Questioning Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat, delegate Dang Thi Bao Trinh (Quang Nam delegation) said that in recent times, our Party and State have always paid attention to investing in science and technology programs. However, in reality, the applicability of many scientific topics is still low. The delegate asked the Minister to clarify responsibilities and solutions in the coming time.

Sharing the same concern, delegate Le Thanh Van (Ca Mau delegation) asked the Minister to let him know how many research topics using the State budget were put into application last year? How many of them brought practical results? What is the "trigger point" in policy for Vietnam to make a breakthrough in technology, especially in the fields of state management, economic development and national defense and security?

Delegate Le Thanh Van asked questions. Photo: CONG QUOC

Responding to delegate Dang Thi Bao Trinh, Minister Huynh Thanh Dat said: Science and technology is a special field, it is very difficult to evaluate the success of research topics. Because, there are research topics that have been completed, but have not yet been effective, but will have value for many years to come. There are topics that take a long time to be applied in practice and to evaluate the level of success, so it is impossible to fully count and it is very difficult to completely count. Minister Huynh Thanh Dat said that he will provide complete data in the near future. "However, it must be added that this statistical work is difficult," said Minister Huynh Thanh Dat.

Responding to delegate Le Thanh Van, Minister Huynh Thanh Dat said that in recent years, the Party, the State and the National Assembly have paid great attention to science, technology and innovation activities. Despite the economic difficulties, the Government has made recommendations and the National Assembly has allocated funds for the science and technology sector.

Minister Huynh Thanh Dat said it is difficult to determine how many scientific research topics are in the "drawer". Photo: TUAN HUY

Thinking that the Minister's answer was not on point, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue repeated the question: "The delegate did not ask how much budget is allocated for science and technology, but asked how many topics have been applied? How many topics are left in drawers? What are the solutions to make a breakthrough in science and technology, especially the solutions for State management?"

Continuing to answer, the Minister said that science and technology activities have their own characteristics, seeking new things, so they can be successful, unsuccessful, early or late. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine how many topics have been put into application. According to the Minister, the important thing is how we determine that those results serve socio-economic development, improving the scientific research capacity of scientific researchers themselves. Recently, it can be seen that research results have contributed to improving the rankings of our country's universities in the region and internationally.

At the question and answer session, Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat also mentioned the national science and technology development strategy; solutions to promote the application and deployment of achievements and advanced scientific and technological products into life...