Thereby contributing to the construction and completion of the Party building report to serve the political report submitted to the 15th Provincial Party Congress, term 2025-2030, ensuring comprehensiveness, objectivity, honesty of the situation, results achieved, advantages, limitations, causes and lessons learned. At the same time, absorbing the guiding viewpoints, policies and major orientations in the draft documents of the 14th National Party Congress, to propose feasible directions, goals, tasks and solutions for the term 2025-2030, paying attention to breakthrough tasks and solutions with a long-term vision. Ninh Thuan Newspaper introduces to readers the content of the speech of the leaders of the Regional Political Academy II at the thematic workshop.
1. Problem statement
Ninh Thuan is a coastal province in the extreme South Central Coast, at the crossroads of the North-South and the Central Highlands. With its position as the gateway connecting the key economic region of the Southeast with the provinces of the South Central Coast and the Central Highlands, Ninh Thuan province has an important position in the socio-economic development strategy of the whole country. Through 14 Congresses, the Ninh Thuan Party Committee has continuously grown and developed; led the people in the revolutionary struggle for independence, freedom and national construction and protection; creatively applied the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws to the specific conditions of the locality; gradually shortened the gap between the province and other provinces in the region and the whole country; built Ninh Thuan homeland to be increasingly rich, beautiful and civilized. Under the correct, creative and determined leadership of the Party Committee, Ninh Thuan province from a locality with a low starting point, unsynchronized infrastructure, and difficult life for the people, especially ethnic minority and mountainous areas; Today, Ninh Thuan has become a province with a fairly developed economy, stable society, and the material and spiritual life of the people is constantly improving.
Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Tat Thang, Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Region II.
These achievements are a strong testament to the correct leadership of the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee in all aspects of social life. In particular, the Party Committee always pays attention to leading innovation in all aspects of comprehensive Party building from politics, ideology, ethics, organization, cadres, mass mobilization, inspection, supervision... In the coming time, many issues and conditions are being raised for Ninh Thuan province to rise up and enter a new era. First of all, it is necessary to continue to promote the leadership role of the Party Committee to comprehensively lead all aspects of social life, in which the most important thing is to lead the work of building a truly clean, strong and comprehensive Party and identify key points and key solutions to remove all difficulties and bottlenecks. Therefore, the Ninh Thuan Party Committee must be determined, strong and courageous to overcome difficulties, resolve relationships well, create solidarity and consensus first of all for the entire Party Committee and consensus of all people in the province. Leading Ninh Thuan province to overcome difficulties, stretch out, confidently enter a new era with many bright spots that are supported by the whole country and the world. To lead well, first of all, the entire Party must be truly united, unified, unanimous, and consistent in all aspects of Party building work.
2. On the achievements in Party building work of Ninh Thuan province in recent times
The results achieved in the work of building a clean and strong Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee in all aspects are very important. They affirm the correct leadership and appropriate application to the reality and characteristics of the locality. The draft Political Report has clarified the advantages and limitations in all aspects of Party building work. To be more specific, it is necessary to continue research to add some more contents:
Firstly, it is necessary to adjust the name of the content "Building a clean and strong Party organization in all aspects, improving the leadership capacity and fighting strength of grassroots Party organizations and Party members" to "Building and rectifying a clean and strong Party organization in all aspects, improving the leadership capacity and fighting strength of grassroots Party organizations and Party members". Because only talking about grassroots Party organizations is limited in scope, it is necessary to talk about Party organizations from the provincial to grassroots levels to be appropriate in scope and scale. At the same time, it is necessary to add the issue of "rectification" to be consistent with the Resolution of the 4th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee. At the same time, this is an important task in the leadership of the Party Committee, not only paying attention to the issue of Party building, but the Party Committee must also regularly self-examine, self-correct, self-rectify to gradually improve and overcome limitations, so that the Party Committee itself becomes increasingly clean and strong.
Second, when evaluating the aspects of Party building work, it is necessary to clarify the advantages and limitations of each specific aspect. Because the draft only stops at the advantages of the aspects of work, in the advantages of each aspect of Party building work, there is still a lack of evidence and data clearly showing how the work has been done specifically, some aspects still state general results, while the political report is the result of a term of 05 years, it must be specified by specific actions, the data must be able to speak to prove the leadership capacity of the Party Committee in the past time. The limitations are still stated in a general way, it is proposed that the Report needs to clarify each aspect of work, each issue from politics, ideology, ethics, organization, cadres... It is necessary to continue to study and clarify what those limitations are, specifically in each field, to have a basis for proposing solutions to overcome them, avoiding the situation of limitations dragging on from one term to another, affecting the leadership capacity and fighting strength of Party organizations from the provincial to grassroots levels.
