Currently, Z121 factory is listing prices that have not changed much compared to previous years. Specifically, the price of D16x25 flashing pellet spraying rack (new label 2024) is 330,000 VND/rack, D16x25 flower spraying rack (new label 2024) is 360,000 VND/rack, D16x25 pellet spraying rack (manufactured in 2024) is 350,000 VND/rack.
However, according to the Ministry of National Defense's research on the fireworks trading market on social media platforms, the situation of price chaos and selling at prices other than the listed price is widespread. Accordingly, the selling price on the internet is pushed up by a difference of about 55,000-70,000 VND/set compared to the listed price.
In addition, there are many fake fireworks products of various types from Factory Z121 being sold on social networking and e-commerce platforms.
Therefore, people need to be careful when buying fireworks products floating on the market, especially through social networking sites. Avoid buying fake products, which can be dangerous for yourself and your family during the Tet holiday.
How to check genuine Ministry of Defense fireworks
To ensure purchasing genuine fireworks from the Ministry of National Defense, first, people need to buy at licensed stores and authorized dealers nationwide and have full purchase invoices.
After that, to check whether the fireworks are genuine from the Ministry of National Defense or not, people can scan the QR code on the product before buying, because all fireworks products manufactured by the Z121 factory have a variable QR code attached to the packaging.
When scanning the transformed QR code, the result will give information about the production time and production batch. People should compare with the information printed on the product packaging to compare, if the information matches, the product is genuine.
With counterfeit products, when scanning the QR code on the product, the manufacturing information as above will not be displayed.
Genuine Ministry of Defense fireworks
Below are some types of fireworks produced by the Ministry of Defense by Factory Z121:
Fireworks - D16x25 Strobe Pellet Dispenser: is a type of firework that does not cause explosions. When ignited, a cluster of colorful flashing pellets is sprayed into the air.
Fireworks - D16x25 fireworks display: is a fireworks product that does not cause explosions. When ignited, a cluster of colorful burning pellets is sprayed into the air. When the fireworks display is active, there is an additional crackling sound effect along the flight path. The firing order is from tube number 1 to the end.
Fireworks - D16x25 pellet sprayer: is a fireworks product that does not cause explosions. When ignited, a cluster of colorful burning pellets is sprayed into the air.
Distinguish between fireworks and firecrackers
On the occasion of Lunar New Year 2025, people are allowed to set off fireworks at home. However, only Ministry of National Defense fireworks (Z121 fireworks) are allowed.
According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 3 of Decree 137/2020/ND-CP, there are currently two types of fireworks: firecrackers (or exploding fireworks) and fireworks.
In which, firecrackers are products manufactured, produced by hand or industrially, when impacted by mechanical, thermal, chemical or electrical stimulation pulses, causing explosions or causing whistling sounds, explosions and color effects in space;
Fireworks that cause hissing, banging and colorful effects in space are called explosive fireworks;
Low-altitude fireworks are fireworks with a diameter not greater than 90mm or a firing range not exceeding 120m. High-altitude fireworks are fireworks with a diameter over 90mm or a firing range over 120m;
Fireworks are products that are manufactured, handcrafted or industrially produced, when impacted by mechanical, thermal, chemical or electrical stimulation, creating sound, light and color effects in space, without causing an explosion.
Are people allowed to set off fireworks on Tet 2025?
According to Article 11 of Decree 137/2020/ND-CP, fireworks can only be set off by the State on occasions such as Lunar New Year, Hung Kings' Commemoration Day, National Day September 2, Dien Bien Phu Victory Day, April 30, national and international cultural, tourism and sports events, or other cases decided by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
In addition, Article 17 of Decree 137/2020/ND-CP stipulates the following cases in which people are allowed to use fireworks:
Agencies, organizations and individuals with full civil act capacity are allowed to use fireworks in the following cases: Festivals, New Year, birthdays, weddings, conferences, openings, anniversaries and in cultural and artistic activities.
Agencies, organizations and individuals when using fireworks may only purchase fireworks from organizations and businesses licensed to produce and trade fireworks.
Thus, on the occasion of Lunar New Year 2025, only agencies, organizations, and people aged 18 and over who do not suffer from mental illness are allowed to set off fireworks. Fireworks and fireworks must be purchased from organizations and businesses licensed to produce and trade fireworks.
Currently, only Chemical Company 21 (Factory Z121) under the Ministry of National Defense is the only unit assigned to produce and supply fireworks. Therefore, people are only allowed to buy fireworks at stores supplied by Factory Z121.
What is the penalty for illegal fireworks?
At point i, clause 3, clause 7, Article 11 of Decree 144/2021/ND-CP, a fine of 5-10 million VND is imposed for using illegal fireworks and firecrackers. The additional penalty is the confiscation of exhibits and means of administrative violation for the above acts.
At the same time, pursuant to Clause 2, Article 4 of Decree 144/2021/ND-CP, the fine level specified in Article 11 of Decree 144/2021/ND-CP is the fine level applied to administrative violations of individuals. For organizations committing the same violation, the fine level is twice the fine level for individuals, specifically the fine level is 10-20 million VND.
In cases where illegal use of fireworks is too large, criminal liability may also be prosecuted for the crime of illegal use and trading of explosives with the highest penalty of up to life imprisonment. Stipulated in Article 305 of the 2015 Penal Code, amended in 2017.
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