Innovating and improving the quality of Party cell activities is a regular, important task, which is of decisive significance in improving the leadership capacity and fighting strength of Party organizations and Party members, meeting the requirements of tasks in the new situation. The quality of Party cell activities is one of the important factors, deciding the results of Party building and rectification work. Closely following this requirement, recently, Party cells in the whole province have focused on organizing thematic activities of "Party Cell 35", in order to proactively protect the Party's ideological foundation, fight against erroneous and hostile viewpoints in the new situation.
Increase "resistance" from the Party cell
In August 2024, the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department issued Instruction No. 101-HD/BTGTU on piloting thematic activities of "Party Cell 35". In this instruction, the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department requested the Party Committees and Steering Committees 35 of the Party Committees under the province selected for the pilot implementation to take the results of thematic activities of "Party Cell 35" as an important criterion to evaluate and classify the quality of Party organizations and Party members annually, in conjunction with the models of "4-good Party Cells" and "4-good Grassroots Party Committees". The content of the thematic meeting "Party Cell 35" closely follows the requirements of the thematic meeting steps according to Instruction No. 12-HD/BTCTW (dated July 6, 2018) of the Central Organizing Committee on a number of issues on improving the quality of Party cell meetings, focusing on two groups of contents: protecting the Party's ideological foundation and fighting and refuting bad, toxic information, wrong and hostile viewpoints, in which special attention is paid to combining "building and fighting", taking "building" as the main thing and "fighting" as important and urgent.
Thoroughly grasping this content, Party cells in the province have proactively developed plans and organized thematic meetings of "Party Cell 35". In October 2024, the Party Committee of Ha Long City Party Committee organized a thematic meeting of "Party Cell 35" with the content of "Identifying and promptly and effectively responding to non-traditional security challenges". The meeting focused on discussing the importance and urgency of identifying and promptly and effectively responding to non-traditional security challenges. Delegates proposed many solutions to proactively and flexibly respond effectively to non-traditional security challenges.
According to comrade Phan Thi Hai Huong, Head of the Propaganda Department of the Ha Long City Party Committee, through the thematic activity "Party Cell 35", it helps cadres and party members in the entire Party Committee of the Ha Long City Party Committee identify and propose flexible and effective response solutions to this challenge, contributing to enhancing proactiveness and effectiveness in responding to ensure human security and national security; maintaining political security and social order and safety, striving to make Ha Long a smart city by 2040, developing sustainably and adapting to climate change, in line with the green growth requirements of the province.
In November 2024, the Basic Physics Department Party Cell, Nguyen Van Cu Provincial Cadre Training School organized a thematic activity "Party Cell 35" with the theme "Identifying and refuting the distorted and incorrect arguments of hostile forces about the socialist-oriented market economy model in Vietnam". Comrade Ngo Binh Thuan, Secretary of the Basic Physics Department Party Cell, shared: The Department teaches subjects related to political science such as philosophy, political economy, scientific socialism, so organizing the Party Cell 35 activity has practical significance to improve the expertise of the teaching staff. From a problem, an argument when brought up through the activity is discussed, viewed from multi-dimensional and more comprehensive perspectives. Thereby, clarifying the issues helps to improve the professional level of the teaching staff. The ripple effect of the activities of Party cell 35 also helps lecturers when participating in professional activities to widely propagate to students.
In recent times, Party committees and Party cells have paid attention to selecting new issues that are suitable for their tasks to organize thematic activities with practical results, such as: The Provincial Inspectorate Party Committee organized a thematic activity with the content "Revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period"; The Party Committee of the News Department, Provincial Media Center with the theme "Promoting the role of the press in protecting the Party's ideological foundation, fighting against bad, toxic information, false and hostile views"; The Provincial Federation of Labor Party Committee with the theme "Identifying tricks and forecasting the activities of independent trade union organizations"; The Party Committee of the Uong Bi City Media - Culture Center with the theme "Raising awareness and responsibility of cadres and party members in establishing and using personal electronic information on the internet and social networks"...
