Doctors are operating on VTT patient.

The patient is Ms. VTT, born in 1965, residing in Dong Da, Hanoi. Before that, the patient's health was completely normal, with no signs of fatigue, pain or discomfort. When transferred to Hanoi Oncology Hospital, through imaging tests, the doctor determined that the 11x10cm tumor had compressed and collapsed almost the entire left lung, adhered to the pleura, pericardium and relatively thick pleural fluid.

Dr. Phan Le Thang, Head of the Department of Surgery on Demand, Hanoi Oncology Hospital, said that the pathological results showed that the tumor was a type AB thymoma. According to the doctor, thymoma is a rarer disease than other cancers and almost does not show symptoms in the early stages. However, if this disease is examined and treated promptly, the chance of survival is high. The patient's tumor was large, had many blood vessels, caused angiogenesis, and adhered to surrounding organs, making the surgery difficult to stop bleeding and remove the tumor. According to Dr. Phan Le Thang, if not detected promptly, the tumor will grow and invade both lungs, causing difficulty breathing and respiratory failure, making the surgery even more difficult.

After two hours of surgery, the entire tumor was removed. With the extensive experience of the surgical team, the surgery went smoothly, the patient did not need any more blood transfusions, and after three days the patient's drainage tube was removed and his health was stable.

Through the above patient case, Dr. Phan Le Thang recommends that people should have regular health check-ups to promptly detect abnormalities in the body, especially with some diseases that develop silently and only show signs when the disease is in the late stages.

News and photos: VU HUONG