Five core issues that need to be prioritized in the draft Law on Teachers are: Salary and benefits; identification and management of teachers; equitable development between public and non-public sectors; promotion of professional capacity and qualities; and strengthening communication work.
Building a law specifically for teachers is urgent.
Sharing his views on the National Assembly Portal, delegate Tran Quoc Tuan, National Assembly Delegation of Tra Vinh province, expressed: The Draft Law on Teachers, expected to be submitted to the National Assembly for the first time at the 8th Session, is attracting great attention from the whole country, especially the teaching force.
Highly appreciating the content of the draft law, the delegate of Tra Vinh province said that the development of a law specifically for teachers is urgent to address the shortcomings in current policies related to the teaching profession such as: Working conditions; remuneration; professional standards to protect the rights, enhance the motivation of teachers to contribute, contribute to improving quality, creating a better development foundation for the Vietnamese education sector, making an important contribution to the development of the country.
According to delegate Tran Quoc Tuan: One of the key points of this draft Law on Teachers is to ensure that teachers' salaries, especially those working in remote areas, will be a high priority in the administrative career salary system.
Other policies such as special allowances and support for professional capacity development will also be adjusted to attract talent, improve foreign language skills and apply digital transformation in teaching to meet the needs of international integration.
Delegate Tran Quoc Tuan: Building a law specifically for teachers is urgent. Photo
5 fundamental issues that need to be addressed in the Law on Teachers
Delegate Tran Quoc Tuan said: In the process of drafting the Law on Teachers, in addition to major issues on education, higher education, and vocational education that have been stipulated in the promulgated Laws, there are 05 core issues that need to be prioritized to be resolved in this draft Law on Teachers, in order to meet practical requirements and best support the teaching staff such as: Salary and benefits; identification and management of teachers; equitable development between public and non-public sectors; promoting professional capacity and qualities; strengthening communication work. Specifically:
First, about salary and benefits. This is one of the key issues that the draft Law on Teachers needs to improve for teachers through policies.
In particular, it is necessary to ensure the living standards of teachers and attract good students to the teaching profession. According to the delegate, this is the most important field - the field of training useful people to serve society.
Second, on the identification and management of teachers. It must be affirmed that clearly defining the position and responsibility of teachers, distinguishing between teachers (teachers, lecturers) and educational managers (educational managers and educational institution managers) is important to avoid conflicts and confusion in current regulations.
Third, on equitable development between public and non-public sectors (private and public). The draft Law needs to ensure equality in working conditions and remuneration for teachers between public and private schools, creating consistency in the recruitment and use of human resources.
Fourth, on promoting professional capacity and quality. The draft law also needs to aim at developing high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of the period of international integration and digital transformation.
Fifth, on strengthening communication work. Delegates believe that an effective communication strategy on the importance and role of teachers in society is necessary to create consensus and support from the public and stakeholders when implementing the Law.
Educational Human Resource Management: A Different Approach is Needed
To solve the problem of local teacher surplus and shortage that has lasted for many years, delegate Tran Quoc Tuan said that the draft Law on Teachers needs to have clear regulations on decentralization and delegation of authority according to a more flexible mechanism in managing, recruiting and mobilizing teachers.
According to delegates, human resource management in the education sector needs a different approach compared to other professions.
He said that the current management mechanism, which is mainly based on state payroll, has created rigidity in the allocation and transfer of teachers, especially when it is necessary to add teachers in difficult areas or new expertise in the curriculum.
Therefore, there needs to be a decentralization mechanism for the Ministry of Education and Training (nationally) or the Department of Education and Training (provincially) to be more autonomous, to negotiate with local leaders in mobilizing and seconding teachers between areas with teacher shortages and surpluses (of course, it must ensure fairness, harmonize interests, consider circumstances, give priority to voluntary cases...) to reduce pressure on areas with high demand for teachers for each grade, each subject in each school year...
It is necessary to clearly and specifically regulate the salary and allowance regime for teachers.
Delegate Tran Quoc Tuan shared: This draft Law on Teachers is introducing many policies to honor and improve the treatment of teachers, including working regimes, salaries and allowances.
One of the important proposals is to stipulate that teachers' salaries are ranked highest in the administrative career salary scale system, demonstrating the view that education is the "top national policy".
This is considered appropriate to attract and retain good teachers, meeting the needs of sustainable educational development in Vietnam.
However, to ensure feasibility, delegates said that the draft Law needs to stipulate a specific monitoring mechanism for these policies, avoiding the situation where regulations only exist on paper but cannot be implemented in practice.
Regulations on teachers' salaries and allowances also need to be clearer and more specific, such as seniority allowances and regional allowances, to ensure fairness and efficiency in budget allocation.
It is necessary to build a mechanism to evaluate, honor, and ensure appropriate benefits for teachers.
To complete the draft Law on Teachers, delegates said that the drafting agency needs to review the contents that have been stipulated in other laws, so they should not be stipulated in this draft Law to avoid conflicts between the provisions of the Law on Teachers and other laws such as: Law on Education, Law on Higher Education, Law on Vocational Education, Law on Civil Servants, Law on Public Employees and Labor Code...
The Draft Law also needs to pay attention to regulations on foreign teachers to be consistent with related laws.
At the same time, it is necessary to study and supplement policies to attract and give special priority to training, recruitment and use of ethnic minority teachers working in ethnic minority areas, teachers of ethnic minority languages and scripts, or policies to develop and create sources of ethnic minority teachers; preferential recruitment regimes for ethnic minority candidates...
In addition, it is necessary to develop a mechanism to evaluate, honor, and ensure appropriate benefits for teachers, especially regarding salary, working conditions, and policies to protect professional honor.
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