Quynh Lap 1 Wind Power Project with a capacity of 40MW, Quynh Lap 2 Wind Power Project with a capacity of 70MW will be implemented in Hoang Mai town and Nam Dan Wind Power Project with a capacity of 200 MW will be implemented in Nam Dan district.

In addition, solar power projects will also be included in the investment portfolio for power source development from now until 2030, including: Khe Go Lake Solar Power Plant, with a capacity of 200MW in Quynh Luu district; Vuc Mau Lake Floating Solar Power Plant, with a capacity of 160MW in Quynh Luu district and Hoang Mai town.
The Biomass Power Plant in Tan Ky district and some other localities is also expected to produce about 80MW of electricity.
In addition to the above renewable energy sources, the Quynh Lap/Nghi Son LNG Power Project has a capacity of 1,500 MW in Hoang Mai town according to Power Plan VIII.
Two cement factories, Hoang Mai and Tan Thang, will also be planned to be included in the power source with the power generation capacity from the excess heat source of the cement factory being 7MW and 8MW respectively.
In the Development Plan of Nghe An province for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, the province determines to develop power sources associated with the socio-economic development orientation of the province, in accordance with the Power Plan VIII; especially prioritizing renewable energy sources and other power sources suitable to local conditions such as: wind power, solar power (especially self-production and self-consumption); biomass power; cogeneration power and other power sources; hydropower and exploitation of hydropower on suitable irrigation reservoirs.
Nghe An will also continue to build new, upgrade and renovate 500kV, 220kV and 110kV transformer stations and power lines, medium and low voltage lines connected to new power sources to meet increasing load demand, especially in economic zones, industrial parks and industrial clusters; focus on renovating the 10kV grid to 22kV or 35kV; gradually eliminate intermediate transformer stations, replacing them with 110kV stations or new medium voltage output lines; gradually bury the existing medium and low voltage power grid; ensure safe and stable power supply for remote areas.
Nghe An's development of additional renewable energy sources is consistent with the national power development plan in the Power Plan VIII approved by the Prime Minister last May.
Specifically, Vietnam determined to continue promoting the development of renewable energy sources (hydropower, onshore and offshore wind power, solar, biomass...), new energy, clean energy (hydrogen, green ammonia...) suitable to the ability to ensure system safety with reasonable electricity prices, especially self-produced, self-consumed power sources, rooftop solar power.
Exploit and effectively use domestic fossil energy sources combined with imports in the direction of gradually reducing the proportion of coal-fired thermal power, prioritizing the development of domestic gas-fired power, and developing imported LNG gas-fired power sources on an appropriate scale.
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