Quickly fix grid overload problems

  EVNNPC data shows that the current electricity demand in the North accounts for nearly 50% of the country and the growth rate is also higher than the national average. However, new power sources expected to be completed annually in the 2022-2025 period are lower than the load growth. It is expected that in this period, the Northern region will only bring in 1,427MW (including Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant), so ensuring electricity supply is increasingly difficult. In May, heat waves appeared widely in the Northern provinces, the Northern electricity load capacity increased with output increasing by 13.59%, the highest capacity increased by 17.42% compared to the same period in 2022.

To cope with the prolonged hot weather and shortage of available power sources as well as to ensure the safety of the national power system, EVNNPC has followed the direction of the power system dispatcher, reducing output by mobilizing customers to adjust their loads and implementing power saving to ensure operational management in an extremely difficult situation of power sources. At the same time, with the highest effort to provide electricity to customers during the peak of the hot weather, EVNNPC has increased 100% of human resources, equipment and been on duty 24/24 hours, quickly organizing to fix the grid overload problem to restore power to customers.

Workers of Vinh Phuc Electricity Company check and maintain the power grid system in the area.

Save electricity and arrange production rationally

It is forecasted that in the following months of 2023, the weather will continue to be hot, and the electricity supply in the North will continue to face many difficulties. The Northern region has entered the flood season, but the flow to the reservoirs is low, the water level of the reservoirs increases slowly, and electricity generation is moderate. Therefore, EVNNPC continues to coordinate closely with the National Power System Dispatch Center (A0) and the Northern Power System Dispatch Center (A1) to ensure stable and safe operation of the system, reducing according to the dispatcher's orders in accordance with current regulations. At the same time, using energy economically and efficiently is considered an urgent solution to maintain stability and energy security of the country.

Faced with the tension in electricity supply, Mr. Vu Anh Phuong, Deputy General Director of EVNNPC, hopes to receive the cooperation of customers, join hands to save electricity, especially, businesses actively participate in the electricity load adjustment program, so that the corporation can operate the electricity system stably and safely. Accordingly, EVNNPC recommends that customers proactively arrange production reasonably, avoid production during peak hours, especially large capacity loads of some industries such as steel production, cement, ore smelting, construction materials production; minimize cooling equipment, air conditioning systems, limit the operation of large capacity equipment during peak hours. Strengthen the combination of maintenance and repair of equipment and production lines to reduce the load on the grid; proactively coordinate with the electricity industry to effectively carry out load forecasting, comply with dispatch orders...

According to EVNNPC, the participation of enterprises in the electricity load adjustment program is very meaningful: On the one hand, it supports the electricity industry in reducing the pressure on electricity supply during peak hours, ensuring stable electricity supply for customers (avoiding incidents and overloads); on the other hand, it helps customers use electricity more effectively, saving input costs, while contributing to environmental protection, towards the country's common goal of reducing emissions.

On the other hand, this program will support customers to have more reasonable electricity costs, use less electricity during peak hours, improve production and business efficiency, and increase product competitiveness in the market. In recent times, EVNNPC has actively promoted electricity saving programs in families, residential areas, schools, and offices; supported businesses in energy auditing, consulting on building energy management models, and assessing electricity demand management for customers; supported and provided rooftop solar power installation services; promoted the dissemination of the "Smart Electricity Usage Handbook" in the three fields of industry, buildings, and daily life.

Article and photos: KHANH AN