4 early warning signs of lung cancer in men
In its early stages, lung cancer may not show any unusual signs. However, even if the disease does show signs, the patient can easily confuse the symptoms with those of other diseases. Men smoke more than women, so they are also more susceptible to lung cancer.
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Statistics show that each year the world records more than 2.2 million new cases of lung cancer, according to the health website Medical News Today (UK).
Healthy cells in the body divide and make many different copies, and this is a normal function. However, in cancer patients, cells are damaged for some reason, mutate and divide uncontrollably. Over time, they form cancerous tumors that prevent organs from functioning normally.
Smokers are at significantly higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers. In many parts of the world, more men smoke than women. As a result, lung cancer occurs more frequently in men.
Early warning symptoms of lung cancer in men include:
Persistent cough
Smokers who have persistent cough, chest pain and unexplained weight loss should be screened for lung cancer as soon as possible.
Coughing due to a cold or respiratory infection is normal. But if the cough lasts more than a week and is accompanied by other symptoms, it could be lung cancer.
These signs include increased coughing, increasingly severe coughing, and a hoarse sound. In addition, while coughing, the patient also coughs up blood and a lot of mucus.
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the content of the article 4 early warning signs of lung cancer in men on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of November 20. You can also read other news about men such as: New discovery: A familiar spice can help men avoid cancer; Expert: The best exercise for men over 50 to live longer...
Excessive daytime sleepiness, possibly due to heart failure
Daytime sleepiness is perfectly normal, especially when you don't get enough sleep at night. But in some cases, excessive daytime sleepiness can be a warning sign of an underlying medical condition, including heart failure.
The American Heart Association (AHA) says one of the important but often overlooked aspects of heart failure is daytime sleepiness. Heart failure causes the heart to pump blood less efficiently, which can cause many problems for the body, according to the health website Healthline (USA).
Heart failure can cause daytime sleepiness and is accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, and loss of concentration.
The heart pumps oxygen-rich, nutrient-rich blood throughout the body, helping organs function properly. When the heart is not pumping enough blood, the body prioritizes the function of vital organs such as the brain and heart. This diverts blood away from less vital organs, including the arms and legs. As a result, the body feels tired, weak, exhausted, and sleepy.
There are many different causes of fatigue and daytime sleepiness. However, if accompanied by some signs, the patient needs to see a doctor immediately because it is very likely due to heart failure.
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the article Excessive daytime sleepiness, possibly due to heart failure on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of November 20. You can also read other news articles about heart disease such as: Diet proven to help reduce cholesterol, heart disease, stroke; Signs in the morning warning of heart disease...
Hungry at Night: What to Keep in the Fridge to Avoid Weight Gain?
One of the biggest concerns about eating late at night is weight gain, especially for those who are trying to lose weight. However, sleeping on an empty stomach is not easy. A good solution for nighttime hunger is to eat late at night, but what should you eat to avoid gaining weight?
To avoid hunger at night, dinner should be balanced with protein, healthy fats, and fiber. These nutrients will help you feel full longer and reduce the possibility of hunger at night, according to the health website Healthline (USA).
However, if hunger still strikes, keep the following items in the refrigerator:
A good solution when you are hungry at night is to eat at night, but what foods should you choose to avoid gaining weight?
Cherries are sweet and tart and low in calories. One cup of cherries has only about 80 calories and is a great late-night snack.
Not only do tart cherries help curb hunger and prevent weight gain, they also contain fiber, antioxidants, vitamin A, and many other minerals. In particular, cherries also contain natural tryptophan and melatonin, which help you sleep better.
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the article Hungry at night: What to prepare in the refrigerator to avoid gaining weight? on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of November 20. You can also read other articles about weight loss such as: 4 best exercises to lose weight at home; Why do you exercise regularly but not lose weight?...
In addition, on Monday, November 20, there were many other health news articles such as: Drinking too much water early in the morning, is it dangerous?; Doctor 24/7: What are the signs that the body is lacking vitamins?; 8 natural ways to help lower high blood pressure...
New day with health news , wish you a new week full of energy and effective work.
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