The phone is one of the electronic devices that emits electromagnetic waves and heat at high frequencies. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), electronic devices in general are harmful to the body and increase the risk of developing cancer if you use them for too long. In particular, placing a mobile phone next to you while sleeping is many times more harmful than normal use.
Putting your phone next to you while sleeping can directly affect the quality of your sleep.
Health effects
Smartphones transmit information by transmitting radio waves through a network of antennas. These radio waves are also known as radiofrequency waves. In 2014, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified the electromagnetic fields emitted by smartphones as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”
However, not long after that, the organization found no increased risk of cancer in the head or neck area for people who used smartphones for more than 10 years. A series of other studies have shown similar results. Another reputable agency, the American Cancer Society, also said that this is a difficult issue to clarify.
Many people believe that placing a phone near a person while sleeping can cause cancer.
In 2018, a US research team also showed that the risk of rare heart tumors increased in male mice when the animals were continuously exposed to electromagnetic fields, but not in female mice. The study also reported an increased risk of certain types of tumors in the brain and adrenal glands.
To date, the health effects of sleeping next to a smartphone are still unclear. At the same time, most of us not only have our phones close to us in bed, but we also keep them in our pockets and hands all day long. Any health risks can arise from sleeping next to a phone at different times of the day.
Interfere with sleep
Many experts have warned that using your phone before going to bed is not good. Because this action directly affects the quality of sleep. Bright screens and stimulating mobile waves can disrupt our sleep cycle and even make it difficult for the brain to enter a state of rest.
Using your phone before going to bed directly affects the quality of sleep for many people.
Most people wake up a few times during the night. At times like these, the first thing you want to do is grab your phone for a little entertainment before you can go back to sleep. However, this action will not help you fall asleep quickly, but will actually cause insomnia.
Because the light from your phone signals your brain and body that it’s time to sleep, which is something no one wants to experience. Keeping your phone out of reach can help curb this temptation, so if you accidentally wake up in the middle of the night, try to keep it away from your phone.
Tuyet Anh (Source: Synthesis)
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