Cosmetic expert, Master, Doctor Bui Van Cuong and Miss Do Thi Ha are guests on the talk show "For a Perfect Day" on VTV2.
Recently, Dr. Bui Van Cuong was the guest of honor in the beauty TV show "Welcome Tet for a Perfect Day". The doctor shared all the techniques and cosmetic beauty services that ensure safety and effectiveness to avoid serious consequences that the media has warned about.
Dr. Bui Van Cuong and Miss Do Thi Ha in the show "For a Perfect Day" on VTV2
This is a program broadcast on the 2nd day of Tet, in the talk show "For a perfect day - Beauty artists welcome Tet" Dr. Cuong and Miss Do Thi Ha brought to the audience many values and secrets of beauty, keeping in shape to have a beautiful, healthy body.
In the talk show, Dr. Cuong and Miss Do Thi Ha shared their plans for Tet and the activities they will do during the holiday. Dr. Cuong hopes to bring beauty and happiness to his customers. In particular, this year, the doctor will carry out a charity program to help patients who are not lucky in terms of physical aesthetics.
Not only during the New Year, but the need for beauty increases every year, this is also a legitimate need and needs to be fully met. However, beauty must be done safely and effectively, avoiding unfortunate risks. Dr. Bui Van Cuong said that beauty by diligently practicing sports is the best thing, but this method requires time and a lot of discipline, not everyone has time for beauty. As an expert in cosmetic surgery, Dr. Cuong has proposed a number of safe, effective and quick beauty methods to prevent cosmetic surgery complications.
In particular, in the talk show "For a perfect day", Dr. Cuong also shared and brought values to all audiences about cosmetic surgery including:
- Diet and exercise to have a beautiful and healthy body.
- Internal medicine services, especially related to the skin such as botox, filler, meso, bap... and facial cosmetic services, facelift, chin augmentation, temple augmentation, pear pit augmentation, nose lift...
- Body plastic surgery (3-round measurements): Breast augmentation, liposuction to shape the abdomen, buttock augmentation, buttock fat grafting. This is a common service that is beautiful, gentle and safe. Not only that, choosing the right breast size can maintain it for a long time.
Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Uyen, born in 2002, Hanoi, although her weight is not too much, her abdomen and buttocks are not as desired, she had liposuction and buttocks fat grafting to have a balanced body. After the surgery, she diligently practiced sports to maintain her figure.
Ths.Bv Bui Van Cuong - 14 years of experience in the field of Surgery and cosmetic surgery:
- Directly repair more than a thousand cosmetic surgeries each year, especially nose and breast surgeries.
- Famous doctor with Queenform Rhinoplasty and breast augmentation methods without recovery, no scars, no bleeding...
- Master's degree in cosmetic surgery from Hanoi Medical University, Strasbourg, France, KCCS of Korea.
- Clinical practice in plastic surgery at: 108 Central Hospital, Viet Duc, Hanoi Medical University, Saint Paul, Vietnam Cuba.
- Ths.Bs Bui Van Cuong used to work in the cosmetic plastic surgery department at the Central Dermatology Hospital and An Viet General Hospital.
Dr. Bui Van Cuong, cosmetic surgery specialist
Dr. Bui Van Cuong, a leading expert in the field of cosmetic surgery
Hotline: 0965 62 8885
Address: 149 Lang Ha, Dong Da District, Hanoi
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