Kinhtedothi - Talking on the sidelines of the National Assembly, National Assembly deputies acknowledged that the current organization and apparatus are still cumbersome; therefore, this is the right time to implement the policy of streamlining and rearranging the apparatus, to bring the country into an era of growth...
Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Dong Thap Province Pham Van Hoa:
Improve quality and restructure staff
In the article "Slim - Lean - Strong - Effective - Effective - Efficient", General Secretary To Lam raised very specific issues and clearly analyzed the current situation of the cumbersome and unsophisticated state apparatus in recent times. Thereby, the General Secretary pointed out that it is necessary to review the method of streamlining the payroll, and to review, evaluate, and summarize whether the merger of departments and offices as in the past has been effective or not?
Currently, the apparatus within ministries and ministerial-level agencies still has many levels, some levels have unclear legal status; the number of affiliated units with legal status has increased, increasing the situation of "Ministries within Ministries". Current streamlining of staff only focuses on reducing quantity, not yet associated with improving quality and restructuring the staff.
General Secretary To Lam also mentioned the increasing situation of "Ministries within Ministries", which is also a reality that is happening, with overlapping functions and tasks. Therefore, there needs to be a very drastic and streamlined intervention to make the working apparatus from the Central to the grassroots truly effective and efficient, bringing practical benefits.
Recently, Resolution 18-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 of the 12th Central Executive Committee on continuing to innovate and reorganize the political system to be lean, effective and efficient has been well implemented, streamlining 10% of the public service payroll. However, this streamlining in some places, some agencies and units is still of a leveling nature, the regulations from top to bottom are applied in common, all agencies, organizations and units are streamlining 10%.
At the commune level, if there is only one person doing a task, it cannot be streamlined. Or at the district level, there are 3 people, if it is streamlined to 2 people, it is not enough to perform the task; this happens similarly at the department and sector levels. Therefore, the streamlining and streamlining in the past has not been appropriate and reasonable.
General Secretary To Lam's article also raised the issue of streamlining the payroll, which only focuses on reducing quantity, and is not yet associated with improving the quality and restructuring of the staff; it is necessary to streamline the apparatus, organization, and payroll from the Central level.
In some ministries and sectors, there are 3,000-4,000 people. If we reduce 30-50 people, I think it will not affect the operation of that ministry or sector. As for the provincial and district levels, reducing only 5-7 people will cause difficulties in operation, and there will not be enough human resources to perform public duties.
Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Tay Ninh Province Hoang Thi Thanh Thuy:
The country will move completely into a new phase.
To prepare for a new term, a new phase with many breakthrough contents as General Secretary To Lam mentioned as the "era of rising up" of the nation, the immediate thing to do is to arrange and streamline the apparatus. This is not only an innovation but can be considered a "revolution", because with this policy, the country will completely move to a new phase.
To achieve the set goals, the State apparatus must also keep up with the world's development. This is the right time to implement the Party's policy of streamlining the apparatus, especially when preparing for Party Congresses at all levels.
General Secretary To Lam said that corruption and waste are two major concerns that affect socio-economic development. If we want to focus on achieving the set major goals, we must demonstrate the Party's political determination in implementing the current arrangement and organization of the apparatus, preventing and fighting corruption and negativity, and regaining the people's trust.
National Assembly Delegate Ho Thi Minh (Quang Tri National Assembly Delegation):
Ensure streamlining of both apparatus and human resources
I think that streamlining the apparatus at the grassroots level needs to be considered depending on each industry. For example, in the education sector, there should not be a mechanical reduction of 10% every year, but it should be based on the student ratio, to implement the Party's policy that wherever there are students, there are teachers. Therefore, in the article and the idea of the General Secretary, it is clearly stated that all ministries, branches and intermediate stages in the staff work need to be arranged and streamlined so that the apparatus at the higher level and the grassroots level have unity in management.
For the intermediate staff departments, if not necessary, they can be streamlined so that in the future, when ranking salary levels according to the new salary policy, according to job positions, it will bring efficiency and ensure the lives of staff.
Currently, some ministries and sectors have affirmed that if we reduce a few dozen cadres, we can still operate smoothly, so why don't we do it immediately after the General Secretary's direction? And recently, some places have done mechanical streamlining by retiring cadres and not recruiting new ones. Therefore, it is necessary to review and have an appropriate mechanism for those subject to streamlining; at the same time, there are specific criteria for evaluating cadres, as a basis for implementing streamlining on the right subjects, ensuring streamlining both the apparatus and human resources.
National Assembly Delegate Leo Thi Lich (National Assembly Delegation of Bac Giang Province):
Streamlining the apparatus to meet the needs of innovation
In the past, the implementation of the Government's Decree to reduce 10% of the annual payroll for public service units and administrative units only focused on two areas: education and health. Meanwhile, according to the rate of Vietnam's population, the population is increasing, the education and health sectors need to increase to have enough numbers to meet the needs of education and health care for the people, so it is unreasonable to only focus on reducing payroll in these two areas.
The General Secretary requested to streamline the apparatus, improve efficiency, effectiveness and efficiency in the coming time, focusing on various areas. I think that streamlining the apparatus focusing on the Central level is appropriate, to ensure harmony in work, meet the needs of innovation, especially the building of a socialist rule-of-law state.
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