A sign warning that public sex is prohibited on the beach in the Dutch town of Veere
The town of Veere on June 8 put up new signs on the beach, warning visitors that they are not allowed to enter the dunes or have sex in public. At the same time, the authorities will “increase surveillance” to combat “sexual gatherings on the dunes, nature reserves and beaches,” The Guardian reported on June 10.
The town of Veere in the southwestern Dutch province of Zeeland, the “Oranjezon Project” (Orange Sun), was created after the town council, the water authority and the local nature organisation received a series of complaints about “sexual acts committed by naked people”.
“The dunes are extremely important to the local community and must be protected from unwanted behaviour that damages the natural environment and may disturb others,” Frederiek Schouwenaar, the mayor of Veere, told The Guardian in a statement. He said the “Oranjezon Project” was an important step to ensure public order and safety.
The SGP, a conservative party that recently won the most seats in the local elections, has backed the campaign. “We greatly appreciate the fact that our town’s leadership is taking enforcement action: these outrageous acts need to be dealt with,” said party spokesman Perry de Visser.
Public nudity advocates also believe it is important to separate nude sunbathing from sex. Karlien Lodewijk, spokesman for recreational nudity organisation NFN Open en Bloot, said: "Sex outdoors is not recreational nudity and sunbathers are just as disturbed as everyone else."
But Marco Wiechert, who owns a beachside restaurant, isn't too concerned. "I've lived on this beach for 14 years and I've never had a problem with it," he said, adding that sex on the beach mostly happens in August.
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