On October 8, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave its second opinion on the draft Law on Teachers. Many delegates were interested in the regulations on salary policies and preferential mechanisms for teachers.

Presenting the Government's report, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son said that after being revised, the draft law had 26 fewer articles compared to the draft law submitted to the National Assembly Standing Committee at the 37th session previously.

Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son. Photo: QH

In particular, the bill stipulates a number of contents on salary, allowance and support policies for teachers, which are carefully reviewed to ensure both breakthroughs and suitability with the context of salary reform implementation in the coming time.

With the policies proposed in the Law on Teachers, the budget will increase. Specifically, according to the Government's report, the additional costs to pay teachers' salaries will be about 1,068 billion VND/month, meaning the budget will have to add 12,816 billion VND annually.

In the case where teachers are recruited and their salaries are increased by 1 salary level in the administrative career salary scale system, the additional cost to pay salaries will be about 22 billion VND/month, meaning the budget must add 264 billion VND annually.

The draft law also plans to have a policy of exempting tuition fees for children of teachers and lecturers. If this policy is implemented, the State budget will have to pay an additional 9,200 billion VND.

Preferential and special policies are acceptable, but privileges and benefits are not recommended.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Khac Dinh assessed that this bill performed quite well, affirming that teachers are special civil servants, and in principle will enjoy all the benefits and policies for civil servants in the legal system, except for some special regulations.

“For example, the highest salary in the civil service system, holidays, and summer vacation of 10 days/year, while teachers have a maximum of 4-8 weeks/year depending on the level of education, of course during the summer vacation they have to do a lot of professional activities,” Mr. Dinh cited.

Regarding the policy to support teachers, the Vice Chairman of the National Assembly shared: "To be honest, I am also a teacher, I have children going to school, the draft regulation is very humane, exempting tuition fees for biological children and legally adopted children of teachers who are working is humane."

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Khac Dinh. Photo: QH

However, he wondered if this regulation could exempt tuition fees at public schools, but not at private schools. However, exempting tuition fees like that would be sensitive.

“My child went to school and the teacher invited me to the opening ceremony. He told his father not to say he was his father. His friends said he was a big guy and it was annoying. His mother was a teacher, but he told her not to say she was a teacher. They said teachers get preferential treatment, and they discriminated against him,” he stated the reality.

Therefore, according to Mr. Dinh, this content needs to be regulated or let the Government regulate in the direction that for teachers with difficulties, there will be support policies, not recorded in the law like the draft law.

"Preferential policies and special regimes are fine, but privileges and special benefits should not be prescribed," the Vice Chairman of the National Assembly noted.

Regarding retirement, Article 28 of the draft law stipulates that "Teachers in preschools and schools for the disabled can retire at a lower age but not more than 5 years older than the prescribed age and will not have their pension rate deducted due to early retirement."

Mr. Dinh suggested reviewing the regulation that "teachers can retire before the age of 55 but without having their pensions deducted". Because if such a regulation is made, it will be necessary to amend the Social Insurance Law, which is not advisable. Moreover, such a regulation would be "privileged" and contradict the Social Insurance Law that was just passed.

Chairman of the Committee for Culture and Education Nguyen Dac Vinh said that the standing committee basically agrees with the regulations on salary and allowance policies for teachers.

However, there are opinions in the appraisal agency suggesting clearly defining the scope and beneficiaries, thoroughly and fully assessing the impact of resources to ensure the implementation of support policies, attracting teachers, especially the policy of exempting tuition fees for teachers' children.

The policy of ensuring collective accommodation or renting public housing according to the provisions of the Housing Law and the essential conditions when working in "rural areas" is also proposed to have its impact clearly assessed.

Clarify the source of funds to allocate salaries for teachers

Chairman of the Law Committee Hoang Thanh Tung assessed that the salary and benefits policy for teachers is one of the breakthrough contents, ensuring to attract and develop the teaching staff.

Although he basically agrees with the policies stipulated in the draft law, Mr. Tung suggested that the Government should explain more fully and make more convincing arguments.

For example, the draft law is proposing to retain many allowances for teachers, while Resolution 27 of the Central Committee on salary reform raises the issue of narrowing or merging some types of allowances, especially allowances by profession, attraction allowances, etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to explain and analyze fully and convincingly, placing it in the context of salary policy reform.

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man. Photo: QH

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man wondered: Where does this source come from, where will it come from to arrange salaries for teachers when applying new policies according to the draft law?

He suggested a thorough assessment to ensure feasibility and fairness in relation to other priority subjects.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Truong Hai Long said that the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Home Affairs have set out policies to remove resources and create incentives for teachers in recruitment and employment.

For example, currently, there are regulations that civil servants cannot be transferred, but this draft law stipulates the transfer of teachers to help limit the surplus and shortage of teachers.

Or like the regulation that civil servants are not allowed to work for two public service units at the same time, this bill allows teachers to teach in multiple schools and levels. These are policies that the Politburo has concluded and can be handled very promptly with current reality.

In addition, the Ministry of Home Affairs highly agrees with the bill when it has researched and added preferential policies for teachers such as extending the retirement age for highly qualified teachers such as professors and doctors or recruitment policies.

'If teachers are removed from public service, it will be a huge loss'

'If teachers are removed from public service, it will be a huge loss'

Associate Professor, Dr. Le Minh Thong said that if teachers are removed from the Civil Servants Law as in the draft Law on Teachers, it will push 70% of civil servants out of the State civil service sector, which is a huge disadvantage for teachers.
Need for incentive mechanism, increase in teachers' salary, avoid 'living long to become a veteran'

Need for incentive mechanism, increase in teachers' salary, avoid 'living long to become a veteran'

Secretary General of the National Assembly Bui Van Cuong noted that the draft Law on Teachers needs to stipulate the treatment regime for teachers, attract talented people in the education sector, and avoid the situation of "living long to become a veteran".
What source to increase salary for teachers and doctors?

What source to increase salary for teachers and doctors?

After calculating the new salary policy according to salary reform, many voters in the education sector said that the new salary is not commensurate with the work that teachers are doing, and is even lower than the current salary.