In the 10th grade entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year, Nam Dinh province has 23,262 candidates taking the exam. Doan Thi Diep (9A student, Giao Yen Secondary School, Giao Thuy District, Nam Dinh) became the valedictorian of this exam with a total score of 49/50. Of which, she scored 9.75 points in Literature; 10 points in Math and 9.5 points in Foreign Language. Special circumstances of the new valedictorian Thanh Nam These days, Diep's house in Giao Yen commune is more crowded than usual as many people come to congratulate her on her valedictorian results in the province's 10th grade exam, with an almost perfect score. Diep was born into a family of 3 siblings. Her father passed away early when Diep was only 8 months old. Since then, all the burden has fallen on her mother's shoulders. Working as a vegetable seller at the market, every day, Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong (Diep's mother) has to get up at 3am to go to the market, come home at noon to rest for a few hours, then go out again late at night, so she has little time to take care of her children. Diep and her three sisters are all self-motivated in their studies.

Mother is the motivation for the new valedictorian to try hard

Ms. Huong shared: “Previously, I worked in a shrimp farm but my income was unstable, and I had continuous crop failures, so I had to take on debt. Many years have passed, but the debt from working in the shrimp farm has not been paid off yet. When I could no longer continue, I had to quit the farm and switch to selling vegetables at the market to earn money to raise my three children.” Understanding the difficult circumstances of her family and feeling sorry for her mother who worked hard day and night, Diep always reminded herself to try hard and study hard so that her mother would not be upset. In addition to studying, Diep also often helps her mother with housework and helps her arrange goods for the market.

Every day, in addition to studying, Diep also helps her mother pack groceries for the market and does housework.

Ms. Huong said: “The luckiest thing in my life is that my three children, despite living in difficult circumstances and lacking their father's love, are always obedient, good at studying and love their mother very much. My children are the biggest motivation for me to continue to try my best for many years. When Diep announced that she had achieved such a high score, I was very excited, all my fatigue seemed to be dispelled”. After the joy was the worry because the family's economy was difficult. Diep also passed the entrance exam to Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted, Nam Dinh, however, she will not study at this school but will study at Giao Thuy B High School. Sharing about her decision, Diep said: "Due to difficult family conditions, the cost of studying in the city is higher, and my mother will have a harder time, so I chose to study at a school near home". Journey to overcome adversity Although her family was poor and she did not have the conditions to go to extra classes like many of her peers, for many years, Diep was an excellent student. She studied well in all subjects. By the time she was in 9th grade, Ms. Vu Thi Linh, her Literature teacher and homeroom teacher, had inspired her to study this subject, and from then on, Diep realized that she truly loved the subject. Diep won second prize in the district-level Literature 9th grade competition, and was selected to compete in the provincial competition, but due to her family's difficult circumstances, her mother could not take her to and from school, so she withdrew from participating. In addition, in all the cross-graded exams organized by the Department of Education, Diep excelled and ranked first and second in the entire district.

With her determination to build a solid foundation of knowledge, the little girl received worthy academic results.

In addition to achieving excellent academic results, Diep also actively participates in cultural and social activities of the school and class and is always trusted by teachers and friends. Sharing the secret to achieving high academic results, Diep said that she is always aware of building a solid foundation of basic knowledge, then learning advanced knowledge. In class, she always tries to focus on listening to the teacher's lectures carefully to grasp the knowledge, does not memorize or learn by rote, at home she continues to review and asks her sister to tutor her. Instead of staying up late, Diep has created for herself the habit of waking up early in the morning to review. "Every day, I only study until 10pm in the evening and will wake up at 3am the next day to study because studying early in the morning helps me concentrate better," Diep added. Talking about the Literature subject with a score of 9.75, Diep shared: "When I received the exam, I was calm, thought carefully, then put the knowledge the teacher had previously equipped me into my essay. Regarding the social argumentation section, I rely on real life, examples of seniors or social media phenomena, and bring the positive achievements they have achieved, which have helped society, into the essay as evidence for my writing. In this exam, I used Quang Linh Vlog and Huyen Chip as evidence.

Teacher Vu Thi Linh is proud when talking about her students.

Ms. Vu Thi Linh revealed: “Diep is a rather shy girl but very intelligent, hard-working, determined and eager to learn. I myself am a literature teacher and also Diep's homeroom teacher. With 23 years of experience, I have come across many very good social argumentative essays written by students, but with Diep, each of her writings is an extremely unique and new creation. In class, she teaches methods, ways, and expressions, but when her teaching is transferred to her writing, it is a completely new creation.” “This year's Literature exam has a high level of differentiation. When I received the exam, I only dared to hope that Diep would get 9.5 points, which would already be a great success for me, but after she got 9.75 points, I was truly overwhelmed with emotion. I believe my child's essay was handled very well and touched the emotions of the examiners because this exam was graded independently in 2 rounds, with 2 examiners in 2 different rooms to agree on 9.75 points, which is not easy," Ms. Linh proudly said.

In the coming time, Diep will start a new journey at Giao Thuy B High School.

The achievements that Diep has achieved are the result of her efforts and hard work. In the near future, Diep will begin a new journey at Giao Thuy B High School. The new journey for her is full of difficulties and challenges, but thinking of her mother, she always has more motivation to try harder. "My mother has worked hard to raise three children, so I am always self-conscious and strive to achieve good academic results. That is the greatest gift that I can give my mother right now," Diep said with a choked voice. Not only has Diep achieved many academic achievements, but her older sister was also an excellent student at the district level and is currently a senior student at the National Economics University. Her older sister is also the closest person to Diep and is always an example for her to follow.