Content innovation - improving living efficiency
Following the instructions of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, to concretize the contents of the thematic activities of "Party Cell 35", after each thematic activity, the Party cells proactively edited and developed products in the following forms: Digital presentations, articles, posts on social networks, digital short films (video clips or animated videos), digital audio-visual files (podcasts), photo series with captions... to post and share on mass media, social networks, propaganda publications, or submit articles to the Political Essay Contest to protect the Party's ideological foundation...
The Ha Long City Youth Union Party Cell is one of the pioneering Party cells in the province's youth force to organize the thematic activity "Party Cell 35". With the activity theme "Blue Shirt - Red Fire in the Digital Age". At the activity, the Party Cell visualized through specific publications such as infographics, standees, handouts... for Party members. In addition, applying digital transformation in transforming documents helps delegates and Party members to research early and store flexibly for future work.
After the meeting of the Ha Long City Youth Union, the podcast "Young people tell stories about Uncle Ho" was created and posted. The podcast tells stories about the ideology, morality, lifestyle and work of President Ho Chi Minh from the perspective of young people. It highlights meaningful messages and lessons drawn from the stories. Thereby, it encourages young party members and children to study and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle. According to comrade Pham Thi Hai, Deputy Secretary of the Ha Long City Youth Union, the product created after the meeting of Party cell 35 is presented in the form of an audio podcast. In the past, the podcast has broadcast 5 episodes, receiving the welcome of many cadres, party members, especially union members and young people of the city, attracting more than 80,000 listeners on the fanpage "Thanh Nien Ha Long". The Party cell posted the infographic product “5D Principles in Communication to Protect the Party’s Private Foundation for Youth” and information about the program on the website of the Ha Long City Youth Union. The innovative way of living has promoted the initiative of each youth party member; especially promoting the mission of youth as a pioneering, shock generation, with a keen sense of science and technology along with a passionate patriotism and steadfast ideals.
The Party Cell of the Uong Bi City Center for Communication and Culture organized a thematic activity called "Party Cell 35" with the theme "Raising awareness and responsibility of cadres and party members in establishing and using personal electronic information on the Internet and social networks". After the activity, the Party Cell urged party members to be more flexible in choosing topics and propaganda content suitable to the development requirements and tasks of the province and city; to perform well the role and task of being a shock force on the ideological and communication front, actively contributing to the comprehensive propaganda of the fields of economy - society, national defense - security and Party building, contributing to effectively serving the political tasks of the city. In particular, the City Center for Communication and Culture built a column on website, television and radio infrastructures closely following the criterion of "Using beauty to eliminate ugliness" to fight against wrong and hostile viewpoints, contributing to strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation. Reporters of the unit regularly follow the grassroots, discover and encourage new factors, advanced models; refute the wrong viewpoints and arguments of hostile forces, contributing to strengthening trust in the Party and government, creating consensus among the people in the area.
According to the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, the thematic activity of "Party Cell 35" contributes to regularly fostering knowledge, equipping skills in identifying, responding, training courage, and political sensitivity; enhancing the "resistance" and "immunity" of cadres and party members against plots, tricks and sabotage activities of hostile and reactionary forces in the new situation; contributing to preventing and repelling the degradation of political ideology, lifestyle ethics, and manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within the Party. Through the pilot thematic activity "Party Cell 35" to contribute to innovation, improve the quality of Party cell activities, political and ideological activities, create unity in awareness and action of Party committees, Party organizations at all levels, cadres and Party members in strictly implementing revolutionary ethical standards in the new period according to Regulation 144-QD/TW (dated May 9, 2024) of the Politburo, in sync with the implementation of regulations on what Party members are not allowed to do, on the exemplary responsibility of leaders. Along with that, continue to firmly consolidate the trust, solidarity, unity within the Party, consensus in society, the trust of cadres, Party members and people in the Party.
Continuing to innovate the content and form and improving the quality of Party cell activities is an important solution to ensure the leadership, education and combativeness of Party cells in the province. This is also one of the criteria to evaluate Party cells and grassroots Party committees that have achieved "4 Good Party Cells" and "4 Good Grassroots Party Committees".
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