Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is an injury caused by overuse or repetitive motion of the elbow. Any overuse of the elbow can lead to this condition.
Tennis elbow is an injury caused by overuse of the muscles and tendons of the forearm. This results in inflammation and tissue damage in the area, leading to pain, according to the US health website Healthline .
Overtraining Can Cause Tennis Elbow
Tennis players, but other sports such as weightlifting, can also cause lateral epicondylitis. In addition, jobs that require repetitive movements of the elbow for long periods of time, such as gardening, painting or typing, can also cause lateral epicondylitis.
Symptoms of tennis elbow usually develop gradually. The pain starts on the outside of the elbow and spreads to the forearm and wrist. The grip strength will also weaken, making it difficult for the sufferer to hold onto objects. The elbow will also be sensitive and painful to the touch. Even simple activities like shaking hands can cause discomfort.
To relieve pain and help tennis elbow heal, people with the condition should take time to rest and avoid activities that put pressure on the forearm. This will give the injury time to heal. Applying cold or warm compresses can help reduce pain and inflammation.
Over-the-counter pain relievers can provide temporary relief. However, people should not abuse them because taking too much can be harmful. Physical therapy is also a good way to relieve pain. Appropriate stretching exercises will enhance recovery.
To prevent tennis elbow, people need to maintain good posture while sitting and practice proper technique when playing sports. Strength training exercises help train the muscles and tendons in the elbow area, making it stronger and more flexible. All of these help reduce the risk of straining the forearm tendons and help prevent tennis elbow, according to Healthline .
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