Good news
Chairman of the Vietnam Cement Association Nguyen Quang Cung shared that the Prime Minister has just issued Directive 28/CT-TTg dated August 26, 2024 on a number of solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles, promote production and consumption of cement, steel and construction materials. This is a positive signal for the cement industry in general and manufacturing enterprises in particular.
The Association's leaders acknowledged that two-four tasks and solutions of the Prime Minister in the recent Directive are to study and adjust tax policies on cement clinker exports to ensure competitiveness with other exporting countries, in line with the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) on not imposing export taxes on goods with countries that have signed the Agreement.
At the same time, research to increase the selection rate of using reinforced concrete viaducts for expressway projects, especially in areas requiring flood drainage; areas with great depth of weak soil and areas lacking roadbed materials such as in the Mekong Delta; research to maximize the use of cement soil reinforcement in road construction at bridgeheads, culverts, locations with great embankment height, locations with great depth of weak soil.
"The recommendations of the cement industry and the Association have been accepted regarding both export tax on clinker and cement as well as investment in ground reinforcement in road and bridge construction in Vietnam. This is a very encouraging sign," said Mr. Nguyen Quang Cung.
The Chairman of the Cement Association added that currently, the cement industry is under great pressure from oversupply, low domestic consumption, extremely difficult exports, continuously declining export prices of cement and clinker, and pressure on greenhouse gas emission reduction weighing on businesses. Many products have to be sold below cost, and bear variable costs, which means the industry is gradually exhausted. Therefore, technological solutions need to be applied to reduce production costs, emissions, and invest in the environment to increase economic efficiency.
According to the Association's 2023 statistics, it can be said that the cement consumption market is the most gloomy in history. However, up to now, the total cement consumption is only 97% compared to the same period in 2023. It is likely that the market situation this year will not have many changes compared to last year.
A wide range of solutions
Saving energy and reducing emissions in cement production is a very difficult task. Currently, some countries in the world have applied advanced technology to improve production, which domestic enterprises can refer to.
Liu Jianhua, Permanent Deputy General Manager of Nanjing International Construction Co., Ltd. - CHOPE, shared that the current state of long-term operating cement plants is high heat consumption, high electricity consumption, unstable quality and products, and pollution emission indicators exceeding standards. The main goal of the improvement work is to reduce energy consumption.
When reducing energy consumption, reducing pollution emissions, promoting the development of low-carbon green industry and promoting continuous improvement of air quality. In which, the improvement measures to create the kiln and grinding system are to optimize the machinery to save energy, reduce emissions; reduce the power of the system to increase output; utilize gas to generate electricity, intelligentize the system.
In addition, in order to solve the difficult problems that the heat exchange tower system is facing, the larger the renovation content, the larger the renovation scale. Enterprises based on the renovation scale are often divided into 3 types (optimization, resistance reduction and volume expansion).
With the optimization method, the goal is to find loopholes in equipment management, as well as minor defects of existing equipment, and promptly resolve urgent bottlenecks. The amount of work on site is not large, the investment cost is low, and the construction time is short. However, after processing, the system is also more stable, helping to increase output by a small amount.
Next, add the measure to reduce the system resistance, the wind force of the ID fan is further released, if there are no other bottlenecks such as the volume of the Calciner furnace, the feed quantity can be increased according to the capacity to achieve the goal of slightly increasing the output. Finally, expand the volume of the Calciner furnace to expand the diameter, lengthen the pipeline of the calciner furnace by 20-50%, meet the needs of using poor quality coal or alternative fuels, increase the output to a large extent (over 30%).
Alternative Fuel Technology Expert, Nanjing International Construction Company - CHOPE, Prof. Dr. Tieu Quoc Tien raised the issue of secondary combustion chamber - an advanced technological solution in using waste as alternative fuel, this solution will help cement manufacturers reduce the cost of producing cement clincers.
The advantage of using alternative fuels in cement kilns is to increase the efficiency of alternative fuel processing and the fuel replacement ratio at the end of the tower. Reduce the impact on the quality and product of cement kilns, help alternative fuels improve combustion efficiency, reduce CO, SO2 emissions, etc. of cement kilns.
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