According to Windows Central, the Arm option will use Qualcomm's new Snapdragon X chip. The devices are said to be capable of running the AI ​​features that Microsoft plans to integrate into future versions of Windows, while also improving performance, battery life, and security on par with Apple's Silicon chips. Meanwhile, the Intel version will be equipped with the company's latest 14th generation chip.

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Microsoft is expected to release the Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6 next year.

Additionally, the Surface Pro 10 will have a brighter display, HDR support and an anti-glare coating, along with 2160 x 1440 or 2880 x 1920 resolution options. The unnamed source said the device could have rounded corners like the Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio line and support a new detachable keyboard with a Windows Copilot activation button.

Smaller Surface models like the Laptop 6 will feature a 13.8-inch display (up from the 13.5-inch Surface Laptop 5), but the 15-inch models will retain the same size. The design of the device is said to have rounded corners, along with thinner screen bezels.

In terms of ports, Windows Central said the device could have more new ports, including two USB-C ports, one USB-A port, and a Surface Connect charging port. In addition, the new laptop model will come with a haptic-touchpad and a Windows Copilot activation button.

(According to TheVerge)

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