"Statements on some Telegram channels that the defense system has been breached at various points along the front line are untrue," TASS news agency reported this morning, May 12, citing a statement from the Russian Defense Ministry. The ministry affirmed that the situation in the area of Russia's military operation was generally under control.
Russian assault units continued to attack the western parts of the city of Bakhmut in Donetsk Oblast in eastern Ukraine, with the support of aircraft and artillery at 10 p.m. on May 11, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.
Information noise about the 'counter-attack' situation in Bakhmut
The ministry also said that units of the southern fighting group are making every effort to blockade the city of Avdiivka and take control of the city of Maryinka, also in Donetsk province.
A Ukrainian serviceman sits inside a BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle on the road to Bakhmut on April 21.
Also according to the Russian Defense Ministry, a battle is currently underway to repel a Ukrainian offensive targeting the city of Maloilyinovka in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic.
The Russian Defense Ministry made the statement after a senior Ukrainian military officer said Russian forces had withdrawn from some areas near Bakhmut following limited counterattacks by Kyiv forces around that city, according to AFP.
In addition, Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Russian private military company Wagner whose mercenaries are participating in the battle for Bakhmut, admitted over the past three days that some Ukrainian units have successfully broken through in some areas, according to AFP.
What reasons does Russia give for the slow progress of the campaign in Ukraine?
The West has delivered 28 aircraft to Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the Permanent Representative of Poland to the European Union (EU) announced on May 11 that the West had handed over 28 aircraft and 575 tanks to Ukraine, according to TASS News Agency.
"Of the 575 tanks delivered to Ukraine so far, [Poland] has 325. [France] is second (85), [Germany] third (80) and [the US] fourth (76). In addition, of the 28 aircraft delivered to [Ukraine] so far, Poland has sent 14 MiG-29 fighter jets," the Permanent Representative of Poland to the EU wrote on Twitter.
Earlier in the day, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said that since Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, EU member states have sent weapons and ammunition worth 16 billion euros to Ukraine, completed the training of 17,000 soldiers and plan to deliver 1 million artillery shells before the end of the year, according to TASS.
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