Lunar New Year is also the time when many people are interested in when soldiers who have completed their military service will be discharged in 2025 and how much allowance will they receive?
Military service is a compulsory duty for young Vietnamese men. When military service ends, discharged soldiers will be given a farewell ceremony to mark the completion of their military service.
When their military service ends, non-commissioned officers and soldiers leaving the army in 2025 will enjoy benefits according to the law.
Different units will have different enlistment and discharge times.
Specifically, according to Article 21 of the 2015 Law on Military Service, the term of service in peacetime for non-commissioned officers and soldiers will be 24 months.
The Minister of National Defense may decide to extend the term of active service of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, but not more than 06 months in the following cases:
- To ensure combat readiness.
- Performing tasks of natural disaster prevention, disease prevention, rescue and relief.
The term of service of non-commissioned officers and soldiers in a state of war or a state of national defense emergency shall be carried out according to the order of general mobilization or partial mobilization.
According to Clause 1, Article 22 of the Law on Military Service 2015, the service time of non-commissioned officers and soldiers is calculated from the date of military transfer. In case of not transferring or receiving concentrated troops, it will be calculated from the date the People's Army unit receives them until the competent authority decides to discharge them.
Thus, if enlisting in 2023 in February or March, young people will be discharged in February and March 2025. Different units will have different enlistment and discharge times.
Benefits enjoyed by soldiers upon discharge
Pursuant to Article 7 of Decree 27/2016/ND-CP, policies for non-commissioned officers and soldiers upon discharge include:
– For each year of service in the Army, you will receive a subsidy equal to 2 months of basic salary according to Government regulations at the time of discharge. In case of odd months:
+ Less than 1 month: Will not receive benefits;
+ From 1 month to 6 months: Receive a subsidy equal to 1 month of basic salary;
+ From 6 months to 12 months: Receive a subsidy equal to 2 months of basic salary.
– In addition, if serving in the army for a full 30 months, upon discharge, the soldier will receive an additional 2 months of current military rank allowance. In case of discharge before the 30-month period, the service period from the 25th month to less than 30 months will receive an additional 1 month of current military rank allowance.
– Receive job creation allowance equal to 6 months of basic salary according to Government regulations at the time of discharge;
– Farewell meeting organized at a cost of 50,000 VND/person; seeing off or being provided with train or car fare (economy class), travel allowance from the unit to the place of residence.
Currently, the basic salary is 2.34 million VND. According to Article 7 of Decree 27/2016/ND-CP, the allowance for discharged non-commissioned officers and soldiers who have completed 24 months of service is calculated specifically as follows:
+ One-time discharge allowance: 4 months x 2.34 million VND = 9.36 million VND.
+ Employment support allowance: 6 months x 2.34 million VND = 14.04 million VND.
+ Insurance allowance: 4 months x 2.34 million VND = 9.36 million VND.
+ Payment for leave days: 10 days of leave x 65,000 VND (basic meal allowance for 1 day) = 650,000 VND (for soldiers who do not take leave during their duty).
Thus, the total amount of demobilization money received is 33,410,000 VND/person (for soldiers who have completed 24 months of service and have not taken leave).
Other benefits when joining the army in 2025
In addition to the cash allowance mentioned above, non-commissioned officers and soldiers upon discharge are also entitled to the benefits stipulated in Article 8 of Decree 27/2016/ND-CP, including:
– Before joining the army, if you are studying or have a call to study at schools belonging to vocational education institutions or universities, your results will be reserved and you will be accepted to study at those schools.
– Receive vocational training support upon discharge from the army according to the provisions of Decree No. 61/2015/ND-CP dated July 9, 2015.
– If before joining the army, a citizen was working at a State agency, political organization, or socio-political organization, after being discharged from the army, he/she will be re-accepted, assigned a job, and guaranteed an income no lower than before joining the army.
In case the agencies and organizations have been dissolved, the direct superior agencies and organizations will be responsible for arranging suitable jobs.
– If before joining the army, a citizen was working at an economic organization, after being discharged from the army, he/she will be accepted back, assigned a job and will be guaranteed a salary and wages commensurate with the job position and salary and wages at the time before joining the army.
After being discharged from the army, in new fields of work and working environments, soldiers continue to promote the qualities of revolutionary soldiers; quickly stabilize their lives, strive to legitimately enrich themselves, their families and their homeland.
Demobilized soldiers will also actively encourage their families and relatives to implement the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws; participate in social activities; strictly comply with resolutions, directives and regulations of the Party, State, Government and localities, contributing to building a prosperous and civilized locality.
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