Third, supplementing the content of the reasons for the advantages, to achieve such results comes from: First of all, it is the unity from awareness to action of the entire Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee. Second, during the term, it has maintained and promoted internal solidarity and unity. Third, the team of cadres and Party members of Ninh Thuan Province has increasingly improved in awareness and qualifications in all aspects, always contributing to the common interests of the People.
Fourth, the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee regularly innovates the content and methods of leadership to take advantage of the support and assistance of the Central Government while being suitable to the characteristics of the locality.
Fifth, the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee always receives the support and companionship of the people, always promoting the role of the people in participating in Party building. Sixth, the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee regularly self-reflects and self-corrects to gradually improve and affirm its correct and popular leadership...
Seventh, when going into specific aspects of work, it is necessary to continue to evaluate the results achieved, and it is necessary to clarify each issue. For example, item 6.4. Streamlining the organization and apparatus, operating effectively and efficiently: It is necessary to add here that the organization and apparatus of the political system of the entire Ninh Thuan province should be streamlined, operating effectively and efficiently. First of all, regarding the organization and apparatus, it is necessary to clarify the organization and apparatus of the Party, the government, the Fatherland Front and political organizations, the public service units, the armed forces, etc., that is, it is necessary to clearly distinguish the specific results for each organization to see more clearly the results achieved. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the results achieved when the organization and apparatus are arranged, then when put into operation, they will achieve effectiveness and efficiency, which are clearly shown in which issues, such as the organization and apparatus arrangement helps the implementation of the organization to be more direct and faster, reducing the number of intermediate steps, etc.
Section 6.5. Building grassroots party organizations and improving the quality of party members: It is necessary to clarify the results achieved since the beginning of the term, how many grassroots party organizations have been built and developed, and what standards the quality of party members is reflected in. The content "The Provincial Party Committee is interested in building and improving the quality of grassroots party organizations and party members in enterprises" has not been specifically proven.
Section 6.6. Building cadres at all levels and internal political protection work. It is necessary to conduct additional research to clarify the results of encouraging and protecting cadres who are dynamic, creative, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility for the common good. From there, there will be a way to evaluate cadres, which is also the basis for further implementation and further focus on promoting the building of cadres.
Section 6.8. The work of preventing and combating corruption and negativity needs to be supplemented and adjusted with the element of waste, thereby clarifying the results of 6.8. “Promoting the work of preventing and combating corruption, waste and negativity”. In that content, we can do more about the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee in the work of preventing and combating waste in the past time, which has specific and concrete advantages.
3. On solutions to continue building and rectifying the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee to be clean, strong in all aspects, steadfast, and strive to lead the province into a new era.
Firstly, the indicators on Party building need to be further studied and supplemented, because they only stop at the indicators on grassroots party organizations and party members. In addition, the indicator on improving the quality of building the cadre team needs to be added, because when implementing the revolution of streamlining the apparatus, the political system of the province will have changes and arrangements in terms of cadre work, so there needs to be indicators to strive for in the coming time. In addition, other indicators should be studied and supplemented, such as the annual study and practice of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style; the participation in studying and implementing resolutions of party organizations and party members; indicators on implementing mass mobilization work, especially government mass mobilization, implementing democratic regulations at the grassroots level.
Second, the study adds to the forecast of domestic and foreign situations, especially issues related to Party building work that will impact the leadership and implementation process of the Party Committee.
Third, the study adds a general goal on Party building work: Strengthening the building and rectification of a clean and strong Party in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, organization and cadres.
Fourth, title 2. Continue to promote the building of a clean and strong Party organization in all aspects; improve the leadership capacity of the Party organization. It is necessary to conduct additional research in direction 2. "Continue to build and rectify a clean and strong Party organization; improve the leadership capacity and fighting strength of the Party organization; improve the effectiveness and efficiency of inspection and supervision work; promote the vanguard and exemplary role of cadres and Party members"
Fifth, the political Party building needs to be titled “Strengthening the political Party building”, in which it is necessary to emphasize the steadfastness in: Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, constantly applying and creatively developing in accordance with Vietnam's reality in each period; The goal of national independence and socialism; The path of innovation for the goal of a rich people, a strong country, democracy, fairness, civilization; The principles of Party building. Continue to strengthen and be determined to fight against signs of political degradation. As for ideological and moral degradation, it is not appropriate to include them in the content of this section.
