This is the opinion of business representatives at the seminar Green production and distribution - solutions for sustainable economic development organized by Industry and Trade Magazine on August 30 in Hanoi.
At the seminar on green production - a solution for sustainable economic development organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade on August 30, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Huan, Deputy Director of the Information Technology, Environment Joint Stock Company under the Vietnam National Coal - Mineral Industries Group (Vinacomin), said that in order to move towards green production and develop a circular economy in underground mining in Quang Ninh province, Vinacomin is focusing on researching and applying solutions for reusing wastewater and waste rock after the mining process.
For wastewater, the company is collaborating with Vinacomin to implement a project to reuse wastewater from mines to supply to people in Quang Ninh. As for waste rock, Vinacomin is advocating the use of waste rock as landfill material and for building roads. Recently, Vinacomin has accelerated the greening of waste dumps, which can be combined to develop the forest economy in waste dump areas after mining.
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