After a period of trying her best to pursue her career, during a health check at work for a promotion, Vuong Han (38 years old, in Kunming, China) accidentally discovered thyroid cancer .
According to Vuong Han, she always thought that the health assessment at the company was just a cursory, paperwork. But the doctor kept paying attention to her neck from the moment she entered the room. He asked her to go to a big hospital for a more in-depth examination because he suspected that she had a thyroid nodule.
She was still very subjective because she had no unusual symptoms, but her husband began to worry, so he went with her to Kunming Zhongyan Thyroid Hospital (Kunming, China) for a check-up. The biopsy results showed that she had stage 2 papillary thyroid cancer. Although she was very shocked, she quickly decided to have surgery to return to work and daily life.
A healthy woman accidentally discovered thyroid cancer during a health check at her company. Illustrative photo
Unexpectedly, just over a year later, Wang Xin had a relapse of thyroid cancer that had metastasized to the lymph nodes after a prolonged cough. It turned out that even after the first surgery, she could not adjust her lifestyle. Staying up late for a long time, prolonged stress, and irregular eating were all causes of cancer and recurrence of thyroid cancer, but Wang Xin lived with them every day.
This time, she was more aware of the importance of proper treatment and a healthy lifestyle. After her second surgery, she began looking for a less stressful job, adjusted her eating habits, and increased her exercise.
Currently, she said she is very satisfied with her current life, her health is stable and she regularly has her thyroid checked periodically.
Is thyroid cancer curable?
Thyroid cancer is a disease that occurs when there is an abnormality in the growth of thyroid cells, which is the appearance of cancer cells forming malignant tumors in the thyroid area.
There are four types of thyroid cancer: papillary, follicular, medullary, and undifferentiated. Undifferentiated cancer is the most dangerous and difficult to treat, while papillary cancer is the most common and has a good prognosis.
Fortunately, the cure rate for this disease if detected early can be up to 90%. This is considered to have the highest cure rate among other cancers if diagnosed and treated promptly.
Causes of increased risk of thyroid cancer
Currently, the exact cause of this disease is still unknown. However, it is necessary to pay attention to some factors that can increase the risk of thyroid cancer such as:
Immune system disorders
Immune system disorders are the first cause. When the immune system is disrupted, the reproductive function of producing antibodies that fight against the invasion of viruses and bacteria is impaired. This creates an opportunity for bacteria and viruses to attack the body, including the thyroid gland, causing thyroid cancer.
Radioactive contamination
The human body can be contaminated with radiation through the digestive tract and respiratory tract, affecting the thyroid gland.
Genetic factors
In fact, about 70% of thyroid cancer patients have parents or relatives with the disease.
Age factor
At the age of 30-50, women are 2-4 times more likely to get the disease than men. The reason women are at higher risk of getting the disease is because female hormones stimulate the formation of goiters in the thyroid gland and thyroid nodes. Over time, these goiters can develop into cancer.
Have thyroid disease
People with goiter, thyroiditis, Graves' disease or decreased thyroid hormones have a higher risk of thyroid cancer than others.
Side effects of some medications
Patients with thyroid disease will be prescribed radioactive iodine by their doctor, which is a factor that increases the risk of thyroid cancer.
In addition, there are other risk factors such as: iodine deficiency, regular alcohol consumption, smoking, overweight, obesity...
Signs of thyroid cancer
Early stage thyroid cancer often has no symptoms and is often discovered incidentally during a general health check-up.
Symptoms of later thyroid cancer include: A mass in the front of the neck that moves with swallowing, hoarseness, difficulty breathing, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
When we notice abnormalities in our body, we need to go to the doctor immediately, have a general check-up as well as a specialist check-up to detect the disease as soon as possible.
Doctors recommend that we should have a health check-up once a year to understand our health status and have a direction for early disease screening and treatment.
For thyroid cancer, we need to perform paraclinical diagnostic methods such as thyroid ultrasound and cytological diagnostic tests to detect thyroid cancer.
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