Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai accompanied Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang to attend the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council. (Photo: Permanent Mission of Vietnam in Geneva) |
As a female diplomat at the “frontline” of multilateral diplomacy promoting and protecting human rights, including the rights of women and girls… What do you think about your “mission”?
On the occasion of Vietnamese Women's Day, October 20, I would like to share my honor and pride in being a Vietnamese woman. I consider the work of female diplomats in Geneva an important, honorable and proud "mission" while also having to meet the high demands and pressures of working at the Permanent Mission of Vietnam in Geneva, a major center of multilateral diplomacy and global governance, with more than 30 international intergovernmental organizations in a wide range of fields.
The core task of the Delegation is to promote and elevate multilateral diplomacy, focusing on successfully assuming Vietnam's position as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HURC) for the 2023-2025 term, upholding the policy of our Party and State to take people as the center, people as the goal, subject and driving force of development, promoting and protecting the human rights of all people, including the rights of women and girls, leaving no one behind.
The promotion and protection of human rights as well as other areas in the multilateral work of the Delegation requires close coordination with bilateral diplomacy, throughout multilateral forums in Geneva, although there are advantages but also many challenges and difficulties, especially when the world is currently facing many crises, increasing inequality between groups of countries in international relations, between population groups as well as gender inequality in many countries, including developed countries. Women's rights are an important part of human rights, peace and sustainable development, the three important pillars of the United Nations (UN). We believe that there can be no peace and comprehensive and sustainable development without respecting and ensuring the equal rights of women and girls.
"We believe that there can be no peace and inclusive and sustainable development without respecting and ensuring the equal rights of women and girls." |
The female diplomatic staff of the Mission, with the number of 8/22, accounting for 36% of the total staff, of which female diplomatic staff is 7/18, accounting for 39% of the total diplomatic staff, always strive to promote knowledge, capacity and collective solidarity to fulfill their assigned positions well, worthy of the glorious tradition of Vietnamese women and generations of female diplomatic staff.
Personally, I am fully aware of the honor and pride along with the responsibility of being the first female diplomat to be assigned the position of Ambassador, Head of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and other international organizations in Geneva, after 11 previous male Ambassadors.
As Ambassador and Head of the Representative Office in Geneva, I am always aware of promoting the tradition of Vietnamese women and female diplomats, actively participating in the network of pioneering diplomats promoting gender equality in Geneva, always striving to ensure equal opportunities for women to participate in decisions and be fairly assessed on the basis of their abilities and capacities, promoting collective solidarity, the companionship of male officers and staff, as well as promoting cooperation with Delegations of other countries, Leaders and experts at international organizations, including regular exchanges and close coordination with the network of more than 50 female Ambassadors, Heads of Delegations and many female Leaders at international organizations.
Together with male and female colleagues, we actively participate in meetings, negotiations and discussions with international partners to promote our country's policies, achievements, and initiatives on promoting the great potential and important role of women in the cause of national construction and defense, enhancing women's participation in all areas of the country as well as in the process of building the ASEAN community, the work of the Human Rights Council and other international organizations in the fields of labor, health, trade, development, intellectual property, etc.; at the same time, contributing to strengthening the development and implementation of policies, actions and programs on promoting and protecting the rights of women and girls, combating violence and discrimination against women, enhancing dissemination, education and raising awareness of the rights of women and girls in the world.
This work is not always easy, but I believe that with dedication, persistent efforts, dialogue and cooperation, increased understanding and trust building, we will continue to work with countries and international partners to create more positive changes so that women and girls around the world can enjoy equal rights, peace and sustainable development.
Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai organized an exchange and connection between female Ambassadors, Heads of Delegations and female leaders of several international organizations in Geneva, to promote women's participation in diplomacy and multilateralism (July 18, 2023). Photo: Vietnamese Delegation in Geneva |
As a Vietnamese woman, do you ever have any priorities in mainstreaming or promoting the rights of Vietnamese women and girls at the Human Rights Council - one of the important bodies of the United Nations today?
Vietnam's current role as one of the 47 member states of the UN Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 term (after the first term from 2014-2016) is an opportunity for our Delegation to actively promote participation and contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights, including the rights of women and girls, in the work of the UN Human Rights Council and other international organizations in Geneva.
Our delegation has always actively fulfilled Vietnam's role as a member of the UNSC, promoting discussions according to the common agenda, while integrating and promoting Vietnam's and ASEAN's policies, achievements and initiatives on promoting gender equality, empowering women and girls, who are vulnerable groups, as well as highlighting the achievements and difficulties facing Vietnam in ensuring the rights of women and girls in the face of many global challenges such as epidemics, climate change, digital environment, and digital divide.
Those challenges of Vietnam are also common difficulties and challenges of countries, requiring solidarity and international cooperation, exchange of experiences and policies, promoting international cooperation to find solutions, and overcoming them together.
A typical example is at the 53rd Session of the UN Human Rights Council (July 2023), Vietnam initiated and chaired the International Dialogue on Combating Gender-Based Violence and Discrimination in the Workplace; coordinated with Bangladesh and the Philippines to issue a Resolution on the negative impacts of climate change on livelihoods and the impact of these impacts on human rights, especially vulnerable groups such as women and children.
"Vietnam's current role as one of the 47 member states of the UN Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 term (after the first term from 2014-2016) is an opportunity for our Delegation to actively promote participation and contribute to promoting and protecting human rights, including the rights of women and girls, in the work of the UN Human Rights Council and other international organizations in Geneva." |
At the 54th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (September 2023), Vietnam also proposed an initiative to organize an International Dialogue and a Joint Statement on Human Rights in Immunization, emphasizing strengthening solidarity and technical support to realize the rights of children, women and girls to be vaccinated to enjoy the right to health at the highest possible level.
