The Math - IT welcome night on the evening of October 12 had the participation of nearly 400 new students of K74. The program is part of a series of events designed specifically for first-year students.
A performance by students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology (Photo: TT).
Inspired by gemstones, the welcoming party wanted to send a message of self-respect, pride and self-belief. The beauty of gemstones is also the beauty of the teaching profession they pursue.
Associate Professor, Dr. Le Van Hien - Head of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology, Hanoi National University of Education - congratulated the new students and expressed his expectation that "each student is a precious gem".
"The brilliance lies in the accumulation, the process of serious training and the support of all students, teachers and the whole society," he explained.
"High input, good math and good soft skills will be strengths," Associate Professor Hien added.
First-year students confidently show off their dancing talent (Photo: TT).
The theme of gemstones is connected with the performances of K74 freshmen.
Interspersed with the talent competitions are games for each student to introduce themselves and bridge the gap with their seniors. Through this, new students confidently express themselves, create a wide network of connections, and easily seek help in their studies.
Doan Thuy Duong, a student of class K74A1, shared her joy and pride in becoming a "piece" of the Mathematics - Information Technology department. The female student said that she used to be introverted and closed-minded, but after a month of getting used to the new environment, she became more open. Her class's performance won first prize in the talent competition.
"I have many memories in the past month. The atmosphere of the program is great," Duong said.
Associate Professor, Dr. Le Van Hien and student Nguyen Nhat Huy - Head of the event organizing committee (Photo: TT).
The Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology currently has more than 2,000 students, with the entrance scores last year ranging from 26.04 to 27.68 points for the combination of three subjects in the high school graduation exam. Of which, Mathematics majors take 26.04; Mathematics education takes 27.48; Mathematics education taught in English takes 27.68.
In 2023, the employment rate of Hanoi National University of Education graduates after graduation will be 96.1%, an increase of more than 4% compared to 2022.
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