President Putin referred to the campaign in Ukraine, saying the world was at a crucial turning point, while speaking at the Victory Parade.
"Decisive battles for the fate of the motherland are always sacred and patriotic," Russian President Vladimir Putin said while speaking before the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow today.
The Kremlin chief said the world was at a critical juncture and Russia was fighting for its future. "A real war has been launched against Russia. We have repelled international terrorism and will protect the residents of Donbass and ensure the security of our country," he said.
In a speech lasting about 10 minutes, President Putin also praised the Great Patriotic War, affirming that the participants of the war showed limitless courage and made great sacrifices to save humanity from fascism, emphasizing that their names have "become immortal".
President Putin at the Victory Parade on Red Square on May 9. Photo: Ria Novosti
President Putin affirmed that Russia wants to see a stable, peaceful and free future, adding that Moscow "does not consider any nation as hostile or unfriendly, neither in the East nor in the West".
But he blamed Western leaders for starting bloody conflicts, as well as creating anti-Russian sentiment and extreme nationalism, and destroying traditional family values. "All this is aimed at domination, imposing their will on others and maintaining the system of violence and repression," Putin said.
The Russian president said Moscow's opponents have not learned the lessons of events nearly 80 years ago. "It seems they have forgotten what the Nazis' insane ambition to dominate the world led to, they have forgotten who defeated evil, who stood up to defend their country and spared no lives to liberate the people of Europe," he said.
The Kremlin chief stressed that Russia still pays tribute to members of the French resistance, soldiers of the US, UK and many other countries, as well as honors Chinese forces in the fight against Japanese militarism.
The Russian President said the presence of leaders of many countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) at this year's Victory Parade shows their gratitude to their father.
"The entire Soviet people contributed to this common victory. We will always remember that. We will all bow our heads before the memory of those who died in the war, before remembering our children, parents, grandparents, spouses, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends," Putin said.
Referring to the campaign in Ukraine, the Russian President expressed "pride for those who are fighting". He said that the future of the country and its people, as well as national security, is the responsibility of the soldiers fighting in Ukraine.
He sent personal greetings to the soldiers who fought in Ukraine and were present at the parade, as well as those stationed on the front lines.
"During the Great Patriotic War, our heroic ancestors showed that there is nothing stronger and more reliable than our unity. There is nothing in the world stronger than love for the Fatherland," President Putin concluded his speech.
Military parade in Red Square on May 9. Video: Perviy Kanal
The Russian military then held a parade with the participation of more than 10,000 soldiers and some wheeled equipment, but no tanks, self-propelled guns or armed helicopters or fighter jets. This is considered one of the shortest parades in Russia, lasting only about 45 minutes.
Vu Anh (According to Ria Novosti )
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