The effects of gym on health
The article on the Medlatec General Hospital website has medical consultation from BSCKI. Duong Ngoc Van pointed out the positive effects of gym training on health and spirit as follows:
Create a sense of happiness
Research shows that regular exercise helps people secrete happy hormones, regulate mood and anxiety, and help avoid depression.
Besides, working out also produces endorphins, which bring a positive, happy, and more comfortable feeling in life. It is also an effective pain reliever.
Furthermore, people who were working out and then stopped working out reported feeling negative in their mood after stopping working out.
Lose weight by exercising regularly
Scientists have shown that sitting passively in one place for a long time will cause the body to accumulate fat and become obese. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise regularly every day with many different exercises to eliminate excess calories, contributing to effective weight loss.
Exercise and energy consumption are inherently very closely related. The higher the intensity of exercise, the more energy is consumed, minimizing the amount of fat to help the body lose weight thoroughly.
Many people wonder whether regular gym workouts are good for their health. (Illustration)
Good for bones and muscles
Weight lifting exercises combined with protein supplements will help stimulate muscle expansion and maintain its firmness thanks to the ability to absorb amino acids during exercise.
In addition, regular exercise will help bone tissue become stronger and more flexible, limit degenerative bone and joint diseases, osteoporosis and support height growth during puberty.
Increase energy
A study shows that working out helps produce healthy energy, reduces fatigue, and prevents illness.
Reduce the risk of chronic disease
Chronic diseases are caused by people who are lazy to exercise. It has been proven that regular gym workouts help reduce blood fat, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Improve skin health
Regular low-intensity exercise can increase antioxidants that help fight aging and protect skin cells.
Your skin can be affected by the amount of oxidative stress in your body.
Helps improve memory
Gym also helps improve memory, why? Because exercise will help blood circulation to the brain, stimulate the creation of hormones that develop brain cells to help improve memory, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and stroke.
Is it good to go to the gym regularly?
The article on the Medlatec General Hospital website has medical consultation from BSCKI. Duong Ngoc Van said that experts advise people to only spend 1-3 days/week to rest, we should not practice continuously all days of the week with high intensity. Overtraining, muscles not being able to rest can leave negative effects, reducing efficiency. Please refer to the reasons why we should not go to the gym every day.
Rest to let your body recover and avoid exhaustion.
When exercising, the body parts and muscles are affected quite a lot and are easily tired. In particular, if you exercise continuously for a muscle group, we can feel exhausted. This can make you distracted and sometimes exercise incorrectly. Thus, the training effect is not really obvious, that is why you need to find out whether you should exercise every day and build the most suitable training schedule.
Rest to avoid injury
Certainly, while exercising, we cannot avoid the risk of injury, especially when the practitioner exercises too hard without taking time to rest and relax.
Ideally, in a week of gym, everyone should spend at least 1 day for the body to rest, recover strength, and regenerate muscle groups. This helps limit the risk of unnecessary injuries during the training process. We go to the gym to improve health, so you should build a reasonable and moderate training regimen that does not cause harm to the body.
Above is the information to answer the question "Is it good to exercise regularly?". Exercise properly to get the best health benefits.
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