This content was mentioned by Journalist Ho Thi Ngan - Permanent Vice President of Nghe An Provincial Journalists Association at the Conference summarizing 5 years of implementing Decision No. 979-QD/HNBVN on activities of members who are resident reporters in localities, organized by the Vietnam Journalists Association on the afternoon of October 5, 2023 in Nghe An.
Journalist Ho Thi Ngan - Permanent Vice President of Nghe An Provincial Journalists Association spoke at the conference
Journalist Ho Thi Ngan said that Nghe An is a locality with quite vibrant press activities. After implementing the Press Planning, there are currently 80 press agencies operating in the province (including 3 press agencies of Nghe An province, the rest are representative offices and resident reporters of other central, sectoral and local newspapers residing in the area). In addition, there are a number of press agencies with reporters operating in the area but have not registered representative offices or permanent residences. The team of journalists and press agencies in Nghe An currently has more than 600 people, nearly 300 of whom have Journalist cards; 200 journalists and reporters from resident newspapers have registered to operate in the area. The Provincial Journalists Association currently has 396 members, operating in 14 affiliated branches, including 01 branch of Representative Offices and Resident Reporters, with nearly 40 members participating in activities.
Close coordination between the three agencies in directing, managing, and orienting press propaganda in the area
First of all, there must be close coordination, sense of responsibility, consensus and unity of relevant agencies and departments in directing and managing the press, directly the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, the Department of Information and Communications, the Journalists Association, and other focal points, such as the Provincial Police Department's PA03 Department, leaders of the press agencies in charge, and the support and attention of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Committee and the Central Association.
To effectively perform the function of state management of press activities, the Department of Information and Communications requires all representative offices and resident reporters in the area to register their activities. Every month, to control the fluctuations in the number of representative offices and resident reporters, the Department of Information and Communications, the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, and the Provincial Journalists Association coordinate to monitor, review, count and request representative offices and resident reporters who have personnel changes, change locations, register new or abolish permanent residence in the area to promptly report in writing, request the Department of Information and Communications to update and complete procedures.
Representative offices and resident reporters must register the list of reporters and collaborators of the reporting unit with the Department of Information and Communications. The list and phone numbers of representative offices and resident reporters are regularly updated by the Department of Information and Communications on the provincial electronic information portal at This is also an information channel for individuals, businesses, agencies, departments and branches to clearly identify which newspaper unit the journalist, member, reporter or collaborator comes to work for and where they are based.
The Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, the Department of Information and Communications, and the Provincial Journalists Association jointly issued the Press Conference Regulation No. 01, with the aim of better performing the role, management, orientation, monitoring, supervision, and handling functions of press management agencies, thereby allowing press agencies, press owners, representative agencies, and resident agencies to better manage their press officers and reporters operating in the area. Based on Decision 62/2013/QD-UBND "Regulations on speaking, providing, publishing, and handling information in the press in Nghe An province", the three agencies, the Propaganda Department, the Department of Information and Communications, and the Provincial Journalists Association, chaired the press conference, thoroughly understanding the regulations on spokespersons, organizations, and units responsible for providing information to the press, the conditions for publishing and broadcasting information, and the responsibilities of press agencies and resident reporters operating in the area.
Reporters working at the Congress of Nghe An Provincial Party Committee
The Press Conference is maintained seriously and periodically every month by the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, the Department of Information and Communications and the Journalists Association. Thereby, the results of the activities are evaluated and the shortcomings of press agencies, reporters and members in propaganda work in the past month are pointed out, and the propaganda content is oriented for the next month. The issues reflected by the press are summarized by the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department and reported to the Standing Committee, the Provincial Party Committee's Standing Committee, the leaders of the Provincial People's Committee, departments, branches and sectors for timely inspection and handling (2 weeks/1 time reporting the handling results to the Provincial Party Committee's Standing Committee).
