amend and supplement documents and regulations that are no longer appropriate, causing the process of reforming and streamlining the apparatus to not be as effective as expected.
In addition, the fact that many Party agencies participate in handling the same task makes it difficult to clearly define responsibilities, leading to a situation of shifting responsibility or evasion when mistakes occur. This not only reduces the effectiveness of consulting, leading and directing, but also negatively impacts people's trust.
Second, in the context of international integration and the fourth industrial revolution, building a streamlined Party apparatus is a prerequisite to enhance advisory capacity, leadership capacity, management capacity, administration capacity, and easily adapt to rapid changes in the world, while enhancing the trust of the people and the international community in the leadership of the Party and State.
Third, this demand reflects the people’s legitimate desire for a fair, efficient and better-serving administrative apparatus. This requires boldly eliminating weak, incompetent and unqualified individuals in the system, while creating opportunities for “both red and professional” civil servants who not only comply with the law but are also dedicated and creative in solving practical social problems.
Fourth, building and streamlining the Party's organizational apparatus is also the Party's political responsibility in implementing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress. Strong steps in streamlining the organization are not only a demonstration of the determination to innovate but also a concrete action to realize the strategy of sustainable development and national prosperity.
In the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of the 12th Central Executive Committee, the Conclusion of the Party Central Committee Conference on November 25 and recent instructions of General Secretary To Lam have clearly identified that innovation and reorganization of the apparatus towards streamlining and efficiency are identified as important factors to enhance the leadership capacity and fighting strength of the Party. The organization of the Party's apparatus not only plays a leadership and management role but also acts as a direct bridge between the Party, the State and the people.
Streamlining the apparatus not only aims to improve efficiency and save resources, but also ensures transparency and integrity, meets people's expectations and is suitable for the requirements of the integration and development period. The organizational revolution is not only for the purpose of reform but also aims to build a solid foundation for the Vietnamese political system to develop sustainably, best serving the interests of the country and the people.
Although identified as an urgent requirement, streamlining the political system in general and the Party's apparatus in particular must address many challenges. First of all, the size of the apparatus has been formed and existed for a long time, making structural changes require a specific roadmap to avoid causing disruption in the system. The lack of determination and synchronization in implementing policies and strategies to streamline the apparatus is also a major obstacle.
Mechanisms for inspection, monitoring and evaluation of reform results have not been effective, causing the implementation of solutions to be delayed and lacking in substance. At the same time, training and improving the quality of staff have not been carried out evenly and comprehensively, leading to a shortage of human resources capable of meeting the requirements in the context of innovation.
Achieving the goal of streamlining the Party's organizational apparatus
Streamlining the apparatus, minimizing intermediary steps, and rearranging the organizational structure of the Party's agencies will create a tight, non-overlapping, highly efficient organizational system that not only helps optimize resources but also improves the quality of consulting, leadership, management, inspection, and supervision in accordance with functions and tasks.
This requires that reform efforts not only stop at reducing the number of agencies, departments and branches but also focus on improving the quality of staff, ensuring transparency, responsibility and efficiency in all activities, from central to local levels. Some important contents need to be focused on when implementing comprehensive reform:
One is to arrange in a multi-disciplinary and multi-field direction.
Multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary organization is an inevitable trend to optimize management efficiency and adapt to the modern development context. This model focuses on integrating the functions and tasks of related units, minimizing overlap and dispersion in management, and at the same time making the most of existing resources.
The biggest advantage of a multi-sectoral organization is the ability to coordinate flexibly and comprehensively between sectors, helping to solve complex problems in a synchronous manner. However, this model also poses many challenges: multi-sectoralism can easily lead to an agency having to take on too many tasks, reducing the depth of expertise in each specific sector. In addition, coordination between departments in the organization requires higher management and operational capacity to ensure that there are no conflicts of interest or delays in work implementation.
To effectively operate this model, it is necessary to clearly establish coordination processes, assign specific tasks and increase the application of information technology to optimize the connection between fields.
Second, cut out unnecessary intermediaries.
Cutting down on unnecessary intermediaries is an important solution to streamline the organization of Party agencies and improve the effectiveness of consulting, leading, directing and managing. Moreover, this promotes focus on the core tasks of agencies, reducing the phenomenon of “too many people, not enough work”.
However, for the reduction to be effective, it is necessary to carefully analyze the functions of each unit, ensuring that there is no disruption or omission of important tasks. The implementation of the reduction also needs to go hand in hand with increasing the application of information technology, improving management and operational capacity, helping to maintain the effectiveness of the organization's operations.
Third, promote division of labor and decentralization.
