Investment priority
Community cultural houses (CHs) have become a common construction in the lives of local residents. In particular, in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, with investment resources from the State, most villages have CHs or community activity points.
This is a place for people to meet and participate in collective activities of the village and local resident groups. In addition, the Cultural House also plays an important role in practicing and performing traditional cultural and artistic performances of local residents, contributing to the preservation and promotion of traditional cultural values.
Clause 1, Article 16 - Land Law 2024 stipulates: "There is a policy to ensure land for community activities for ethnic minorities in accordance with customs, practices, beliefs, cultural identity and actual conditions of each region".
Since the implementation of the National Target Program on Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas for the 2021-2030 period (National Target Program 1719), the work of restoring, preserving and promoting the fine traditional cultural values of ethnic minorities has been promoted, and the role of cultural houses at the grassroots level has been further promoted. In many localities, cultural houses are places for people to organize the teaching of cultural heritages and traditional occupations; display and promote typical products.
With such an important role, from the resources of the National Target Program 1719, localities have prioritized capital allocation to invest, upgrade and renovate cultural houses at the grassroots level. Thanks to that, the rate of communes and villages with cultural houses has increased compared to the time of the third survey and collection of information on the socio-economic situation of 53 ethnic minorities in 2019.
Currently, the General Statistics Office is compiling and reporting data on the status of cultural heritage in ethnic minority and mountainous areas from localities (expected to be announced in July 2025). However, through the data presented at the 4th Provincial Congress of Ethnic Minorities - 2024, organized by localities in October and November, it has also shown a strong growth in the rate of communes and villages with cultural heritage.
In particular, many localities with previously very low rates of NVH have now seen significant improvements. For example, Dien Bien province, according to the survey of the socio-economic situation of 53 ethnic minorities in 2019, the whole province only had 44/126 communes with NVH, accounting for more than 34%. By 2024, Dien Bien province had increased this rate to 79.07%.
Not only at the commune level, the rate of villages and hamlets with cultural houses has also increased. For example, in Cao Bang province, in 2019, the whole province had 1,866/2,487 villages with cultural houses, accounting for more than 75%. Up to now, the rate of villages in the province with cultural houses has reached 98.5%.
Pay attention to common living space
On November 27, 2024, the 15th National Assembly approved the investment policy for the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025-2035 period. Thus, from 2025, localities in ethnic minority and mountainous areas have "secured" the implementation of 02 National Target Programs, including National Target Program 1719 and National Target Program on Cultural Development.
In the Verification Report No. 2457/BC-UBVHGD15 dated May 23, 2024 on the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the period 2025 - 2035, the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education stated that the 3 National Target Programs for the period 2021 - 2025 being implemented all have investment content on cultural development.
With the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction under Decision No. 90/QD-TTg dated January 18, 2022, the goal of building and completing the system of cultural and sports facilities at the commune and village levels is stipulated in Content 05 of component content No. 02; with the National Target Program 1719, the policy has been stipulated in Project 6;... Due to this overlap, the Government proposes to transfer Project No. 6 of the National Target Program 1719 to the Development Program for the period 2025 - 2035.
In response to the Government's proposal, 49/51 members of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education said that Project 6 of the National Target Program 1719 should not be integrated into the Development Program for the period 2025 - 2035. The reason is that each program and project has different overall goals and implementation stages; cultural contents are built in accordance with the specific goals of each program and project.
Implementing the Land Law 2024, many localities have issued Resolutions of the Provincial People's Council on land policies for ethnic minorities; including regulations on land funds for investment in construction and development of community living spaces for ethnic minorities.
The transfer and integration of Project 6 into the Cultural Development Program for the period 2025 - 2035 may make it difficult to assess the level of completion of goals and targets in each program and project.
This is also the opinion of the National Assembly's Ethnic Council when examining the Report proposing investment policies for the National Target Program on cultural development for the period 2025 - 2035.
The current situation of cultural houses in ethnic minority and mountainous areas is the practical basis for assessing and proposing the integration of Project 6 of the National Target Program 1719 into the Cultural Development Program for the period 2025 - 2035 is inappropriate.
Currently, the rate of communes and villages with cultural houses in many localities, although improved, is still very low. For example, by 2024, Cao Bang's rate of communes with cultural houses will only reach 35%; while the province aims to have over 60% of communes with cultural houses by the end of 2025.
At the village level, many localities currently have a very low rate of villages with cultural houses. For example, Dien Bien, by 2024, the whole province will only reach 55% of villages with cultural houses; still far from the target set in the National Target Program 1719 that by the end of 2025, 80% of villages will have cultural houses and community activity points.
The current situation of cultural houses in communes and villages in ethnic minority and mountainous areas will be clarified after the General Statistics Office synthesizes and publishes data from the fourth survey and collection of socio-economic information of 53 ethnic minorities in 2024.
This will be one of the important data for relevant agencies to advise and develop the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the period 2025 - 2035 to submit to the Prime Minister for approval for implementation. In particular, whether or not to integrate Project 6 of the National Target Program 1719 into the National Target Program on Cultural Development needs to be carefully considered; above all, it is necessary to prioritize investment and development of common living spaces for the community.
In addition to the 3 current National Target Programs, many programs related to cultural development issued by the Prime Minister have overlapping content in terms of objectives, beneficiaries, and funding sources. These are: Decision No. 515/QD-TTg dated May 15, 2023 of the Prime Minister approving the Master Program on Cultural Development for the 2023-2025 period; Decision 1909/QD-TTg dated November 12, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving the Cultural Development Strategy to 2030; Decision No. 1230/QD-TTg dated July 15, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving the Program for preserving and promoting the sustainable values of Vietnamese cultural heritage for the 2021-2025 period; Decision No. 2026/QD-TTg dated December 2, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving the Program on Digitization of Vietnamese Cultural Heritage for the period 2021-2030; Decision No. 1755/QD-TTg dated September 8, 2016 of the Prime Minister approving the Strategy for Development of Vietnam's Cultural Industry in 2020, with a vision to 2030; Decision No. 1341/QD-TTg dated July 8, 2016 of the Prime Minister approving the Project on Talent Training in the Field of Culture and Arts for the period 2016-2025, with a vision to 2030; Decision No. 69/QD-TTg dated February 9, 2023 of the Prime Minister approving the Program for researching, synthesizing and publishing literary works for the revolutionary cause of the Party, towards the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the basis of the fourth industrial revolution...
( Assessment report No. 2457/BC-UBVHGD15 dated May 23, 2024 of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education on the Report proposing investment policies for the National Target Program on cultural development for the period 2025 - 2035 )
Identifying the socio-economic situation according to the commune survey: Balancing investment capital to clear the "blood vessels" (Part 2)
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