We actively integrate into all activities the content of conveying to international friends about our country's superior policies and mechanisms on women's empowerment, promoting women's advancement at all levels and in all sectors. We also actively promote exchanges and discussions on women's empowerment, increasing women's participation in the fields of trade, innovation... as well as in diplomatic work, multilateral work in Geneva, implementing practical activities to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, International Women's Day in Multilateralism on January 25 and International Women's Day in Diplomacy on June 24.
Personally, I actively share in the activities of the diplomatic corps, at international organizations, as a speaker at international seminars, for example, sharing experiences on women in multilateralism with colleagues, interns at international organizations and the Delegation in Geneva, sharing Vietnam's experiences on women's participation in leadership positions in the political system and businesses, in the agenda on women, peace and security, in innovation at thematic discussions within the framework of the Human Rights Council, the World Trade Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the diplomatic corps...
At the discussions, international friends welcomed the positive contributions of the Delegation in Geneva, and considered Vietnam to be one of the successful models in promoting the role and participation of women. It can be seen that the participation of female diplomats in multilateral forums contributes to highlighting Vietnam's soft power.
As a female diplomat with a lot of international experience, in many countries with different cultures, according to the Ambassador, what is the outstanding beauty of Vietnamese women?
In my opinion, the beauty of Vietnamese women is outstanding and has its own characteristics. Firstly , Vietnamese women have soft power which is the glorious tradition and achievements of the nation of generations of Vietnamese women, along with natural beauty, gentleness and sophistication. From dedication, effort, knowledge, ability, to appearance, clothing, Vietnamese women often show the beauty of character, elegance and grace. Pure in heart and shining from within, the beauty of Vietnamese women brings warmth and harmony.
Second, the beauty of Vietnamese women is also shown through their strength and determination, their willingness to sacrifice in the fight for the common good, to preserve national independence, to protect and build the country, and to exercise their own and the nation's equal rights. Vietnamese women have made and are making important contributions to the protection and development of the country. The devotion, sacrifice and determination of Vietnamese women are a strong and admirable source of inspiration.
In addition, the beauty of Vietnamese women lies in solidarity, love, sharing and harmony in the community. This demonstrates the spirit of volunteerism, harmony and affection of Vietnamese women in building a united and happy community.
From all of the above, I believe that the outstanding beauty of Vietnamese women is not only physical beauty, but also the perfect combination of character, dedication, perseverance and harmony for the community. This beauty not only shines in the Vietnamese community, but is also highly appreciated and recognized in the international community through generations of female leaders and female diplomats of our country.
Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai, Head of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam in Geneva, speaks at the 111th International Labour Conference on June 7. (Photo: Vietnamese Delegation in Geneva) |
As a Vietnamese woman, studying and working in international law, it may sound “hard” and “principled”, according to the Ambassador, can the “power of the rose” ever become a “weapon” to achieve results beyond expectations?
Through the contributions of many generations of female leaders and female diplomats, I believe that the power of the "rose" is the intelligence, softness but perseverance, flexibility but steadfastness of women, which can become a "weapon" to achieve results beyond expectations.
Diplomacy and international law are closely linked and interact with each other. I have been fortunate to have been trained and worked in diplomacy and international law, with more than 30 years of working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Participating in the development and implementation of domestic laws and policies as well as cooperation and struggle, discussion and negotiation at the regional and international levels not only requires ensuring principles, but also requires the ability to analyze, solve problems and persuade with recognized legal and political grounds. Together with colleagues at home and abroad, I have applied knowledge and skills in law and diplomacy to achieve the desired results, sometimes exceeding expectations.
The intelligence, softness, perseverance, flexibility and steadfastness of women help female diplomats grasp and deeply understand the complexity of political and legal issues that have mutual impacts and are linked together, thereby analyzing, finding and persistently promoting and persuading the implementation of the best solutions.
Determination and perseverance help us not to be imposed, but to go all the way to carry out the work with the highest possible efficiency. The strength of female diplomats lies not only in individual ability but also in the solidarity and coordination of the collective, community, solidarity and coordination with colleagues, partners and international organizations.
How does the Ambassador feel about the advantages of women in diplomacy? The beauty of female diplomats in traditional ao dai attending important international forums?
I believe that the strength of female diplomats comes from their ability to contribute, their professionalism, combined with their sensitivity, subtlety, their soft yet persistent approach, their flexibility and steadfastness, and especially their dedication, connecting people “from heart to heart”. Vietnamese female diplomats are increasing in number, continuing to promote the traditions of previous generations, constantly striving to build and strengthen trust, expand strong partnerships and bridges for friendship and cooperation between countries and international organizations, contributing to peace and development domestically, regionally and internationally.
The strength of female diplomats comes from their ability to contribute, their professionalism, combined with their sensitivity, subtlety, soft yet persistent approach, their flexibility yet steadfastness, and especially their dedication, connecting people “from heart to heart”. |
Regarding wearing the Ao Dai, I consider it a distinctive symbol of Vietnamese culture. By wearing the national Ao Dai to attend and speak at important international forums, I consider it a way to express pride in the glorious tradition of Vietnamese women, culture and identity of Vietnam on the international stage.
However, the importance of women in diplomacy, both multilaterally and bilaterally, is not only their appearance but also their ability to contribute and their professionalism in their work. Female diplomats and their roles are evaluated based on their capacity and work results.
In short, the advantage of women in diplomacy is the ability to build relationships and create trust, professionalism, sensitivity and constructive contributions. This advantage will be further strengthened with the Ao Dai, which represents the beauty and national identity of Vietnam with its glorious traditions and correct policies and achievements of the country in the current period.
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