Start your day with health news, readers can also read more articles: 3 dietary adjustments to help lower cholesterol naturally; Unexpected benefits of starch for stomach pain; Doctor points out the best time to eat dinner for health ...
Expert: This is the best way to walk to lose weight
Losing weight can be difficult, requiring a balance between a healthy diet, reduced calorie intake, and exercise.
But you may not need to do high-intensity workouts, and according to fitness experts, there are some ways of walking that can be just as effective or even more effective for weight loss than high-intensity exercises.
There are several types of walking that can be as effective or even more effective for weight loss than high-intensity exercise.
Walking is a full-body workout, says Rachel Lovitt, a holistic exercise coach in the US. It’s not only good for your cardiovascular and muscular systems, but it’s also great for your lymphatic system and brain. The arm swings you make while walking also help connect the two hemispheres of your brain.
Not only that, some special walking exercises can help lose weight effectively.
Alternate between brisk walking and running. This type of interval walking involves varying periods of walking, combining high and low intensity. According to expert Isaac Robertson, co-founder of Total Shape Fitness Center (USA), this exercise involves alternating between periods of brisk walking and short bouts of jogging or faster walking. The different intensity levels keep the body active and promote a high metabolism even after the workout is finished. Readers can read more about this article on the health page on September 17.
3 Dietary Adjustments to Lower Cholesterol Naturally
People with chronic diseases accompanied by high cholesterol levels almost always have to take cholesterol-controlling drugs regularly. In addition, patients also need to adjust their diet appropriately.
Cholesterol plays a very important role in the body, helping cells absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K. In addition, cholesterol also acts as a precursor to vitamin D, steroid hormones and sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone.
People with high blood cholesterol levels should limit their intake of sugar and white starch.
Not only that, cholesterol also plays many other important roles, especially as an indispensable component of cell membranes. The amount of cholesterol will determine whether this membrane is soft or hard. However, too much cholesterol is harmful, especially low-density cholesterol (LDL), which will form plaque in the artery walls, thereby increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
There are two sources of cholesterol for the body. They are synthesised from the liver and taken from daily food. Therefore, adjusting your diet properly will help reduce cholesterol levels naturally. To do this, people need to pay attention to the following:
Eat the right kind of fat. Fat is one of the three main sources of energy for the body, along with protein and starch. However, there are many different types of fat and not all of them are good for health. The main types of fat in the daily diet are saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and trans fat. Of which, monounsaturated fat has many health benefits, helping to control blood sugar, blood pressure, weight and triglyceride levels. The next content of this article will be on the health page on September 17.
Unexpected benefits of starch for stomach pain
For people who care about their weight, starch is something they often avoid or limit eating, especially white starch. But when you have a stomach ache, starch is something your stomach really needs.
The digestive system works to break down food and convert it into energy. Some foods, such as spicy foods, may taste delicious, but eating too much of them can upset the digestive tract and cause stomach pain.
Starch has the effect of soothing stomach pain.
Stomach pain can also be caused by eating late at night or eating too quickly. In addition to pain, people with stomach pain will experience bloating, discomfort, and burning in the upper abdomen. Food intolerances and viral infections are other common causes of stomach pain.
When you have pain, foods that are high in starch, even white starch, are suitable and very beneficial for the stomach. Foods made from white starch, such as cakes, bread and white rice, although they cause blood sugar to rise, are easy to digest and help relieve pain.
Meanwhile, dishes made from complex starches such as sweet potatoes and whole grains, although digested more slowly, are rich in fiber. This amount of fiber will absorb excess acid in the stomach, thereby reducing discomfort. Start your day with health news to see more content of this article!
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