Many teachers, educators, artists... have simultaneously spoken out calling for the protection of the female student who was said to have written a 21-page literature test when she was "stoned" and attacked on social networks.
From a test paper that was said to be 21 pages long, a female student became a victim of violence on social networks. (Illustration photo) |
The incident has been buzzing for many days, after the news that female student Nguyen Tran Ban Mai in Ha Tinh took a 21-page literature test for the 10th grade entrance exam, and was given 9.75 points.
With a score of 8.5 in math, 8.25 in English, and a specialized subject score of 9, this female student became the valedictorian of the literature class at Ha Tinh Specialized High School.
The detail that many people are interested in is the 21-page literature test (more than 5 test papers). Out of curiosity, surprise, and wondering "what did you write that much about?", negative comments about the test and personal attacks on the 15-year-old "wordy" student appeared online.
In particular, the article by an elderly doctor who is a university lecturer about the 21-page exam aimed at the female valedictorian sparked a wave of indignation.
From the assessment that the 21-page essay was written "as fast as a typewriter", this doctor used many words and speculations to insult this female student such as "brainless", "hands faster than brain", "born to brag"... posted with the girl's picture.
It is worth mentioning that, like many other incidents posted on social networks, the article that mocked, criticized, and personally attacked the 15-year-old female student received a lot of support, encouragement, and even "entertainment" with many words and comments.
Thousands of likes, hundreds of comments, including adults and many intellectuals, freely criticized, disparaged, and attacked an innocent child.
Faced with that attack, many teachers, educators, artists... simultaneously spoke up to protect the female student.
Educator To Thuy Diem Quyen, who was voted by Forbes Vietnam as one of the 20 most inspiring women in 2023, said that positive criticism is a contribution from a multi-dimensional perspective, helping someone to review what they do to improve or fix it better.
Ms. Quyen stated that no one has the right to criticize other people's opinions and impose their own.
However, when you want to comment on someone else's "private property", you should use a gentle and objective tone. Using harsh, derogatory language is inappropriate, especially for an educator.
This teacher also wondered since when people have given themselves the right to judge others in such a rude and one-sided way.
She also mentioned a Microsoft survey that Vietnam is currently in the top 5 countries with the least civilized behavior on social networks in the world.
"Even intellectuals insult a child to express themselves like that, so why are so many people willing to rush in to curse and threaten each other just because of different opinions?" Ms. Quyen shared.
Taking a photo of the article by the doctor who attacked the female student, writer Nguyen Thi Viet Ha, former principal of a school in Ca Mau, said she was hesitant whether to take a photo of the entire article, including the image of the child. The purpose of the photo was to show the cowardice of adults when attacking a child. But in the end, she still decided to cut out the image of the girl.
Because according to her, the sarcastic, slanderous, and derogatory language that the doctor had uttered could not be used again with the child.
Ms. Ha affirmed: "If I were the child's mother, I would sue this person in court for insulting and humiliating another person's dignity."
The female writer analyzed that the information about the child writing 21 pages and how good or bad those 21 pages were, it was clear that the essay evaluation result of 9.75 points was not chosen by the child. No one is qualified to criticize the child or use him as "bait" on the internet.
Ms. Ha said she wanted to directly express her opinion under the article attacking the child, but the author locked her comments.
"We need another voice, another protest so that Ban Mai can be protected from the discriminatory words of an adult educator who has 3,700 interactions on her personal page and more than 100 comments criticizing and insulting her," the female writer was indignant.
On social networks, many people also spoke up to "protect Ban Mai". Because she is being abused and humiliated by many adults who think they are better than others, more talented than others, trampling and humiliating others.
Some people have to say that those are the jealous, petty old people who cannot accept that young people are better than them, more talented than them, different from them...
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Toan, a literature teacher in Ho Chi Minh City, said that there is no regulation prohibiting students from writing a 1-page or 50-page essay, and the exam questions do not limit this issue. Therefore, the least we can do is respect the students.
When adults cannot do this minimum, what needs to be reviewed is not the essay or the student, but the petty, distorted adults.
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