Skills in compiling textbooks and updating technology are still weak.
The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs is seeking comments on the Project on building and developing a team of teachers and vocational education managers for the 2024-2035 period.
According to this project, the team of teachers and vocational education managers play a core and breakthrough role in determining the success of the cause of innovation and quality improvement of vocational education.
Vocational school teachers guide students in practice
However, in response to the requirements of developing an open, flexible, innovative vocational education system and improving training quality in the context of rapidly changing science, engineering, technology and the labor market, the team of teachers and vocational education managers still has many limitations and shortcomings.
Those limitations have been pointed out in the project. Specifically, the vocational education teaching staff has not yet met the standardization target of vocational skills: The rate of integrated teachers is low (about 50%), a number of teachers teaching theory have limited vocational skills, and teachers teaching practice have limited professional knowledge. This is a big challenge for the teaching staff in meeting the requirements of vocational education reform when the requirement is that at least 70% of vocational education teachers can teach practice (integrated teaching).
In addition, the skills of developing programs, compiling textbooks, training materials, and updating new technologies of the vocational education teaching staff are still weak, not meeting the requirements of vocational education institutions in the context of autonomy in training programs to meet output standards, especially for teachers in local and private vocational education institutions.
Low income, teachers go to work in businesses
According to the project, the reason why the vocational education teaching staff still has many limitations and shortcomings is due to inadequate remuneration, failure to attract talented people, people with management skills and experience to work.
In addition, it has not attracted a team of people with high professional qualifications and skills (such as artisans, experts, trainers who are employees of enterprises...) to participate in training at all levels of vocational education. There is also no policy to encourage, reward and honor good vocational education managers.
The income of vocational school lecturers is currently low.
If we compare vocational education teachers with those with the same training level working in the manufacturing sector or in other sectors, the income of vocational education teachers is much lower. That is one of the reasons why we cannot attract qualified, skilled and experienced people to work as teachers in vocational education institutions. Meanwhile, many vocational education teachers with good skills want to work in enterprises.
While countries around the world have a clear agency to systematically and methodically train and develop staff and teachers, Vietnam does not have a specialized agency to train teachers and managers in the field of vocational education.
Two phases attract hundreds of thousands of artisans, experts, and scientists
Because of the above shortcomings, this project has set out goals to develop a team of teachers and managers to improve the quality of vocational education through proposing contents on expertise, profession, skills, on remuneration and honor, and on enhancing the capacity of training and fostering facilities for teachers.
In the period of 2024-2030, the project sets the goal of having 100% of teachers meeting professional and technical standards, 70% of teachers teaching key and spearhead industries and professions having a master's degree or higher. Training to improve vocational skills for 30% of teachers. Training for 65% of teachers to meet standards to teach key industries and professions approaching the level of ASEAN-4 and G20 countries.
Strive to attract 50,000 artisans, experts, and vocational teachers to participate in teaching at all levels of vocational education and 1,000 scientists, managers, and experts working domestically or abroad to work and participate in administration and scientific research at vocational education institutions.
In the period 2030-2035, 100% of teachers teaching key and advanced occupations will have a master's degree or higher. Provide vocational skills training for 50% of teachers. Provide training for 80% of teachers to meet the standards to teach key occupations approaching the level of ASEAN-4 and G20 countries.
In addition, it has attracted 70,000 artisans, experts, skilled workers, and vocational trainers to participate in vocational education. It has attracted 2,000 scientists, managers, and experts working domestically or abroad to work and participate in management and scientific research at vocational education institutions.
Re-planning of vocational education facilities and teachers
As of 2021, the country has 81,900 vocational education teachers, of which 35,361 are college level, 12,713 are intermediate level, 23,591 are master's level, and 43,565 are university level.
The project states that by 2025, there will be about 1,800 vocational training institutions, including 400 colleges, 400 secondary schools, and 1,000 vocational training centers. Of these, 3 schools will function as national centers for high-quality vocational training and practice, and 6 schools will function as regional centers for high-quality vocational training and practice. The total number of teachers will be 70,000.
By 2035, the plan is to have 1,700 vocational training institutions, including 380 colleges, 390 secondary schools, and 930 vocational training centers. Of these, 6 schools will function as national centers for high-quality vocational training and practice, and 12 schools will function as regional centers for high-quality vocational training and practice. The total number of teachers is 68,000...
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