New research by scientists at the University of Exeter (UK) looked at data from 370,000 participants from the UK Biobank.
The study found that people at high risk for hyperglycemia were also more likely to develop the following four problems:
Researchers have discovered a new symptom of diabetes.
Frozen shoulder (the connective tissue in the shoulder joint thickens, leading to stiffness and discomfort).
Carpal tunnel syndrome (nerve entrapment in the wrist causing numbness, tingling, and pins and needles sensations).
Dupuytren's contracture (tissue in the palm of the hand thickens and tightens, causing the fingers to curve inward).
Trigger finger (a condition similar to Dupuytren's contracture but usually affects only one finger), according to Express.
Research shows that over time, high blood sugar levels increase levels of substances called AGEs. These substances form when proteins, fats, and DNA mix with sugar in the blood. The buildup of AGEs—in the hands of people with Dupuytren's contracture and in the shoulders of people with frozen shoulder—may cause damage and thickening of tendons, joints, and tissues.
Frozen shoulder can also be a symptom of diabetes
Lead researcher Dr Harry Green from the University of Exeter Medical School said: “This study demonstrates that long-term high blood sugar levels cause upper limb conditions that can now be identified as complications of diabetes.
In addition, there are two little-known symptoms of diabetes: slow wound healing and fruity breath.
Symptoms of diabetes are commonly known as:
Urinating more than usual.
Always feel thirsty.
Feeling very tired.
Unintentional weight loss.
Itching around the genital area or repeated thrush.
Blurred vision .
If you experience any of these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor, according to Express .
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