The rapid development of science and technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), is placing urgent demands on the labor market. Recently, changes in streamlining the apparatus and mergers have placed new demands on vocational training and skills development for young people, workers, and laborers.
Mr. Tran Anh Tuan - Vice President of Ho Chi Minh City Vocational Education Association, former Permanent Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Center for Human Resources Forecasting and Labor Market Information, said that the labor market in the coming time will tend to develop in the direction of adapting to the digital transformation and international integration process, leading to the demand for human resources in some key industries with high technology content. The wave of international labor migration is likely to occupy high-skilled job positions in the domestic labor market...
PV: Recently we have witnessed many changes in the labor and employment market, in which many workers and young people have lost their jobs... How do you perceive this situation?
Mr. Tran Anh Tuan: This is a difficult problem and also poses a great challenge. The demand for human resources in the past and present tends to focus on trained human resources to meet the development of the labor market shift associated with the requirements of economic restructuring. In addition, the market focuses on promoting the training of high-level human resources, towards modernization and international integration to meet the needs of socio-economic development, which is a very large demand.
What problems does this trend pose for employees to meet recruitment requirements, sir?
Faced with changes in the labor market, those with technological capabilities will have an advantage in finding jobs for themselves. On the contrary, if they do not update their skills, expertise, and improve their skills and soft skills, workers will have difficulty finding jobs. The most important thing is that the balance between diverse supply and human resource demand is still not completely appropriate. In fact, there are still many "bottlenecks" that cause imbalance in the human resource industry, of which the two biggest paradoxes are the imbalance in occupational structure and occupational qualifications.
What advice do you have for young workers preparing to enter the market?
The labor market needs professional, high-quality, uniform, dynamic, enthusiastic, responsible human resources for themselves and the community. Professionalism is achieved through the combination of knowledge, experience and working skills... Therefore, professional workers always know how to set up the most effective working process, which is not only measured by the time it takes to complete the work, but also by the efficiency of the work and the way of working, communicating with colleagues, customers, and everyone... Only with the perspective of "professionalism" in choosing a career, no matter what the job is and excellence in that job will be the deciding factor for the path to success. To do so, young workers must have a learning process and achieve good career results to create a solid foundation, opening up the future for each person. For unemployed workers or those who need to change careers, they need to "take shortcuts, get ahead", that is, they need to equip themselves with new knowledge and skills to adapt. In addition, the issue here is no longer how many jobs there are for workers, but how to prepare the quality of labor to meet the common development needs. At the same time, proactively respond to the challenges that are arising; find directions for development to adapt to the new context...
So, workers, youth, and laborers need to change their thinking and improve their skills to meet the needs of the current labor market and employment?
The general context of 2025 shows that there are still bright spots, along with the development that opens up job opportunities for workers. Opportunities and challenges for job needs are human resources through training, skills and readiness to compete in a changing labor market. Current career competition is not simply competition for degrees but also competition for work quality, passion and responsibility for the profession. Young workers need to demonstrate good skills, grasp increasingly diverse new work trends, apply AI to work to improve labor productivity, respond to changes in employment structure... Applying AI in production - business and administrative management work now and in the coming years, many current jobs will be reduced or no longer exist and many new jobs will be created, leading to inevitable changes in personnel, in which technology plays a decisive role. In particular, for repetitive occupations, the number of jobs that can be replaced by technology will gradually decrease and move towards maximum replacement, such as accounting, transaction staff, data entry staff, customer service staff, graphics, cashiers, content marketing staff, etc.
Thank you very much!
According to Mr. Tran Anh Tuan, the innovations and advances of the 4.0 industrial revolution have created automation technology and robots to replace human labor. At that time, low-skilled human resources will be redundant if they are not equipped with the ability to apply science and technology and soft skills. Digital human resources must be well-trained, solid in expertise, practical skills, strong in ethics, capable of mastering technology, creative and able to quickly adapt to technological changes in the economy in the context of international competition.
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