Promoting the division of labor and decentralization of power according to the principle of "Local decision, local action, local responsibility" is a strategic direction to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and performance of the apparatus, meeting the diverse development requirements of localities in the context of integration and innovation.
This principle emphasizes the autonomy of local governments in making decisions and organizing the implementation of tasks within their scope of management. Instead of depending on central direction, localities are given more power to solve problems themselves in accordance with local economic, social and cultural characteristics.
This decentralization helps shorten the decision-making process, reducing the delay caused by waiting for approval from higher levels. At the same time, it also encourages creativity and innovation in management, as localities proactively seek solutions suitable to the actual situation.
However, with greater authority comes greater responsibility. This requires localities to improve their management capacity, be transparent in the use of resources and clearly explain their performance.
However, for this principle to be effectively implemented, there needs to be a mechanism to closely monitor the strict implementation of the charter and clear regulations to avoid abuse of power or violations. In addition, the central government needs to support localities with resources and training, and at the same time build an effective coordination system between levels to ensure consistency and continuity.
Inheriting core values combined with innovation to meet reform requirements
To improve the effectiveness of building and streamlining the Party's organizational apparatus, it is necessary to implement synchronous and drastic solutions. On the basis of inheriting core values, combining innovation and creativity, when implementing the revolution of streamlining the apparatus, it is necessary to focus on the following key solutions:
First of all, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive review and assessment of the system to clarify functions and tasks, eliminate overlaps and minimize "redundancy and duplication". Specifically identify agencies and focal points that need to be streamlined or restructured to suit development requirements.
A comprehensive assessment not only saves resources but also improves operational efficiency. In addition, it is necessary to promote digital transformation in party work, especially the application of modern technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, contributing to the modernization and democratization of current party work activities, better meeting development requirements in the new period.
Second, building a monitoring and support mechanism from the Central Government: The Central Government plays an important role in policy making, setting out national development strategies and goals, and at the same time plays a supervisory role to help ensure that localities properly implement resolutions and directives, avoiding deviation or abuse of power.
Strong decentralization and delegation of authority sometimes lead to the risk of local activities being fragmented or lacking coherence with the overall strategy. Central supervision and support will help ensure consistency across levels and promptly detect and correct shortcomings. The central government supports localities by providing guidance, resources, and training to help localities play their roles well.
Use modern monitoring tools such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and online management systems to continuously monitor and evaluate. The central government organizes regular inspection teams to assess the implementation of tasks in localities, ensuring transparency and fairness. Focus on areas prone to violations such as land management, public finance, or basic construction, etc.
The central government needs to have a mechanism to provide technical, financial and training support when localities encounter difficulties in performing their tasks. The central government and localities need to maintain consultation meetings to jointly resolve difficulties and adjust policies to suit reality.
Third, training and improving the quality of human resources: Ensuring that the staff and civil servants have the capacity and qualities suitable to the new requirements. This is the core solution in building a streamlined and effective Party apparatus. First of all, the training program needs to be innovated in a practical direction, linking theory with management, leadership, and problem-solving skills.
In addition, continuous training and lifelong learning are necessary for staff to continuously improve their qualifications and adapt to rapid changes in technology and the global context. In particular, it is necessary to focus on developing local human resources, especially in disadvantaged areas, to ensure equitable and sustainable development. In parallel with training, periodic assessment of staff capacity is important to detect and correct limitations, as well as eliminate cases that do not meet requirements.
Fourth, it is necessary to promote administrative reform in Party work: One of the core elements of Party administrative reform is the application of advanced technology to help optimize the decision-making process, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of consulting, leadership, direction and management of Party agencies.
For the Party’s administrative reform to be effective, there needs to be a strong change in the awareness and actions of cadres and civil servants throughout the system. At the same time, it is necessary to promote the participation of the people and social organizations in the reform process, creating a fair, democratic, transparent and more people-friendly management system.
Fifth, strengthen supervision and inspection: Build a strict supervision mechanism, ensuring streamlining but not reducing management effectiveness. This solution is essential to ensure transparency and efficiency in the process of building and operating the Party organization apparatus, combined with supervision and inspection to help promptly detect violations and weaknesses in performing tasks, thereby having appropriate remedial or handling measures.
To implement effectively, it is necessary to build a synchronous and strict monitoring mechanism from the central to local levels, with the participation of organizations and people. The application of information technology and online monitoring systems helps increase transparency and the ability to continuously monitor. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct periodic and specialized inspections focusing on sensitive areas such as finance, land, or public asset management, thereby promptly handling violations and preventing corruption and abuse of power.
In addition, sanctions for violations must be strict and fair to create deterrence and strengthen people's trust. This solution not only ensures the effective operation of the apparatus, but also contributes to building an honest and transparent society, enhancing people's trust in the Party's leadership.
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