Specifically, the Chrome download installer fails to launch and displays an incompatibility message. When users try to open the ChromeSetup.exe file, the system displays a message: "This application cannot run on your PC. To find a version for your computer, contact the software publisher."
Many Intel and AMD PC users are complaining about not being able to install Chrome
Multiple users on Reddit have also reported experiencing similar issues, suggesting that this issue is not unique. According to Windows Latest , it is likely that the cause originated from Google accidentally releasing a version of the installer for computers using the ARM architecture.
Google distributes wrong version of Chrome?
Windows Latest says that Google may have provided an ARM version of the Chrome installer for x64 computers, which led to conflicts when trying to launch on devices with Intel and AMD processors. However, some Reddit users have found a workaround by using the alternative Chrome install link, and according to Windows Latest , the offline installer still works fine.
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As of now, Google has not officially commented on the issue. Details about the extent of the problem, the number of users affected, and when the issue started have not been released. Furthermore, technical details related to the incorrect distribution of the ARM installer have not been disclosed.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/nguoi-dung-may-tinh-intel-va-amd-gap-kho-khi-cai-dat-chrome-18525032622384327.htm
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