Attending the conference were comrades: Lo Van Mung, member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Commission; Chu Xuan Truong, member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Internal Affairs Commission; Central reporters in Dien Bien province, provincial reporters...
At the conference, delegates received the following topics: Thoroughly grasping and implementing "Conclusion No. 86-KL/TW, dated July 10, 2024 of the Secretariat on the development of Vietnamese traditional medicine and the Vietnam Oriental Medicine Association in the new period". Accordingly, Dien Bien province currently has the Traditional Medicine - Rehabilitation Hospital, with a scale of 100 beds, a staff of 22 traditional medicine doctors, which is the highest level of examination and treatment using traditional medicine in the province; at the same time, it is the unit directing the level of examination and treatment using traditional medicine. 10/10 district-level hospitals have interdisciplinary departments of Internal Medicine - Traditional Medicine and Rehabilitation, invested in equipment for examination and treatment using traditional medicine. 114/129 communes implement examination and treatment using traditional medicine. Private oriental medicine network with 17 oriental medicine clinics, 18 medical examination and treatment facilities using traditional medicine...
The conference also heard the leaders of the Department of Foreign Affairs inform about the following topics: "ASEAN situation, China situation, Vietnam - China relations, relations between Dien Bien province (Vietnam) and Yunnan province (China) recently; major orientations of foreign affairs in the coming time".
Regarding the propaganda orientation in the coming time, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department Lo Thi Minh Phuong requested reporters and propagandists at all levels to focus on informing and reflecting on the storm and flood situation, overcoming the consequences of rain and flood in localities; propagating the results of the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee; the socio-economic situation in the first 9 months of 2024; celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital (October 10, 1954 - October 10, 2024); celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Dien Bien Provincial Party Committee (October 10, 1949 - October 10, 2024)...
Source: https://baodienbienphu.com.vn/tin-tuc/chinh-tri/218285/tap-trung-tuyen-truyen-ky-niem-75-nam-thanh-lap-dang-bo-tinh-dien-bien
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