In addition to managing journalists to operate in accordance with the law, principles and purposes, the Nghe An Journalists Association also strengthens coordination in ideological management when journalists participate in social networks and other forums. At monthly press meetings, the conference chair reminds and corrects the personal pages of reporters and members who post unverified and unverified information related to economic, social, security, national defense issues... in the province; reminds journalists and members to strictly follow the 10 regulations on ethics for Vietnamese journalists.
In particular, in 2021, Nghe An was one of the first provinces in the country to issue Project No. 11 dated November 22, 2021 of the Provincial Party Standing Committee on "Improving the effectiveness of direction, orientation and handling of press information in Nghe An province in the period of 2021 - 2025". The concretization of many contents of Project No. 11 along with promoting the implementation of the contents of Plan 156 of the Central Propaganda Department has created cohesion, close coordination and unity among press agencies, promoting the combined strength of all types of information and communication...
Coordinate activities to attract and closely connect press forces from both central and local levels.
In recent times, the Nghe An Journalists Association has regularly paid attention to improving the quality of journalists in terms of political qualities, professional ethics and professional qualifications. To do that, the role of the Journalists Association is extremely important. The Association coordinates with the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, the Department of Information and Communications, and the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Department to organize activities to attract members to participate. The Association's activities must be linked to expertise to be feasible and effective, especially the good implementation of the 10 regulations on professional ethics, followed by coordination with press agencies to open professional training courses with practical content.
In the past 3 years, Nghe An Journalists Association has organized and coordinated with the Associations, press agencies and the Vietnam Journalists Association Training Center to organize 18 classes, including professional training and specialized seminars. In addition, the Associations of Radio and Television Station, Nghe An Newspaper, Song Lam Magazine, and Military Region 4 Newspaper have proactively developed plans to coordinate with the leaders of the Editorial Board of press agencies to annually organize specialized training for journalists, reporters, technicians, and collaborators on skills such as: "Multimedia journalism"; "Press photo presentation skills"; New Publishing Code; SEO techniques, creating Emagazinne and Longform genres on electronic newspapers and providing orientation on how to discover, exploit topics and work quickly for all cadres, reporters and collaborators in the province.
Leaders of Nghe An province awarded prizes to authors and groups of authors who won the 2022 Nghe An Province Golden Hammer and Sickle Journalism Award.
The Association sent nearly 100 journalist members from its branches to participate in short-term professional training courses organized by the Vietnam Journalists Association in Hanoi and provinces in the North Central region. Representative offices and resident reporters in the area actively, seriously and fully participated in seminars and professional training courses organized and coordinated by the Association in the area.
Cultural, artistic, sports, and charity and social activities are also of interest to the Journalists Association, attracting journalists to participate. Every year, the Association organizes and coordinates with departments, branches, and branches to organize journalism, artistic, sports, and charity programs such as "Sports Competition for Journalists", "Singing of Journalists in Uncle Ho's Homeland" on the occasion of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day, June 21; Nghe An Press Award, Golden Hammer and Sickle Award (in coordination with the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department and the Provincial Party Committee's Organizing Committee), Press Award on "Studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style" (in coordination with the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department), "Press Writing on Health" Award (in coordination with the Department of Health), "Press Award on Cua Lo Tourism - Nghe An Tourism" (in coordination with the People's Committee of Cua Lo Town and the Provincial People's Committee), Press Award on "Skillful Mass Mobilization" (in coordination with the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Department), organizing the Spring Press Festival,... These activities have had a widespread effect, attracting a large number of representative offices and resident reporters to actively participate. In addition, the province's annual Spring Press Festival has enthusiastic contributions from representative offices and resident reporters. Such as contributing publications of Tet issues to display at the Spring Newspaper reading room, donating money to give to the poor at the Spring Press Festival.
The above activities have contributed to connecting the team of central and local reporters and journalists more closely, thereby helping each other in information, exchanging expertise, encouraging each other to overcome all difficulties, and making positive and effective contributions to the locality in the field of propaganda.
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