In building the Party in terms of politics, it is especially necessary to effectively implement the issue of building and deploying the organization to implement the resolution, which is to: Improve the quality of building the Resolution to ensure the connection between theory and practice, the Resolution must have the breath of life, the Resolution must be implemented in the lives of the people, not a general, abstract Resolution that is difficult to implement. In particular, the issue of innovation and improving the quality of forecasting work needs to be studied to move to the part of building the Party in terms of ideology, which will be more appropriate.
Supplement and edit to make the content clearer: Improve the stance, political mettle, qualifications, intelligence, and fighting spirit of the Party Committee, Party organization, and of each cadre and Party member, first of all the leaders, leaders, and managers at all levels.
Sixth, promote the ideological building of the Party. Research, supplement and adjust to further perfect the content in the direction of: Focusing on propaganda and studying Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, the Party's viewpoints, policies and guidelines, and the State's practical and effective policies and laws; encouraging and promoting the tradition of solidarity, patriotism, self-reliance and the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy homeland and country. Ensuring that we must propagate and study the ideology that our Party has previously identified as the foundation and compass, then propagate the Party's and State's policies and guidelines.
The study separates the issue of protecting the ideological foundation with the following content: Strengthening the work of firmly protecting the Party's ideological foundation, effectively implementing measures to combat and refute the wrong viewpoints and distorted arguments of hostile forces. Then, strengthen the prevention and suppression of ideological degradation in a number of cadres and party members.
Further research on the issue of summarizing practices with the following content: Strengthening and improving the quality of summarizing practices, resolutions and directives of the Party. This issue should not be combined with the innovation of content, programs and methods of political theory education. It is necessary to: Regularly implement theoretical training and update new knowledge for cadres and party members, especially leaders and managers at all levels.
Seventh, focus on building the Party in terms of organization in the direction of streamlining, effectiveness and efficiency. On that basis, it is necessary to propose tasks and solutions in line with the Central's direction and in accordance with the locality. Continue to arrange the organization of the Party agencies, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at all levels to ensure streamlining, effective, efficient and appropriate operations, meeting the requirements of the tasks. Continue to consolidate and rearrange state administrative agencies in line with local realities, ensuring effective and efficient operations. Research, review and readjust the boundaries of administrative units to suit the roadmap, combine perfecting the organization of the administrative apparatus, rearranging the payroll, the number of employees associated with a reasonable structure of cadres and civil servants, ensuring standards and capacity to undertake tasks in the new situation.
Promote administrative reform throughout the political system, focusing on administrative procedure reform closely linked to organizational improvement, staff streamlining; ensure democracy, publicity, transparency, professionalism, and service to the people. Promote the construction of e-government, apply digital transformation, enhance connectivity, and regular information exchange between governments at all levels, between governments and people and businesses.
Continue to effectively implement the judicial reform strategy; improve the quality and efficiency of judicial agencies and law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime, preventing wrongful convictions and letting criminals escape. Better implement the People's Council's supervision mechanism and promote the people's mastery over judicial agencies.
Eighth, continue to strengthen and build grassroots party organizations to ensure the promotion of the role and leadership capacity of grassroots party organizations, including the promotion of the capacity and effectiveness of grassroots party organizations after restructuring the organizational apparatus. At the same time, supplement the construction and development of grassroots party organizations in enterprises in the province to ensure the leadership role of the Party in enterprises. For the province to step forward into the new era, it is necessary to have the companionship and efforts of enterprises, and those efforts must be under the correct leadership of the Party. At the same time, both building and developing grassroots party organizations where they do not exist and strengthening and improving the leadership quality and implementation organization of grassroots party organizations contribute to building a clean and strong grassroots party organization.
In order to improve the quality of party members, it is necessary to continue to research, supplement, innovate and improve the quality of party member development work, especially party member development among workers, business owners, students, and religious people in the direction of having a mechanism suitable to the characteristics of each subject, on the basis of the general regulations of the Central Committee, it is necessary to research and supplement specific instructions with the characteristics of the subject in the implementation process, such as verification and examination issues; activities issues... Actively create sources and recruit new party members, especially in localities, units and bases with few or no party members; at the same time, screen and resolutely remove those who are no longer qualified from the Party.
