In recent times, Thach Thanh district has promoted its potential and advantages to develop concentrated livestock farming, improve productivity, quality, efficiency, ensure disease safety, environment and food safety. At the same time, promote organic and traditional livestock farming towards producing high-quality, safe goods, creating jobs and increasing income for people.
Farmers in Thanh Hung commune raise chickens according to the farm model.
Thach Thanh district strives to increase the average livestock production value in the period of 2021-2025 to 9.7%/year. By the end of April 2023, Thach Thanh district has 52 farms (6 large farms, 19 medium farms, 27 small farms), the total herd of livestock and poultry includes: 9,786 buffaloes, 6,518 cows, 114,665 pigs, 339,598 poultry.
In the first months of 2023, livestock farming in the area has developed stably, and the district has directed disease prevention and control work in a timely and drastic manner, so no dangerous epidemics have occurred in livestock and poultry. In order to develop livestock farming, in recent times, the District People's Committee has directed branches, units and People's Committees of communes and towns to focus on disease prevention and control and vaccination for livestock and poultry; At the same time, many documents have been issued to direct the implementation of disease prevention and control measures for livestock and poultry. Notably, it is necessary to prevent and control dangerous infectious diseases such as lumpy skin disease in buffaloes and cows, foot and mouth disease, etc. The district has directed communes and towns to organize periodic disinfection of livestock areas, barns, village roads, alleys, and grazing grounds. The People's Committees of communes and towns have established working groups for disease prevention and control to investigate the total herd, grasp the disease situation and sign a commitment between livestock breeders and local authorities not to sell, slaughter, or dump dead or sick livestock into the environment. The District People's Committee has established a rapid response team to respond to livestock, poultry, and aquatic animal diseases in the area to support, guide, urge, and work with the People's Committees of communes and towns to synchronously implement disease control measures when there are signs of animal diseases.
The work of controlling slaughter, veterinary hygiene inspection, and transportation of animals and animal products is strictly implemented according to regulations. The district's interdisciplinary mobile team patrols and controls national highways and provincial roads and conducts surprise inspections at food markets and some slaughterhouses for livestock and poultry; livestock farms, veterinary medicine businesses, and inspects the transportation, slaughter, and trading of livestock and poultry meat in the area. At the same time, promote the implementation of the closed-chain livestock extension program, circular economy, ensuring that livestock farmers can master the techniques to produce safe and effective livestock products. Change the approach to production management and product quality management so that producers and businesses can proactively control the quality and safety of their products before bringing them to market.
Continue to train and improve the capacity of State management for officials working in livestock and veterinary work at all levels. Focus on training management skills, livestock techniques, disease management and food safety for livestock farmers through vocational training programs and agricultural extension activities. The district also focuses on directing businesses and livestock farmers to select and create livestock breeds to improve productivity, quality and breeds in production suitable for the locality. Continue to improve and increase the size of the cattle herd in the area, develop an artificial insemination network and use some cattle breeds that can adapt to ecological conditions to create a foundation herd for crossbreeding high-quality beef cattle, providing male calves for fattening beef cattle. Select and select buffalo herds in production, create good foundation herds, and crossbreed buffalo herds using artificial insemination to meet the needs of improving and improving the quality of beef buffalo herds. Manage pig and poultry breeds according to the pyramid model associated with each production sub-region and each product brand. Every year, the organization evaluates and selects the quality of parent pigs and original poultry in the area to eliminate poor quality breeds without clear history or origin. Purebred, selected to improve, improve the productivity and quality of native livestock breeds with rare genetic resources, as raw materials for crossbreeding with high-yielding breeds suitable for each farming method and market segment, ensuring a large enough quantity of products and consistent quality to meet consumption in and outside the district.
Convert ineffective crop areas to grass and corn biomass, combined with mixed green feed processing technology to develop livestock farming and fattening buffalo, cows and goats. Strengthen inspection and control of animal feed quality, especially safety indicators for animal feed. Encourage businesses capable of investing in closed-chain livestock farming and support and guide farmers to meet market demand. Reorganize household livestock farming towards organic, biosafety, disease and environmental safety suitable to the scale, moving towards reducing the form of household livestock farming. Proactively organize and improve the effectiveness of disease prevention and control, ensuring disease safety for livestock, poultry and other livestock. Apply biosafety livestock farming processes and good livestock farming practices (VietGAHP) to livestock farms. Reorganize the system of slaughtering and processing livestock and poultry in a concentrated, industrial manner associated with commercial livestock farming areas, ensuring requirements on veterinary hygiene, food safety, and environmental protection. Encourage the development of processing industry, deep processing of livestock products to diversify and increase the value of livestock products in accordance with the needs of the consumer market.
Vice Chairman of the District People's Committee Nguyen Van Son said: In order to develop livestock farming in the area in a concentrated manner, improve productivity, quality and economic efficiency, the district has been effectively implementing the mechanisms and policies of the Central Government and the province, while taking advantage of the support and assistance of sectors and levels to create investment resources for livestock farming. Support the application of science and technology in the production and processing of animal feed ingredients and veterinary medicines. Monitor and supervise communes and towns to effectively clean village roads and alleys, spray disinfectants and sterilize at livestock households, food markets, and collection and slaughter points for livestock and poultry. Manage the transportation, slaughter and trading of livestock and poultry meat and properly implement the clinical inspection process of circulating animals and control of slaughter and veterinary hygiene inspection at food establishments in the area. Organize sampling to monitor food hygiene and safety at slaughterhouses and markets trading in livestock and poultry meat. Check veterinary hygiene and food safety indicators for water samples, livestock and poultry meat, means of transport and tools used in slaughtering and trading livestock and poultry meat.
Article and photos: Gia Huy
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