According to Dr. Nguyen Huy Hoang, Vietnam - Russia Hyperbaric Oxygen Center, Ministry of National Defense, after exercise, the body often loses strength, becomes dehydrated, has electrolyte imbalance, and reduces glycogen reserves in the muscles. Therefore, abusing alcohol at this time forces the liver and kidneys to work harder to eliminate toxins.
Alcohol is a diuretic that causes you to urinate frequently, feel tired, and have electrolyte imbalances. This condition, if prolonged, will overload your organs and reduce your ability to detoxify.
Therefore, beer and wine cannot replace water and cannot be drunk instead of water after exercising or heavy physical activity. You should drink a moderate amount of water and rest before consuming cold drinks such as beer to avoid disturbing your body temperature.
The World Health Organization (WHO) introduced the concept of alcohol unit, one alcohol unit is equivalent to 10g of pure ethanol, equal to 200ml of beer; 75ml of wine (1 glass); 25ml of spirits (1 cup). Depending on the amount of drink, it will be converted to approximately how many units of alcohol.
For a healthy adult, the liver will eliminate 1 unit of alcohol every hour. This is an average number. Depending on the individual, such as people with weak livers or people who weigh more than average, this period of time can increase or decrease.
Regarding the body's alcohol excretion mechanism, about 10 - 15% will be excreted through the respiratory tract, skin, and sweat. About 85 - 90% will be processed through the liver.
Men should not drink more than 720 ml of beer or 300 ml of wine or 60 ml of whisky per day. Women should not drink more than 360 ml of beer or 150 ml of wine or 30 ml of whisky per day. Avoid using alcoholic beverages of unknown origin.
The body is often hungry after exercise, alcohol abuse makes you drunk easily because the acid in the stomach increases stimulation, easily damages the mucosa, and in the long term affects the stomach, colon, and liver.
Drinking alcohol when the body is tired, stressed or overexerted is also more likely to get drunk than normal. Driving while not sober is also a leading cause of accidents, dangerous for yourself and other road users.
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