Ninth, strengthening the Party's cadre building, it is necessary to focus on researching and supplementing some contents: Focus on building a contingent of cadres at all levels, especially leaders with sufficient qualities, capacity, exemplary lifestyle and prestige, equal to the task. Improve the quality and effectiveness of cadre work; synchronously and effectively implement all stages of cadre work, especially assessment, planning, training, management and use of cadres; pay attention to young cadres, female cadres, cadres of ethnic minorities, religious people, cadres from the working class. Continue to streamline the payroll and restructure the cadre, civil servants and public employees; resolutely replace and dismiss cadres who do not fulfill their tasks, are weak in professional capacity, have poor moral qualities, lifestyle and prestige. It is necessary to build a contingent of cadres with "Heart - Talent - Heart" who truly dedicate themselves to the interests of the people. Building such a team of staff is also a way to remove the current bottleneck.
Tenth, focus on the Party's inspection, supervision and discipline work. It is necessary to continue to study and supplement the content: Innovation, improvement of the quality and effectiveness of inspection, supervision and party discipline work. The work of inspection, supervision and party discipline must be organized and implemented drastically, regularly, comprehensively and synchronously, effectively serving the political tasks, the work of Party building and rectification. Not only must inspection and supervision of the implementation of Party resolutions and directives be strengthened, but it is also necessary to strengthen inspection and supervision of the responsibilities of leaders and key officials in places where violations are likely to occur, where there are many pressing issues, prominent issues, and public concerns; in handling and disciplining the Party, it must be fair, accurate, timely, resolute and synchronous, and must be determined to do it, to do it at all costs, to contribute to the purification, making each Party organization always clean and strong. Strengthen the supervision of Party cells and self-supervision of Party members.
Eleventh, resolutely and persistently fight against corruption, waste and negativity. It is necessary to add specific solutions to overcome the current waste situation, and have strict measures to handle violations when waste is allowed. At the same time, add the following content: Closely combine prevention with proactive detection, strict and timely handling of acts of corruption, waste, cover-up, tolerance and abetting corruption, with no forbidden areas or exceptions. Strengthen propaganda and education on laws on corruption prevention and control; enhance the responsibility of cadres, party members and people in corruption prevention and control. Build a cultural lifestyle of "saying no to corruption" associated with building ethics and public service discipline of cadres, party members, civil servants and public employees. Increase the effectiveness of recovering corrupt and wasteful assets, and prevent further loss.
Twelve, innovate mass mobilization work, tighten the close relationship between the Party and the People, rely on the People to build the Party. Continue to supplement and perfect a number of contents: Continue to thoroughly grasp, organize and seriously and effectively implement the Party's resolutions, directives and conclusions on mass mobilization work. Well implement the mass mobilization work regulations of the political system; grassroots democracy regulations in all types, especially in communes, wards, towns, enterprises and public service units. Focus on building and developing organizations, union members and association members in all types of enterprises. Strengthen the work of mobilizing, uniting and gathering religious organizations, dignitaries and followers to live "good lives and good religions"; ethnic minorities and overseas Vietnamese actively participate in local patriotic emulation movements. Build and promote the role of each group such as the working class, farmers, intellectuals, youth, women's unions, veterans, businessmen, etc. Be proactive in forecasting, promptly grasp the thoughts and aspirations of all classes of people, especially in localities with many land acquisition projects for investment in socio-economic development in the area.
To build and rectify the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee to become increasingly clean and strong in all aspects, it is necessary to continue to study and supplement to clarify solutions to suit the local reality and the requirements and aspirations of the people. It is necessary to bring life into the Resolution and the Resolution must be the Resolution of the people's life, then the Party Committee will always be clean and strong. To build a clean and strong Party Committee, it is necessary to promote the active participation of the entire political system, first of all, the consensus, unanimity, agreement, and unity of the entire Party Committee, each cadre and Party member must be active, regular and always pioneer in contributing to the building of the Party Committee; in addition, there must be the participation of organizations and the role of the strength of the People. It is necessary to carry out synchronous and effective implementation in all aspects of Party building work, in which the key is to build a clean and strong Party Committee on five pillars: Politics, ideology, ethics, organization and cadres. It is necessary to identify the key bottleneck which is the cadres, therefore there must be a breakthrough vision to build the Party's cadre team, this is more necessary and urgent than ever.
Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Tat Thang - Dr. Nguyen Thi Tram
Regional Political Academy II
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